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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. ct1974....since you are interested in the subject....you may like to look at this link:. ps: thank you for asking your question... https://www.realself.com/question/nyack-ny-the-risks-smp-micropigmentation-ink-the-body-and-its-side-effects-fue
  2. I think President Trump did have a "flap surgery".
  3. hairthere...can you elaborate on the "fading" of SMP? Remember I am thinking the "fading could be a plus" in the event someone after crown SMP thickening were to start losing quite a bit more hair in the crown. When SMP "fades" if it is not touched up....will it eventually completely disappear so the original thin spot would blend in with the expanded crown bald spot?
  4. Dr. Hasson is not American...but I guess he is North American. Personally I would place Dr. Hasson as one the very top elite hair transplant surgeons in North America. I can personally vouch for his outstanding facility and large group of experienced full time technicians.
  5. thanks hairthere for the insight and cautious approach into SMP used as a "thickening"method
  6. This thread brings up an interesting dynamic I had never considered. Is temporary SMP possibly actually a plus for non-shave down patients that are looking for SMP as a way to get thinning areas to look more full? Permanent SMP offers the no fade, no re-do factor which at first glance seems like a plus....and probably is a plus for guys that go with the shave down look. But for non-shaved guys using SMP to give a more dense look in thinning areas could permanent SMP not be the best choice?....Because what if a guy that starts out with permanent SMP to disguise a small balding crown....then 10-15 years down the line his bald crown grows significantly...to the point where he is out of grafts and wants to just go with a bald crown and keep his other areas full...like the frontal area full.....couldn't a large balding crown with permanent SMP in a small circle look ridiculous? and if you added more permanent SMP to the new larger bald crown area that might look ridiculous too with longer hair on sides and front? Thoughts?
  7. Creating a 3D hair effect with SMP "Scalp micropigmentation, by its very nature, is a two dimensional illusion. The placement of pigment deposits within the skin produces an incredibly realistic image of a full head of shaven hair. However at HIS Hair Clinic, we are able to take this procedure one step further. The following photograph shows a recent treatment completed by a HIS practitioner. By layering different pigment shades during the course of the recommended number of treatment sessions, we are able to achieve a subtle three dimensional illusion to further enhance the realism of your new 'hair'. Click the photo for a larger version. 3D SMP This 3D technique requires a high level of skill to deliver the very best result. All our practitioners are now comprehensively trained to achieve this effect, and HIS Hair Clinic is the only provider in the world with proven 3D-simulation results."
  8. Sorry Markee didn't mean to come off like that. We are about the same age, and was just trying to nail down the reason when you stated "accelerating in the past maybe 2 years". Like someone else said...I agree you look like an excellent candidate for a hair transplant.
  9. hairthere....mostly impressive results...some outstanding how often do you perform SMP on out of town patients? is SMP not practical on cross-country patients because they would need to fly in every what? every year?
  10. Mark....I have considered SMP as a way to "top off" my transplants. In other words SMP might be able to provide a tad fuller look once a patient allows his transplant to fully grow in and he can see where he might need a little "extra help" that could be improved by SMP. Like jjsrader asked...do you have any pics of guys that wear their hair longer that use your SMP to provide a fuller look? How do you feel about using SMP for this non-buzzed look purpose? Also can you comment about my one fear about SMP....which is what are the long term effects of the ink "leeching" into the bloodstream? As I am sure you are aware there have been lots of studies especially in Europe that seem to question whether tattoo ink can be linked to cancer or other maladies? There is a poster in this forum that believes his blood cancer is linked to his SMP. I realize SMP primarily uses a different version of ink than the tattoo industry...but still the concern is there about ink in the bloodstream, Thanks for any feedback on these issues.
  11. Oh come on man.....in almost all medical surgeries there are differing professional medical opinions and approaches on how best to operate on the patient. From kidney stones, prostrate, esophagus, knee, open incision vs laparoscopic, gastric sleeve vs gastric bi-pass....almost any surgery doctors don't all approach it the exact same way.
  12. I'm confused....isn't most SMP work done on bald guys that want the buzzed look and that do not get hair transplants? So are you saying you think SMP is not a good treatment over-all for anyone unless it is done on people that have hair? Also you state "once the ink is there it's there". I was under the impression that SMP is not really permanent and fades with time....needing re-treatment and touchups.
  13. I agree....even if you went in today for surgery the wedding date would be too close for me. If I were you I would go see Dr. Arocha and discuss the issue. Plus Dr. Arocha now offers SMP. At your youthful age and the look you already have, I think SMP would really compliment you and this could easily be done a few months out from your wedding. Plus donor availability is no issue with SMP and it's much less expensive.Then if you want...get the transplant later after the wedding when the healing and re-growth period has no important deadline. http://arochahairrestoration.com/treatments/scalp-micropigmentation-tricopigmentation-hair-tattoo/
  14. I know this subject has been discussed in the past. Are there any hair transplant patients that after having their hair transplant at some point began Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)? From what I understand Testosterone Replacement Therapy could accelerate the loss of native hair, but would not affect transplanted hairs that are resistant to DHT. Are there any patients on this forum that can relate any experience with a hair transplant and Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
  15. Congrats Lorenzo....you are working for one of the best in the world. My thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with you in your on-going journey with cancer. All the best.
  16. Personally I would not choose a doctor that places all the grafts in a large transplant. (2800-5000 grafts) I would prefer an experienced, highly skilled team of technicians to share that 8-12 hour tedious work with the doctor overseeing everything. I believe a highly skilled team of experienced technicians would deliver better results vs one person doing all that tedious work for many, many hours..... but that's just my preference....2EachHisOwn.
  17. I know this has been discussed before and some of the SMP clinics have helped me better understand their inks have been tested and are different....but I'd be lying if this still does not at least concern me: September 13, 2017 - Article https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/4456582/how-getting-a-tattoo-could-cause-cancer-as-ink-travels-through-the-blood-and-stops-your-body-fighting-infections/
  18. another major "common Post Finasteride syndrome" is you very may go bald and you will go bald quicker. I have experinced sexual dysfunction when taking finasteride that went away after staying on Finasteride. Of course as stated before, each patient responds different, however stopping finasteride can and does have it's own consequences which is faster balding.
  19. what has your surgeon said about this? what does your surgeon advise you do next? did the surgeon take grafts from the wrong zone?
  20. I would doubt the hair that is falling out is transplanted hair if the surgeon took the grafts from the correct area.The hair falling out is most likely native hair that was populated around the hair that was transplanted. In a thinning area a lot of the native hair will continue to fall out even after it is surrounded by transplanted grafts that won't fall out. It is good you are on Propecia and tolerate it well.
  21. I agree SMP should be last. Placing hair should be the first priority. Get the hair transplant, let it grow in and then see where you need a little thickening via SMP. You won't really fully know where you will most need the SMP thickening until after the hair transplant grows in. I am considering some minor SMP because now a year and 4 months post-op I know exactly where the SMP would help the most.
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