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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. no doubt exercise and diet are important, but i have several friends that are dedicated joggers and cross-fit type guys and they eat very healthy foods and they are still bald or going bald fast.
  2. Thanks Bill. Yes I should have clarified that. I actually thought the same thing when i saw the name, but when I saw the doctor's picture I knew it was a different doctor. I actually really like the texture, cleansing, and washout of this product. After only using it for a month I can't comment if it slows hair-loss, but will report back with updates.
  3. As an experiment I am trying the Shapiro MD shampoo. I am very leery of any and all "hair growth" products, but after a month I like the product and will report back if I see any results....I'm not holding my breath....but hey at the very least it seems like a decent quality shampoo and conditioner. We'll see.... https://www.shapiromd.com/ Search YouTube "Shapiro MD shampoo" to see various good/bad reviews.
  4. Vox is correct. I've always thought for some of us that hair actually becomes more important as we get older. When you're young you have a lot of things going for you looks wise, so having hair in your fifties and sixties when most others that same age are bald or well "on the way to bald" can really help maintain a more youthful look. I agree 100% that many of us cherish our hair as we age...of course the vast majority of guys throw in the towel to balding at any age. We are a different breed, and if you care about your hair when you are 30/40....you most likely will in your 50/60's too. Vox all the best and prayers on your health journey.
  5. Does anyone know if Merck has ever "lost" a Propecia court case after hundreds have been filed?..... and if so can you provide a link to that case?
  6. jimmy thanks for the feedback....pay no attention to the haters...whatever works for you and makes you happy...who cares if the haters believe you should only do what they believe is ok....i think at 40....yes being 40 and doing this is ok vs being 22 and doing this....you were/are safe in filling in the front/temple hairline a bit like you did. I too am a patient of Hasson/Wong and was very impressed with their entire operation. May go back in about a year for some FUE touch-up.
  7. sloppos....i've always thought Dr. Lindsey's video about FUE was pretty informative and easy to understand. Dr. Lindsey performs FUE and FUT.
  8. Uh? I am not comparing them. I am using aspirin as an example of all drugs having side effects. If we banned all drugs that cause side effects or even death we'd have no drugs. Other cosmetic procedures and drugs have potential side effects. Fillers can have horrible consequences for a small segment of patients. And the patients that have the horrible results and/or side effects will scream and sue the loudest....but i certainly do not support banning fillers for cosmetic use in the facial area.
  9. of course all patients should be made aware of risks involved in taking any and all drugs, but for a little perspective: 40,000 deaths in USA caused by aspirin and painkillers every year "Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone." (Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy”, The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S) "It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States. This figure is similar to the number of deaths from the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and considerably greater than the number of deaths from multiple myeloma, asthma, cervical cancer, or Hodgkin’s disease. If deaths from gastrointestinal toxic effects from NSAIDs were tabulated separately in the National Vital Statistics reports, these effects would constitute the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Yet these toxic effects remain mainly a “silent epidemic,” with many physicians and most patients unaware of the magnitude of the problem. Furthermore the mortality statistics do not include deaths ascribed to the use of over-the-counter NSAIDS." (Wolfe M. MD, Lichtenstein D. MD, and Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs”, The New England Journal of Medicine,a June 17, 1999, Vol. 340, No. 24, pp. 1888-1889.) If you are good at math, you can see that 40,000 Americans are killed each year by these drugs.
  10. Yes exactly. I can't remember if it was Mark2010 or someone else that earlier stated taking Propecia causes depression....but on the other hand NOT taking Propecia can also cause depression when a guy goes bald quicker and more completely bald because he wasn't taking Propecia. The depression can work both ways!
  11. Every type drug and every type of surgery has a percentage of poor outcomes. Of course the people that have the poor outcomes are usually the loudest critics. It's human nature to think that "if I had a bad result, then it must be bad for everyone". It is sad that certain patients have poor outcomes, but heck we wouldn't have prescription drugs or surgeries if we outlawed everything that sometimes results in a bad outcome. We have all heard the drug commercials on TV that state towards the end of the commercial the long list of the possible horrible side-effects of that particular drug. I have stopped/started and taken finasteride for many years and never experienced any serious long lasting side effects. About the only thing I agree with Mark2010 on is that all patients that consider taking finasteride be fully informed that finasteride like all drugs can help a lot of patients, but also can produce side effects in certain patients and in a relatively small group of people taking finasteride there can possible serious long term side effects.
  12. Personally I think you'd be very pleased with 5000 grafts FUT or FUE....but the question is "for how long"? The importance of not depleting donor supply in your thirties and early forties can not be underestimated. You'll only be 46 in ten years and over the next ten years you will probably experience some additional hair loss. At that point you will probably want more density. With that said I can't see you happy with 3000 or less grafts, and I suspect you'll be back in the surgery chair in two years if you do 3000 or less grafts.
  13. wow Doug....that looks great for so relatively few grafts. that's pretty much what I need in the same exact area. i am getting married in early Nov and am hesitant to do it now worried it would not be fully back to normal by Nov. About how long was the patient "face down" in the chair to remove 846 grafts and how long in the chair total? Have you ever heard if there is any practical alternative to face down removal of grafts with FUE?
  14. i guess it is how one defines the "healing and return to normal" process. I would say for me the FUT ugly duckling phase was the first 3-4 months. Then it was mostly..(but not all) waiting for it to grow in. I felt like a total return to normal and full grow in was 10-14 months. It sounds like with the exception of the healing of the incision site the healing/regrowth is about the same either way with FUT or FUE. Thanks.
  15. I have a basic question that I am sure has been discussed in the past. I had 2 more recent FUT surgeries that basically took about a year to return to normal from. So for the sake of discussion FUT takes anywhere from 9-14 months to go thru "ugly duckling" stage, fully heal, and return to a "normal looking" stage. My question is....how long does a typical FUE surgery take to return to the normal stage?...say 2500 FUE grafts? I know it can partly depend on if the patient is shaved down for the surgery and I tend to believe the best results come when a patient is shaved down for surgery...so maybe keep answers geared towards FUE patients that have some degree of shave down. BTW...my question is not intended for a debate on FUT vs FUE because both have their own upsides....my question is because I am now at the stage where I need more of a touch-up and have been told after 3 FUT surgeries that I need to have FUE in the future. I am very well versed on FUT post-op and healing time....but not on FUE. Thanks for any feedback.
  16. Thanks Matt. 8 hour day isn't bad considering I've done close to twelve. This patient must be very pleased with Dr. Rahl's artistry.
  17. Matt.....looks like a great result. Was this FUE procedure done in one day? If yes about how long was the patient in the surgery chair?
  18. I have admired Dr. Wesley....seems like a doctor that is interested in cutting edge stuff....and appears to be on the younger side....he would be on the list of doctors I would consider in the future. This alone about Dr. Wesley is pretty impressive: Carlos K. Wesley, MD - EDUCATION PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Graduated cum laude, AB Molecular Biology, 1997. Thesis topic: “Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Stem Cell-Specific Clones” YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: Graduated 2005. Thesis topic: “Effects of Endothelial Progenitor Cells on Dorsal Flap Survival” YALE-NEW HAVEN HOSPITAL: Internship 2005. Department of Surgery. YALE-NEW HAVEN HOSPITAL: Residency Training 2006-07. Department of Surgery (Emergency Medicine). INTNL SOC. OF HAIR RESTORATION SURGERY: Fellowship Training 2007-08. Private Practice: Unger, MD, P.C. (Princeton #1 University in US according to US News Ranking) https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/princeton-university-2627
  19. This link may indirectly shed some light on these issues: https://www.enrichclinic.com.au/why-isnt-regular-tattoo-ink-used-in-cosmeticpermanent-tattoos/
  20. what would you say is the primary difference in a pigment and an ink?
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