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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Congrats on choosing a great surgeon. You look much more natural now!! Did you have two scars or just one before your surgery? Did they consolidate scars or just used the same one for your surgery with Dr. Hasson? Congrats again.
  2. get a cervical collar and sleep sitting up in a comfortable chair
  3. Good luck Peperoni you have been through the wringer just like Wylie was. Really hope it turns out well for you, I think it will!
  4. Tony Soprano has one... (James Gandolfini)
  5. What does the front look like? Unfortunately those scars can't be combined at this point, I have two stacked scars so I know how it is... crappy. FUE into your scars would be the way to go if you have the donor left, I probably wouldn't attempt another strip surgery.
  6. Pics or it didn't happen! Details friend...
  7. Wow lucky guy to start with a head of hair like that! Looks incredibly clean for 1 day post op.
  8. Congrats Mike. Get a cervical collar and you can sleep sitting up in a chair so you don't have to lay on your stiches!
  9. Hey if it is something that bothers you and you can afford it go for it. I have to say though that looking at your pictures I would have never given your ears a second thought as to being even remotely large are angled weirdly, not in a million years. We are often so overly critical of ourselves, but if it bothers you it bothers you. Good luck.
  10. Any updates? A couple of enthusiastic posts and then nothing again. Been two years now, results should be in.
  11. Your best bet is to do scalp laxity exercises and try to loosen things up so your surgeon can get more grafts.
  12. Nice write up congrats on your procedure. How great that they got 800 grafts more and charged you the same, that is very cool!! Good luck with your healing and growth.
  13. Nervous? Lol the valium will make it a breeze...
  14. I suggested a repair category on my very first post on this forum to no avail. What difference does it make if "repair" can be considered a subjective term. Seems like a no brainer to me. Make it happen Bill!!
  15. No way you can cut them into 7 pieces, just quarter them and do M, T, TH, FR.
  16. If you were slick bald before the surgery I'd say your surgery was a huge success. It doesn't matter if Hasson or Rahal operated on you, they are not magicians, and 2000 grafts will only go so far. Without any pre-op pictures any opinions are quite frankly just conjecture. All Docs take before pics, you should be able to obtain them.
  17. Probably can't go wrong with either one and you should be confident that both will do you right.
  18. You're not being paranoid disregard the above comment. Things looks just about right to me, you can probably start to be a bit more aggressive in your hair washing over the coming days as those small scabs will all be gone very soon. Good luck growing.
  19. Having surgery is not like getting your teeth whitened. I can imagine your fiance being pissed that you didn't tell her about flying to Turkey to get this done. Better to get the cards on the table, if you feel the need to hide this from her you guys are in trouble no offense.
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