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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I was expecting to see world war III following the earlier comment near the top when I opened your photos. You have a chance. There are three surgeons in the world who do crazy mega sessions. Get in touch with Hasson & Wong, and Rahal. Some dude on a forum years ago (not sure if it was this one, doubt it), he was a Norwood 6. Was told on the forum that he "wasn't a candidate". Two ops later, he looked like a champion. You'll need a 4-5k first op if the surgeon can extract them. You have to be realistic of course. Use propecia. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's over before it's over. Good luck!
  2. Excellent change from where he was. Will he be back for a second pass for the crown?
  3. Welcome to the party pal. Most ppl will tell you this, if you haven't been using medications, you should do. Finesteride & minoxidil are FDA approved in slowing down hairloss & may re-grow some back. You don't look bad with the loss. So try these meds first. Also, there are surgeons who can operate without shaving your hair for example, so that'll help disguise. You can search for these docs here. There is FUE and FUT. The former does not require cutting a strip from behind. Do plenty of research. This is a great place to start.
  4. Good advice. Minoxidil and saw palmetto extract. I have a friend who uses both and not propecia and he's had great growth
  5. Rahal does FUE and he's great. Bisanga and Feriduni in Belgium. Hasson and Wong only do FUT. The scar is not high even though it looks it but they're taking hair from the safe zone.
  6. If you pick a quality surgeon, there won't be any thought of sueing them as it's very likely that you will get a great result but nothing is guaranteed obviously. Bisanga is a quality surgeon. There are some excellent surgeons in Europe. In the states & Canada, there are many elite surgeons. I have a female relative who is going to go to Dr Hasson in Vancouver. You'll struggle to try and find a better doctor than him. As for reputation & the volume of patients that you refer to, you won't get many doctors that can match Hasson. Rahal is excellent and does FUE. He's in Canada too. They all have websites. Look at videos on YouTube for Hasson, Bisanga etc. Good luck!
  7. I've been on propecia for almost 3 years now. I don't think hair has grown but I haven't lost much since. Before they used to drop on my desk or land in my hand in the shower. It must be doing something & holding onto some of the crown hair. No progress in the hairline though, in fact that's just getting thinner so a transplant is a must this year!
  8. Hello. It appears that your hair is thinning all over, meds like propecia & minoxidil can help. I would definitely stop dying the hair. The constant hair dye doesn't help your cause. Depending on where you live, why not see a hair surgeon and let them examine you.
  9. Thanks for the accurate information doctor. You're regularly on here giving good sounding advise and we appreciate your time! I don't mean to steal the thread, but just a quick question for you doctor about 'hair styles', girl in my family wants a hair transplant to the front & mid section. Fearing her cosmetic looks and with the shockloss, she wants to wear a wig after surgery. Is this okay? If so, when is it safe to wear it? This will ONLY be when she's outside of the house.
  10. I agree with the above. Some ppl are insecure with or without hair and also vice versa of course and trying to sell you something because of your vulnerability is almost criminal. I've recent heard things like that, you're balding, I can help you, I know what I'm talking about and I can give you that respect again etc etc. Don't get me wrong, getting hair back would certainly help one's confidence but it's not the make all or break all of life. Sorry to hear your experience, if you could meet with a reputable surgeon for advise, that should be a step forward.
  11. Good shout, that's what I planned to do. Grow it for 6-8 weeks, then thought maybe give it a trim after the op, to try and match it a bit with the top and blend it in. Though maybe that's not the best of ideas if that will reveal the donor area & the shockloss! That's the spirit! Stay strong & just keep going in life. You made a lot of researched & it's paid off by selecting an elite doctor and soon you'll have a great barnet!! Seeing early growth in the hairline must be exciting!
  12. Thanks for the feedback and the useful info. Sorry to hear about some of the things that have gone on with you recently, but glad you're very optimistic and strong! It's not all bad and you'll be back training and getting on with your social life. Yeah I have straight hair and was curious how I will cover the shockloss on the sides, but will take 6 weeks off work, so it may help a bit and I will use nanogen before I go back to work. Can't wear a hat and I sit underneath harsh office lights! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your growth over the next couple of months! You chose one hell of a surgeon mate, he'll do you proud
  13. I agree with the above. You hear ppl saying wearing hats or dying your hair makes the hairs fall out. A lot is myth but definitely, pulling at the hair would weaken it from the roots. If your hair is sensitive to the DHT in your body, you will lose hair, it's nothing to do with the hair styles or angles you do.
  14. It's looking good pal. All the best with the final results.
  15. I think he may have misinterpreted your question maybe. Propecia is important and so is mino. I used mino for about 6 months- I wasn't patient and gave up on it. The hairline is too far gone for mino anyway but will hit again but will buy the mino foam or the 10-15% one from MOPC for example. That's less sticky than the lotion. Anyway, I will be going for surgery in Sept with Dr. Hasson or Dr. Rahal. I've done so much research, I've made my mind up and will definitely provide pics then!
  16. No problem at all. We're at a similiar age. I know what you mean about meds. I hate the idea of using them too, who doesn't but propecia is important for maintaining some of what you have. It's easier to maintain than it is to regrow. No one can predict hair loss for the future but surgeons can see which hairs are miniaturising or not. I was shown on a screen which hairs were thinning & on the ropes. I'm not undermining Dr Lindsay, he's excellent.
  17. Never heard of them- that's not to say they're bad. Some decent surgeons aren't recommended on this site but still have a good reputation. Do plenty of research online. Once you've done your research, do some more.
  18. You need to see past patients' hairloss stories & personal pics- that's very important for me. That's how I decided on who to pick as my surgeon. I would say 1500-2000 grafts. How old are you and are you using propecia or/and mino? There is a way- the surgeon would be able to see whether you have hairs that are miniaturising & dying slowly. They have a micro scope that shows you the follicles on a monitor screen.
  19. Btw, I forgot to ask, how is the shock loss in general? And especially in the donor scar area? You been using concealers like nanogen in the donor?
  20. Wow, all the best pal. Didn't realise you can get growth that early!
  21. Congrats on the op. Do you know why Rahal didn't work on the vertex mid area and also not on the back of the crown? I did read your comments but thought he wouldve still given them some hairs, even if it was just a little. Just my opinion, obviously he knows best
  22. Good luck boys. Both surgeons are at the top of their game.
  23. I agree, I would do the temples if I were you. Try to have as many grafts as your money can buy- obviously if the doc recommends it's okay. You don't want to keep going back if you don't want anyone knowing about you getting a HT.
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