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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Don't have an op in the Uk mate unless it's farjo. He's got a 6 months waiting list. Anyone else & you'll regret it & say no one warned me. That's right, if you want somewhere close, go to Brussels. That's only a train ride away. Bisanga or feriduni
  2. Most ppl would have at least some of those fears, so it's normal. If you go to a capable surgeon with a proven track record, then there will be every chance of the op being very successful. But as it is with every surgery, there's always risks & no guarantees. We're all in the same boat. It comes down to how much you want it. Does it really bother you? Everytime I look in the mirror I think about it & it'll never go away & for that reason, I'm going ahead with it very soon
  3. Welcome to the network. You can google them and buy them in your country so it should be cheaper, or from the USA. I buy propecia from Boots Chemist. But you need a prescription. I used mino for a bit but I'm past that. A friend has seen really good results but he uses 15% and 10%. I've been on propecia for 3 years. I take it every 2-3 days as a precaution of side effects in the long term but I didn't experience problem with libido when I used it daily. Gd luck with the op. I have one coming up later in the year
  4. Come on. 3 months & you expect growth. That's rare. You need to wait 4,5,6 months to see things beginning to happen. Don't panic, too early!! Like the boys have said, stay strong my brother
  5. Very impressed, you look completely different. All the best to you. I have surgery later in the year & I'm getting excited already
  6. I heard Armani has a clinic there. I'm kidding, don't go to him! Why not consider Thailand or Europe for a HT since there are very capable surgeons in these regions and since there isn't anyone credible in Dubai? Just my opinion
  7. I think you answered yourself. No one can really predict the future or the pattern of baldness you'll end up with eventually. Having an op at an early age leaves you with things to consider and fear later on in life. If you have an op before 25, what will happen when you're 35 or even 45. Medication and patience
  8. I agree, you hit the nail on the head. Looks like you need 4k. Definitely consider meds. Keep researching. Educating oneself is so important and you found a great website. Everyone is helpful here. We're one big happy dht family. Good luck
  9. Howdy. You're in good hands. All the best pal. Keep us posted and put pics up & tell us about your whole experience!
  10. Yeah I thought it's already out David? Also, doesn't it have propylene glycol in it while the rogain one doesn't?
  11. I have been following your case closely. You ARE improving. There's growth. You went to one if not the best surgeon in the world. You've got all our support and more importantly Dr Hasson's support
  12. There aren't any surgeons in the UK worth considering apart from Farjo and I don't think he does FUE. I'm from the UK & may head out to Canada in Sept for FUT. What's your hairloss like? Any pics? That's right, also consider Feriduni. His clinic sent me an online consultation recently and they seemed very capable. What ever you do, don't have surgery in the UK if it's not Farjo. Honestly mate, it'll be suicide. I went belgravia & listened to the rubbish they tried to feed me. I used to use mino but now only use propecia now.The laser would have done very little for you. I think it's a joke
  13. I'd say you're pre op state shows a N5a and I've got almost the same pattern as you. I use wax instead of gel so it doesn't look even thinner. Gel just makes the scalp even more see through, just a thought. I can see some growth, hang in there, it'll come. I'm due surgery later in the year
  14. Congrats indeed! You chose wisely. All the best. Hope to see your results soon!
  15. I agree with a lot of what's been said above. Somewhere in the middle would be ideal. Have great youthful looks while you're still young but also have plenty in the tank for the future. Putting too many grafts in for the first inch might be seen as unwise, and worrying too much about the future might be seen as a bit premature. A balance is needed. For me, I can't stand that 'mature' triangle look but it all depends on your condition & what you have to spend I guess
  16. If location is not an issue, then Rahal (I know you're the biggest fan), H&W or Feriduni from Belgium as Blake mentioned. I strongly considered Feriduni since I'm from Europe & having looked at his work recently and emailed him a few weeks ago and received a detailed review
  17. Do you have pics of pre op, a year after op pic and a pic from the present time? Have you been using finestride everyday? 1mg? Is it generic or is it the propecia brand?
  18. With all due respect, Rahal. Great hairlines, mega sessions
  19. Hello pal, Welcome to the site. You've made a good choice with the surgeon. I can't see the connection between laser & hair transplantation. You won't have a problem at all. I had eye laser 3-4 years ago & I'm due hair surgery this year
  20. I agree with the boys. Way too young, your hairloss is very advanced if I'm honest & FUE will not help because it just won't be enough to combat the damage. The loss looks like it will progress. Who wants a scar? But FUE has it's limitations. I feel your pain. I started losing hair at around the age of 17-18. But having surgery now is a little early. You must do your research and when you think you've finished researching, do some more. This is a great website to start. Look at the patients' results on here & look on videos on YouTube to get an idea of what the hair looks like.
  21. What a result! Congrats! Can't believe that's at only 5 months! Most ppl don't get that after a year. How come the target was 5k but you ended up with 3600? Was the 5k estimated before you met with the doc? Out of interest, how many grafts were used in the previous surgery? Just wondering if that's the reason as to why 5k wasn't reached? All the best and keep us posted
  22. Hello mate. I agree with bonker, it looks like it's your original hair. Very unlikely any of what you have now is the new transplanted hairs. Way too early for growth. The scar on the sides looks very good considering how short your hair is. Glad to see you've made a nice progress. All the best pal. I've got a transplant in 6 months time
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