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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Just put his name in the search engine on here & you'll find out.
  2. I agree about Drew's case that it wasn't a success. But he was a Norwood 7 and his hair is thinner than Aman's. And dare I say Aman has more hair coming through now than Drew had after more than a year. We're NOT "lying" to him. This is in most cases an honest forum but also a support community.
  3. The hairline you have with nanogen is slightly too low, most males have that 'mature' hairline anyway. But if I were you, I wouldn't touch the crown. Too young & too early judging by your pics. Definitely consider propecia pre & post op. It will also help hold on to the crown hair. It's so much easier keeping what you have rather than losing it & then attempting to regain it
  4. Mate, like most normal people have already told you, there is DEFINITE growth! I'm thrilled for you. So many of us have already told you it's coming along nicely. We're NOT lying to you. Why would we. This is not cheerleading. I have no benefit to blow smoke up your bum or tell you Hasson is the best thing since sliced bread. Stop panicking. Your new pics show your hair messed up whilst the original hair pre op is combed straight. Surely you know that makes a difference! I'm glad I got to know your experience after 6 months having seen your threads on here- so I know what to expect now and I will avoid having a panic attack and risk jumping off!
  5. theyre all good from my research on all of them. i would probably choose feriduni. so in order for me were: feriduni, devroye, farjo, melike. theyre all recommended on this website, which is comforting.
  6. I heard he retired, which is for the best for more potential victims and for his own safety. Unfortunately, this doesn't help you in anyway. I really don't know how he can sleep at night and how he's not being punished by the law. I would suggest you get in touch with a few of the recommended surgeons on here and listen to what they advise you with. Definitely visit at least one of them in person.
  7. 6k has been done before. Many times. London Lad was one of Hasson's patients. 7781 grafts in one pass. That wasn't even the record! I understand he was an exception to the rule with his laxity, density & bank balance. Aman will get a good result. He needs to be patient and chill. It'll come. He went to arguably the best.
  8. you'll be fine my friend. dont stress out too much. the hell with people. they can think what they want! youre not a freak. i was working myself up about what ppl will think as well as i have an op planned. but honestly who gives a damn about what others think. in a couple of weeks consider putting toppik/nanogen on the donor area to cover any gaps or shock loss even if it is FUE. looking forward to seeing your results. chin up and dont worry!
  9. Hello. Welcome to a very decent website! You've definitely done your research. Good doctor. I agree with you about costs but he'll do the business. I do like what nanogen is doing! All the best with it, how many grafts did Madhu recommend?
  10. Hello. I agree with the above. Look at the recommended surgeons on here. Look on you tube. H&W, Rahal & Shapiro are very impressive. In Europe you have Feriduni & Farjo among others who are decent. If you want the best, head to the US or Canada. I've already made my choice. Good luck
  11. Congratulations on your transplant. Looking forward to seeing your pics & results. Are you on meds as well? I've got an op coming up this year. Exciting times
  12. Very nice, must be something in the water at the clinic. Very happy for you, and this is what we all want to see & hear- good results popping up!
  13. I agree with you boys & I share the same anxiety with a transplant coming up & already booked. Seeing poor yielding or a complete failure scenario recently has sent shivers down my spine. I almost don't care about the financial side of it- just hope the results becomes successful! What's disturbing is when you hear someone on here complaining about their poor result & it seems genuine, yet they get attacked by certain individuals. The blame is at times thrown at the victims. Not to say that the doctors are at fault either. But how does attacking or being sharp tongued to the victim helps them or help anyone sharing the same concerns.
  14. Most definitely. Reminds me of my pattern starting like that. Hit the meds as others have mention & start saving up for the future
  15. The existing hairs are falling or the transplanted ones are? I know it's tough to tell. But please show pics & provide info otherwise no one can give you any advise. Plus, it can also be 'seasonal' shedding
  16. Wow, this is only 6 months in?? 1700 triple grafts?! What a result he'll have! All the best to him.
  17. A doctor once told me Head & Shoulders is not good for the hair & can cause hairloss. I don't know if that was true or not but I've never touched it just in case. I can't see how it's true though
  18. Very nice considering the relatively small amount of grafts used for the area. Scar very well hidden
  19. Doesn't he operate in Harley Street? I have seen a video of him with Ace before, very staged & no substance. I'd be very careful in agreeing anything but do meet him to hear what he has to say. The only decent surgeon in the UK from my research is Bessam Farjo.
  20. You're not that bad. I was worse at your age. Wait 2-3 years. I know it's tough. Hair loss is very unpredictable & in a few years time, you'll have a better idea of the pattern you're heading towards
  21. A HT is a highly skilled cosmetic procedure that can go wrong if not done by a talented surgeon. In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend going to Iran if you haven't seen this doctor's results on patients. There are a few surgeons in the Middle East region that you can consider. Do your research. Don't rush. Take meds
  22. I agree, looks like dht from the pics but losing hair as a child is a very strange case. Have you been to a hair specialist to give you their opinion? You may want to consider propecia & minoxidil to hold onto what you have now pal.
  23. I know that he should be avoided at all costs!!:eek: Put his name in the search engine here & you'll see the negative comments!! He was a respected doctor with strip surgery, apparently. Now he only does FUE and his victims have poor results. You've been warned
  24. It depends on a few things- how much time have you booked off? How bad is your loss, so what's your norwood loss? So just to consider if you can brush hair forward to hide the area. I'm in the same boat & work in an office. I'm booking 6 wks off. You may want to buy nanogen/toppik to cover the scar & shock loss. If you are having a strip surgery that is. Congrats on your surgery, wishing you the best of luck. He's a very capable surgeon
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