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Everything posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Dr Lindsey, you and your family and little girl are in my prayers. I pray that Jesus Christ the son of God wraps his arms around your little girl and yalls family at this time. All things are possible through Christ and I know you know that! I'm sorry for your news, you are certainly in my prayers!
  2. How many grafts did you get? Do you have any before photos? Dr Limmer is top notch and a straight shooter!
  3. Who were your surgeons on your hair transplants? Do you have any photos of your other procedures, before and afters?
  4. I agree with what David said...I dont know if anyone can 100 percent predict future hairloss, but starting with one of the doctors on this site would be a good start for your future planning.. Ive said it before, just because you start losing your hair in your teens doesnt mean you are destined to be a Norwood 6 or 7, however it doesnt mean you are not gonna be one either...at least there are good medications now that can slow the progression way down!
  5. If coffee helps in any way, I will be in good shape!
  6. Great result...excellent result with only 1600 grafts! Your right your scar is hardly noticable, and that a good thing! Excellent work Dr Lindsey!!
  7. Still looks great! How did your hair cut go? Did the person know you had a transplant or did you have someone cut it that you knew?
  8. Man....sweet..if you can post some pics after your hair cut that would be great!
  9. Oral minox s a very potent drug! I would doubt any doctor would prescribe it to you unless you were having blood pressure problems..dutasteride may help you more!
  10. Some great doctors in NY...the one that comes to mind the quickest is Dr Feller...however check the recomended doctors on this site! As everyone on here will tell you, " dont let travel be your deciding factor in selecting a transplant surgeon" Also, try adding rogaine to your daily routine.
  11. Man I hope i get that kind of result! How does your hair look or do you think it will look if it is around one inch on top?
  12. Congrats Kathleen. Dr Haber is an excellent surgeon!
  13. Keep us updated bonker. I'm glad to know the options for concealing the donor scar, as shockloss in the donor area is my biggest concern!
  14. Obviously finasteride and dutasteride.
  15. Hmmm are you talking about medication to prevent further hairless then I guess you would be talking about propecia, rogaine, and nizoral shampoo. However, you may be talking about specific drugs the surgeon prescribes for post op recovery, if that's the case, you'll have to contact your surgeon.
  16. Your hair looks great cant decide! I like all the styles! Like I've said before, your hair makes me eager for my appointment to hurry up and get here!
  17. As the others have stated, I would err to the side of caution. I plan on doing nothing for at least 30 days, with the exception of walking. After that Ill start back my running routine. I plan on staying away from weights for a t least 2 months! But thats just me
  18. Only16- I totally agree with everything aaron said in his post. It is extremely hard losing your hair at such a young age. This site will be very good for you. There is a ton of support from people who have been in your shoes. You are wayyy too young for a hair transplant. See if you are right for medical therapy for your hair, rogaine, propecia, nizoral shampoo, etc. Good luck to you. You will find a lot of support here!
  19. No, it's a maufacuring shortage. You can buy some on eBay, but it's gonna cost you!
  20. Is there anyway, like two months after a hair transplant if you were to have another surgery, For example, having a knee scoped? Would that somehow affect possible hair growth? I would love some doctors inputs here as well.
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