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Everything posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Im with the other guys!! I like it like that! Messed up look
  2. Good luck bonker. You'll be looking good before you know it!
  3. Hmmmm ... Sounds like it makes since! Keep us updated on the shockloss. When did Dr Hasson tell you it should return to normal?
  4. Hey bonker I know you've had your issues with donor shockloss, and I'm sure it will work out, however, I'm just wondering if you did any scalp stretching exercises before your surgery? I don't know if that helps, but it seems like it would.
  5. The big three I've always heard are Monoxidil, finasteride, and nizoral. But with the nizoral it's for the keto, so if revita has that plus other hair healthy products I'm wondering why it's not considered one of the big 3?
  6. Because at the beginning of the year I'll have all my vacation time. Plus give mean little time to save some more money
  7. Why all the talk about nizoral when it sounds like revita is the samething with more hair healthy products in it? Why is it not considered one of the big 3?
  8. That's true. It was also wrong because of time zone differences!! O well, regardless it's getting closer!
  9. Thats what scared me about dutasteride and nlocking type 1 is that it is founf in your brain. I know the FDA approved therefore theoretically its safe, Im just not smart enough for anything to efect my brain! LOL
  10. Dr Rahal is happening in 0.53 yrs / 27.49 wks / 192.43 days / 4618.28 hrs / 277096.64 mins / 16625798.50 secs - iPhones, they are cool.
  11. I think like the others have stated, first step finasteride and rogaine for at least a year.
  12. Well Im not Bill but Ill answer the best i can.. had a doctor tell me the samething, I figured it was still better to pay for Proscar and make it last longer than a month. Anyway, when I wnt to get the prescription filled, insurance DID pay for it...FWIW;)
  13. Hey Matt Maybe when I come in for surgery in January I'll have more salt in my hair!!
  14. I'm in the same boat! I know I've chosen a great surgeon in Dr Rahal, but I'm having to wait till January so I can use all my vacation. The anticipation is the worst. But it's still part of the whole process so you just have to deal with it!
  15. Hangin there spanker...if you are only a 2 or 3 then you are still in good shape for a HT. I would try not o hit the panic button and stop the meds cause then you may see a real bad shed! hang in there, give it time!
  16. Yes, I have heard of vitamin e oil being used. I think that may be common,
  17. I agree with you Cand decide! Although, for some reason I think this doctor is hot among the Hollywood elite?? Go figure!:mad:
  18. Ive had several consults with coalition doctors...some say use rogaine as early as 3 days post op..some say wait 14 days post op..all of the doctors I have spoken with recommend using it though..AND THEY ALL HAVE OUTSTANDING RESULTS! I think its just a matter of preference from your doctor. Ive never heard of the cocunut oil, Ive heard of vitamin e oil but not cocunut..again I think its best to follow your doctors instructions!
  19. Bonker How is the shockloss doing? I know it was kinda bothering you..just wondering if its starting to come around?
  20. I would love to see pictures when you are done completely..how far apart are your sessions?
  21. You know the old saying " when something sounds to good to be true " I think this is one of those instances! If there were a major breakthrough in hair harvesting I think most people on this site would know about it.
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