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Everything posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Can't decide How did you look 3 weeks post op? How were you feeling? Im gonna be off for approx 2 months so I'm hoping the majority of my native hair will be well back by then. I gues theoretically, 1/2 inch growth per month, it should!
  2. Agree with the above post. You've been warned! Don't go
  3. I dont know if that id a good thing?? The increased heart rate that is!:eek:
  4. It's cool. I see from your join date on this forum of 2003 and you only have 10 post. That tells me you must have been happy with your result. Kinda looks like you got on with your life after your HT. If you decide to post pics( which I hope you do ) I'm sure some of the guys on here will give you some good quality feedback. Best of luck to you !
  5. Can you post any pictures? Before and after?
  6. Do you have any graft availability left? Are you thinking about getting more work done? Norwood 6 with average density... I still think the surgeons on here will give you " at least " an all natural look!
  7. Did you notice any permanent shockloss or did it all grow back?
  8. Cul de sac I would sure like to think it is not unreasonable to have a great hair transplant go through life and never get detected! I think paying 10-15 thousand dollars for a HT that is a reasonable expectaion for todays Hair transplants, especially the recipient area. I know the donor area will always have a scar. Now having said that, you may be on to something with people who are more informed on hair transplants, but when I look at the results from the doctors on this site, I would never know the patients had received a hair transplant.
  9. Congrats RC...when are you gonna have your procedure done?
  10. Has anyone tried using concealer on the donor scar as a result of shockloss? Im sure this question has been asked beforebut Im just wondering?
  11. Excellent results Dr keller! I almost wonder if the patient even shaved the donor area if you could see anything? Those results are great!
  12. It doesn't look like your balding to me, however, if people are noticing who haven't noticed before then chances are you might be. As for choices- rogaine and finasteride for sure, a hair transplant- I think your a long way from that, but it depends on stabilizing your hairloss and really how old or young you are! Having said all that, I think your in good shape!
  13. I didn't know applying it to a wet scalp provided better absorption. Learn something new everyday.
  14. It would be nice. Maybe my wife could give me some. But NO it's not possible.
  15. Mine is in January with Dr Rahal. I'm staying at the Foxbar for 8 nights. As crazy as it sounds, I plan on enjoying every moment of this journey.
  16. David With regard to the linear FUT scar, how long should a person wait before lifting weights. Not heavy weights, but enough weight to at least know you've been working out. I've heard 2 months?
  17. Cant Decide I hope a year from now when I'm posting my 6 months results they are that good! Your hair looks great.
  18. Nothing new, stay away, research this site and the physicians on here! You'll be able to find one that fits what you need on this site. I am so glad I found this site 7 months ago!
  19. Paranoia, it gets the best of us! You look good. Good luck!
  20. I'm trying to reach 50,000 posts by January. LOL
  21. Bonker I know Dr Rahal is throwing some excellent results! I'm excited. I'm gonna post a ton of pictures. What crazy is I'm excited about spending a week in Ottawa watching the snow! I guess that's from being from the south. The app is Countdown I got a countdown till my surgery, and then a countdown for 6 months post op!
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