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Everything posted by Sean

  1. The work looks great. 3000 grafts should make a significant improvement. It will all look different in the months to come. Congrats!
  2. I didn't even realize it either. lol. There are some die heard researchers out their reading about hair loss that can dig up some older threads along the way. I probably have done this plenty of times during my research past couple of years. I think everyone should research well and pick their own surgeon that will cater to their needs. Every doc has their own way of doing things. It's definitely not to base something off a popularity contest. Polls are good, but this is such an in depth research process. Not everyone is suitable for a transplant, not everyone can have FUE, not everyone can have strip, so many factors. I think all the docs on this forum have skill, or else they wouldn't be recommended. The only doctors that I am wary about are the ones that have negative reviews on here and are not listed here. The more the negative review, the more people should avoid. Other then that, it's good to get as many consults as possible from different clinics to get a variety of opinions. Good luck to all that are researching.
  3. I have heard some people are able to achieve some growth around the hairline with Rogaine. It isn't advertised as a product to help with the hairline, but some people have showed improvement, so I can't say it doesn't work in that area. How long have you been taking finasteride? Did you just start or been on it for months?
  4. It's in reference to strip transplant procedure. Sutures are stitches, it's when a thread is used to close/sow together the area where the strip extraction was made. There are dissolving ones and ones you have to get removed. Staples are exactly what they state, metal pieces that are used to hold the wound together. But if you are going to go through the strip procedure route, then definitely check out Tricophytic Closure for the donor area. It minimizes the scarring in the area where the donor strip was harvested.
  5. Dr. Rahal did not ask me to shave my area, neither did the tech that was working with me prepping me up for surgery, I just decided to do it as it will be easy for me to grow out my results with the new hairs. I chose to shave my head and have them implant it like that. Besides, the medications they give you, are a lot easier to apply when you are shaved then having hair around the area. It makes everything easy. I know shaving isn't for everyone, but it's probably a really good way to start. It makes things easier. But, just so that people know, I was asked by the tech at Dr. Rahal's office whether or not I wanted to shave my head prior to the procedure and it was my choice and I said go for it.
  6. Congrats! That's a great looking result.
  7. That's one hell of a result. Looks great. Congrats.
  8. I think Revita is a good shampoo but I could not use it daily. It made my hair kind of soft and oily. I think Nizoral alone made it better, using Revita once in a while didn't hurt. I would change them up between Nioxin, another shampoo. It does smell good. But remember one thing, try not to use the same shampoo daily, like mix and match, if your hair gets use to the shampoo then it doesn't work as well. So, it's always good to alternate between different shampoos. I just had my transplant with Dr. Rahal, but when I am able to shampoo after a month. I think i'll pick a bottle of this up again and other shampoos and alternate between them. I wouldn't use it daily though.
  9. Good find though Hariri, i'll be reading up on it more often. Thanks.
  10. I just realized something, this company was known as Trichoscience. I did email them a while back, around February 2010. Looks like they are advancing. It's either they changed their name or have been bought out by Replicel. Yea, it seems so, because I typed in Tricoscience in google and I got this result in the search page, "Replicel. TrichoScience Innovations Inc. is now owned 100% by RepliCel Life Sciences. You are being directed to the RepliCel website. If you are not ..." At the time I contacted them, Trichoscience, I believe was just beginning Stage 1 human clinical trials in Europe and that no publishable results were said to be available until late 2010. They also said their results to date have were very positive and they felt they were close. Maybe this is it?
  11. I am with you man, this seems very promising. Let's see if they have substantial success. It seems so promising. I am trying to find out their timelines of their trials and results.
  12. Does seem like a dream come true. Thanks for sharing Hariri. The demonstration video is impressive. Looks like they have a clinical trials sign up going on.
  13. Congrats! Looks like a well designed hairline. It's going to look great in the months to come. The scar definitely is looking great at the initial stages, and will certainly be better in the months ahead. Keep us posted and good luck. Looks good.
  14. Thank you. I really appreciate the comment. I hope it gives me that dense hairline. I am really looking forward to it and now I just have to wait those months to see the end result. I am also following your progress. It's looking good. We both have to wait a couple of months, so good growing to you. Wish you the best.
  15. I'd go with baseball caps. I agree with the posters above, Yea you definitely have to wear something loose. I would not risk anything that would disturb the grafts. A very loose baseball cap.
  16. I agree with Aaron, there are a lot of unknowns with the whole scalp micro pigmentation thing. There are many places that offer it, but i'd definitely want to see some results up front before I even make that step. Preferably, in person. I see micro-pigmentation as like a permanent toppik. It fills in areas where you may need some pigments to add a fuller look. Although after seeing some photos of it on scar areas, it does look promising. Search some threads on this forum on the topic. I know it has been discussed before and it may give you a great deal of information on the subject. Good Luck.
  17. How short do you want to keep your hair? Like skin tight, or with a clip 1 or 2 or 3? It all depends. Are you going to be around people right after your procedure of a few days after? Did you address your concerns to the doctor? I just got my procedure done, but I just had a FUE procedure like 4 days ago and I had my hair buzzed down really short. I don't think I'll be going out for a while, but people in my home can clearly see I had something done.
  18. The pharmacist denied you proscar for hair loss because he said you can't cut them up into 5 pieces? I have never heard of that. I didn't know it could reduce its effectiveness? I cut proscar up to 4 pieces, assuming they are near 1.25mg in size? Please let me know if you find a reputable seller online for the finasteride, now I am interested in the 1 mg generic. I might as well not take a chance with the medication. Especially, if your not getting the potency your suppose to. Even though Walmart's generic price for the proscar is very good.
  19. Thanks, I appreciate it. Yea, turns out they were easy to extract on me for the most part. We were going at a really good pace. I also had decent density. A lot of factors played in that part. But I am glad I did it all in one day rather then the two day period. It worked out in my favor as I don't think I could have lasted another day honestly. I had to sacrifice sitting in the chair from like 7:20am to 7:30pm and it got me what I needed. I'll keep updating my results every 3 months for you guys to check out.
  20. I have posted photos on my hairlosswebsite link. I do not know how to get the photos into my post. Please have a look at my link for the hairlosswebsite to see them. Thanks.
  21. There are 10% of people who's donor hair does not grow after a transplant. So, there is a chance for some that it may not be permanent.
  22. Thank you. Yes it did go well. The doctor said everything is looking good. I know you are all waiting for pics and i will have them up on 9/2 or the day after when I get back home. Thanks for following my progress and can't wait to hear your comments throughout the process.
  23. Thank you, everything wemt well, im going to load photos when I go back home on 9/2. Using the ipad to update info is a little more tricky then I expected.
  24. Im trying my best to keep everyone updated, read my first post as I will be adding extra info in that post. This way the post is organized and easy for me to update.
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