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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Francois1, Well, I am planning it in a way that when I do bald further and if I do, I can manage it with another procedure if necessary. I did plan it out according to my hairloss. I did have some crown thinning and seems like Propecia helped in that area, and I also added rogaine to the regimen recently, so looks like I am really responsive to that therapy for the crown area. Dr. Rahal did not place anything there and I did not have any work done in that area as I am still young. If I need to focus on it later I will, but for now it seems stable and I am regrowing hairs in that area with the treatments I am on.
  2. For 2897 Grafts FUE and such an extensive hair loss, the result seems very good imo. Seems like there was good yield. Immediate post op pictures will also help. Can you post them up? I want to see those right after surgery pics. Can you also post more FUE results up? I have seen some strip results done by Dr. Mohmand on older patients with very extensive hair loss and he's done a good job imo for them, but I'd really want to see more of his FUE results for both younger patients and also on those with extensive hair loss. What is the punch size used and how many grafts can he do a day via FUE? Thanks.
  3. Newhairplease, that is a very good idea. Those exchange rates end up being in your favor and you end up paying less. There was a time when it was $1 USD for 1.26 canadian or more. The rates really do fluctuate and you really have to keep an eye on them and lock in at the right rate. Good move. Montreal, what top doctors charge $7 a graft for FUE? I know that most doctors range between $8 to $12 per graft. Are the doctors you mentioned recommended and have patient reviews?
  4. What do you consider being cheap for FUE? how much $ per graft?
  5. Zenmunk, your posts have been valuable. I think you are on the right track with the plan. Since you are going for a conservative approach based on your age as well, I think the proposed hairline in the pic does work well. What are your ultimate styling goals? How would you want to style your hair afterwards? Would you comb your hair back or part it or stick it up, grow it long, etc? You can tweak the hairline just a little bit based on your styling goals. If you have been quoted 1300 grafts, that might be sufficient or you may need just a little bit more, depending on your density and other factors. Your mid frontal area seems strong, it seems you need to just focus on the frontal left/right sides for the most part. So, that will save you lots of grafts as well. Another thing to think about is what if out of those 1300 grafts, they were able to extract lots of 2's, 3's maybe even 4's? So, 1300 grafts may or may be sufficient based on that as well. If majority of the 1300 grafts turn out to be singles then obviously there wouldn't be that much density, although giving a natural hairline, there would be a thinner look towards the back of the hairline. However, I think they will be able to extract ones, twos, threes, and possibly fours in the mix as your donor area/hair looks really good. I think fine hair is a good tool to make hairlines, but also graft placement based on density. I think most surgeons use One's to create hairlines to keep them natural, and then use 2's and 3's etc in the mix as they move on back. You may have good density though, it seems like it when looking at your mid front and donor area. You seem to have plenty of space to extract grafts and the area really does look good. Your idea of spreading the extraction throughout the back in the donor sounds good. I think it is a very smart idea. You saw my 3000 graft FUE pics, I had a way larger area to cover and density did help me. You definitely have a lesser area to cover, and with the right density, 1300-1600 give or take may be all you may really need. See how that works, if you need a second pass, you can some in later to tweak a few more. You got great hair characteristics and you don't even have to worry about the crown it seems. Wish you the best, I look forward to seeing your updates when you go for it.
  6. Hugehunk92, thanks for the comments. I am glad you found my write up helpful and you like the hairline design. I hope you can get a similar hairline since you like it. Have you been quoted on how many grafts you will be needing? What are you on the norwood scale? That can also play a part on where the hairline can be placed and how much you will need. Maybe you might need less than me? I'll post progress or try to every month. Thanks again.
  7. Sounds good. Look forward to seeing them. Glad to see your getting good growth, especially this soon. You are one of those early growers. good stuff
  8. JHBB I just posted my one month post op pics. I had frontal work done via FUE by Dr. Rahal. There is redness on me, but everyone heals differently. Some people may be lucky and they may have it to a lesser extent then someone else. Someone on my thread also mentioned they were on Prednisone for two months, that may have helped them with the redness I do not know for sure only a doctor could tell you that. Prednisone reduces inflammation and swelling. It is usually given after a transplant for a few days to reduce swelling. I can't think of anything else except to possibly use toppik if the doctor says it is ok to do so after a month to cover up the redness areas. You really do not want to clog your graft area though, so you really have to ask the doctor that.
  9. Matt, I will definitely be checking for this. I think this particular Rogaine side effect may be a rare side effect as I never really heard of it before. Just the minor itching in the recipient zone is what I noticed so far. Yes, I was hesitant with the propecia, but seems like it is working and really doing something. I think I'll continue it. Definitely worth it.
  10. Riggs, I don't know if you were addressing the post to me? I did not have surgery with Dr. Feller. I do think Dr. Feller is a good doctor and have seen his results on here. I had a procedure with Dr. Rahal for FUE.
  11. Wow, yea that must have had something to do with it. I was only on it for a few days until the swelling went away. But looks like it really helped with the redness. Good stuff.
  12. Now that is something I was not aware of so thanks for pointing it out. I will keep a close eye on facial wrinkles. Since, i just started it, I should be able to detect any such changes in the months ahead and I'll keep you posted if this is the case with me. If I see any of it happen to me, I guess i'll grab some Vitamin E oil to maybe try to counter it? Either way, I'll let you know. It definitely is worth looking into these issues, I agree. Thanks again.
  13. Orlhair, thanks. I appreciate the comments. I am really pleased to see that many people like the hairline design I went with. It helps me feel good about this whole process, especially in the waiting period. How is everything going for you? I am following your progress as well, your last update was 3 weeks ago, hope everything is going well. Your 3 month update was looking good. Happy growin.
  14. Thanks Aaron. I was worried about the redness since you can clearly see it in my pics, but hopefully it goes away soon. I saw your 3 month update, seems like no more redness for you, so that's a good thing. Actually, I couldn't even notice that much of a redness on your recipient zone from the start. It was very minor. Your progress is looking good. Happy growing.
  15. Thanks Capelli. Really appreciate it. I can actually see the temple points better now that the scabbing is gone. I know you can't wait for your surgery, but I can't wait to see how your surgery will look either. I'll definitely keep you posted of my progress.
  16. Thanks buddy, I appreciate the comments. You can probably notice some minor shockloss on the sides of my head donor area. Hopefully, in time, it recovers. I guess some people go through this. Yes, I have started minoxidil. I started it when patient care told me it was safe to do so, I think the exact date of when I started Rogaine is 9/20/2011. I am actually applying it not only on my recipient site but my crown as well. As far as side effects go, I think the first 2-3 days I did feel a slight itchy feeling in the recipient area, but it went away as I think I got use to it (also you have to keep in mind that rogaine does have a tendency to make the area dry I believe). I am noticing some fuzzy hairs sprouting up close (vellus), I think it may be hairs that were miniturized and now in a few months on their way to become terminal. So, I am applying it on my hairline, my recipient zone including temple area, and my crown. I have never used Rogaine before and only started 9/20/2011. You can probably notice the effects of Rogaine on me by looking at my one year before surgery photos (located at my hairloss website) to what I post in a few months as I think big results from Rogaine aren't that immediate. I am also taking finisteride. I really think there has been a substantial difference to my crown when I added finisteride to my regimen though, and with rogaine, it may become even better overall. So, the only side I noticed with Rogaine was a minor itch for 2-3 days in the recipient zone. I no longer feel the itch when I apply it now. Thanks for the motivation and stay tuned as I'll try to post monthly.
  17. UPDATE 10/2/2011 Took some photos today. Please let me know what you think so far. These photos are one month post op.
  18. I decided on Dr. Rahal after extensive research. To me, most of my decision was based on the hairlines. I looked at a lot of other factors as well, from the number of satisfied patients to the costs. Daily cleanings also were a major plus for the entire duration of my stay. It is a pain cleaning the first week/second week as you have to be really careful with the grafts. It's a tough decision to make. I initially had a list of like 8-10 doctors that I went through, including another one of which you mentioned. Was a tough decision to make but in the end I went with FUE and Dr. Rahal also offered it as well, so I chose him. I felt it was the best bang for the buck overall. I think all the doctors you listed are great. Go with your gut feeling, as someone else said, make the decision based on how you feel and then don't look back. Good Luck, hope you find your surgeon.
  19. Significant improvement with the number of grafts used. Looks great. Very natural looking. Nice Work!
  20. Romeo, how's it goin buddy? How is the healing? Did you shed any hairs? I think I just went through some shedding. I'll post pics in a few days at my one month mark. Any more pain around the donor area? I know you said the stitches made it uncomfortable, what about now?
  21. Capelli, you should be good to go and able to drive home without issues. Those 4 nights should be sufficient and the drive isn't an issue I think. It's gonna suck the first week, but just make sure as soon as you are back at Foxbar, try to eat your food with the medications as directed and not to take the meds on an empty stomache, and stay at a 45 degree angle using the recliners. You really have to sleep in that position, I don't even think I used the bed the whole time I was there, other then the first night I arrived, the night before my procedure. As for driving, I had no issues driving back home after my procedure. You know why it is a good choice to drive back too? Because post op care also involves spraying the grafts with solution every 4 hours, and when your driving back, you can park at a rest area and make sure you spray the recipient area to keep it moist. With airlines, they have that NO outside Liquid on aircraft rule,, so they might throw away that solution or tell you to put it in your check in. You don't want to miss any part of your instructions. Just make sure you keep the sun out of your way, obviously, they will give you a surgical cap you can wear during the drive, they'll give you everything you need to take care of things when you are done. I drove the same amount of time you did, and it wasn't bad. I would not be comfortable with flights though for various reasons, one the swelling made me look kinda funny, and the fact that I had to spray my recipient area every 4 hours or so around the same time I took my antibiotics. There was someone that did strip and stayed 2 weeks because I think they wanted to get donor area checked or follow up on stitches, and they also got daily cleanings the time they were there and so did I. It may kind of suck the first night after the procedure, as it did for almost all of us at Foxbar. But after that it is smooth. Don't worry too much about the driving. Just as long as you are following post op instructions and you sleep 45 degree angle, your good to go. My eyes swelled on the second night/third day, 4th day they were still swollen, BUT I was able to open them and see without any resistance since they weren't that bad. I am doing alright, still following instructions. I will update pics at my one month mark coming up in few days. Everything seems to be healing well and yes there is shedding. I am noticing it. You'll see in a few days when I post pics. Thanks for asking.
  22. I agree, you are in good hands. I have seen impressive stuff by Dr. Shapiro. Try to get a good rest, I was so anxious when I had to get my transplant that I stayed awake the whole night. I kept reading the forums. It was my first procedure and I didn't know what to expect. Was so tired / exhausted, after such a long procedure, wouldn't have been if I had slept the night before. Good luck and keep us posted. Wish you the best.
  23. Capelli, I hope you checked out the Foxbar nearby the clinic. Even if it does snow, you are right there for a checkup so you wont have to worry about driving in the snow. Hopefully, it doesn't snow but it's Canada, there is a chance it might around that time. Are you considering on driving or taking a flight? I drove and it probably took me about the same amount of time it took you. I can tell you this, if you do drive and end up staying more than 2 days, the night of the 2nd and then third day you might have some serious swelling start around the eyes. It cleared for me somewhat on the 4th day enough for me to drive home. I had originally planned to stay for 3 days, but had to make it 4 due to that. Everyone is different, you may not have swelling like I did. But just to be on the safe side, keep it in mind, so you know what to possibly expect. Look forward to seeing your updates. Good Luck.
  24. I think a doctor maybe able to help you, hopefully, some doctor chimes in on this. From what I read, there could be several factors. It could be what David said, regarding ingrown hairs. Do you happen to have an itch where you scratched? It could be a minor scalp condition but a doctor can tell you that. Sometimes, folliculitis or seborrheic dermititus can cause scabs/bleeding and it is easily treatable. Stress can cause things like that, excess sebum, etc. 3 months out, i'd think the scar area would be healed by now? Especially, with any scabbing.
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