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Everything posted by Sean

  1. I was the doctors first appt in the morning and told him the same concern. I had the same issue with finding the building, was late cuz of all that walking around searching for it, I must have walked past it a few times. This particular building is the hardest Rockefeller one to find it seems. Happened to me last time too I think with the same building I think. But, it is the Simon & Schuster building. For appt's in the future, I think putting a google pic of it up might help people find it. I even took pics of it for future use if needed. For parking (if it helps some of you), I actually parked around 323 W 51st St (didn't have to use the garages, just paid the muni meter and you can park there as it is not a commercial parking zone), it's about a 5-7 minute walk or so and I think I parked around the same spot last time Dr. Rahal came to the Rockefeller area as well. This info might come in handy for future appointments.
  2. This looks great. Very good result for 6 months. Dr. Rahal's FUE seems to be at the same level as his FUT (strip). Can't wait to see how mine is in 6 months as well as I also had FUE with Dr. Rahal. My session was larger. But seeing this result makes me feel really good about my procedure.
  3. I am actually taking 1.25 estimated dose of finasteride by cutting up a 5 mg proscar pill. I heard the same thing before and would like to know if someone can clarify this for once and for all. I too have heard from some people that 1mg is the way to go and that due to cutting up the pill, the oxygen makes the pill less efficient? Are you switching to the 1mg propecia?
  4. Lukeyb1687, thanks for the tips and advice. I just had my FUE transplant 58 days ago, but I have been on finasteride on and off for about a year (since August 2010) but have been continuing it daily since my FUE transplant August 31st, 2011. I did realize it working especially in my crown as you can see in the one year before surgery to the post op one month pics of my crown. I can say for certain that I did respond well to finasteride though all around my scalp. On September 20, 2011 I started using rogaine foam for the first time and have been doing so regularly. I am also taking MSM as well. Prior to my transplant I was also using Nioxin shampoo and Nizoral Shampoos, along with a few other natural supplements I listed in my hair loss website, however, I have not continued the Nizoral/Nioxin shampoos nor some of those herbal supplements yet. I am just using Rogaine Foam, Finasteride (estimated 1.25 mg once a day from a 5mg Proscar tab), MSM, Dove or Pantene ProV shampoo, and even drinking green tea regularly (may help may not, it's a good antioxidant anyway). I did post pics in my surgery thread and I intend to every month. I did notice some minor shedding on the sides of my mid scalp region and slight shedding around my crown area. This is when I started Rogaine foam. I am applying the Rogaine foam from the front of my head (my recipient zone)/midscalp/as well as the crown. Pretty much full coverage from front to back. I only had surgery in the frontal/hairline/temple region but was told I can apply Rogaine there after a certain amount of time to speed up hair growth as well. I do think some of my hairs in the center of my scalp seem to be getting stronger or the texture to me feels that way right now. However, again, the sides seems like they have shed slightly, but the center is coming in thick and strong. The foam is actually very easy to apply. It does not leave any oily or patted down feeling on the hairs. I'll try it for a few months and then give the Rogaine solution a shot? Maybe to compare the two? I really want to see which one is more potent/absorbs better/produces results better. Really looking forward to seeing your progress and I hope I made the right choice with Rogaine. I can't wait until they make the generic version of this Foam stuff though, this stuff is not cheap at all.
  5. This is an awesome thread. I wonder if minoxidil/rogaine foam would work better or minoxidil/rogaine liquid for the temples/hairline. The minor shed is a little depressing. I guess it stabilizes by the 2nd/3rd month? Reading about your hair getting thicker is reassuring. Can't wait to see you progress/pics. Thanks.
  6. WOW, i had the same exact questions regarding the same shampoos. I was on the same shampoos you are referring to prior to my transplant, nioxin and nizoral. I am dying to use them again but I think it is still too strong at the moment. After the whole baby shampoo usage, i had asked patient care if I can use nizoral and nioxin again, they told me it was best to use something softer after the baby shampoo. Shampoo's such as pantene pro-v or dove were suggested and I have been using them since. I was advised that maybe a little after two months it should be fine to use nioxin again and a couple days more for the nizoral since these are stronger shampoos.
  7. Hair Fusion, I was looking through your pictures at your website link. I think the work looks great. Very refined. Now it's just the waiting game. Don't let the wait get to you. Some people show growth very early, some later. The wait does suck but what you get in the end is well worth it. sabar ka pal meeta hota hay
  8. I remember being very embarrassed getting a haircut. I used to comb my hair forward to hide the recession as much as I could, but at the barber shop I went, there would be loads of people sitting and staring, and the barber would wet my hair and then slick it back like James Bond, now that was embarassing. I was like hurry up and get this over with. The last haircut I had at a barber shop was 6 weeks before my surgery August 31st, 2011. On August 31st, the haircut was given by Dr. Rahal's patient care tech and Dr. Rahal watching me get a buzz. It has been 57 days I think, and so far, I haven't gotten a hair cut yet. I don't know when I'll be back in the barber's seat, but hopefully this time, it wont be embarrassing. Especially, when they do that slick back James Bond like style while cutting my hair.
  9. Rodg, this result looks great. You must be thrilled. Very Natural.
  10. Great writeup! look forward to seeing your progress. Montreal: I think the vitamin E oil is essential for healing and yes it comes with the kit Dr. Rahal gives.
  11. WOW, Norwood 7 and now this. It is a major change. You must be thrilled. Big difference. Just shows anything is possible with the right surgeon. I keep lookin at your before picture and the recent one, what a transformation. Congrats!
  12. Jessie1, don't let the preop nerves get to you. I think you should think positive about this upcoming procedure. Looks like you will get FUT again. I am sure it will come out well. How many grafts are you getting? Are you doing the laxity exercises? I think you should be good to go with your donor area. But wish you the best. Also, did you get my reply regarding the post op swelling? I sent you a message, I know there were some issues with posting/messages so I wanted to make sure you got it.
  13. No Problem Capelli.. Yea I bet finding a lab is stressful. Those are two major labs. Can't you get labs done and request the results yourself and then fax them over to Dr. Rahal's clinic? Do you have to have it sent by these laboratories? Normally, the labs will give you complete copies of all your results and blood reports. I'd imagine all you would need to do is just make a copy and fax them over or mail them over to the doctor once you requested the results from the testing centers? Try these links too, they may help: Sunrise Medical Laboratories - Diagnostic Testing : Patient Service Centers Long Island City Blood Tests in Long Island City NY Yellow Pages by Superpages Good luck with everything.
  14. Hi Capelli, that's strange. I wonder why they didn't do it? I got mine done through the military as it is routine there. Have you tried these places? https://www.labcorp.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hACzO_QCM_IwMLo1ALAyNj1yBnQxNfAwN_U6B8JG55AyMCuv088nNT9SP1o8zjQ11Ngg09LY0N_M3DjA08DcPcfFwcjQwNgk30Q_QjnYGKIvEqKsiNKDfUDVQEAO_Izxc!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!/#7_UE4S1I930O7V30I1VFLDA210S4 Medical Testing Laboratories (blood , Drug, Etc) on Long Island, NY | CitiDex Maybe you can ask them if they offer the services?
  15. That's true. You just want to take all precautions which is really good. Normally, I have noticed higher graft procedures being off by a few hundred or more (esp in those procedures that are over 4,000 grafts). 3,000 grafts is in the middle, might be off by a few, but I don't think too much. Maybe you might not need to worry about it with 3,000 grafts, but you are right, it is something to think about. It could depend on density and laxity? Reasonable questions, what if 3500 grafts extracted and etc? Either way I think Dr. Rahal would work something out with you for your benefit as obviously you are only going for a 3,000 graft procedure. He's a cool dude. Call up the clinic tomorrow to about this though. I may be wrong with my numbers of 50/100 etc. I think there was something I read on the consent form that I can't remember right now regarding extra graft extraction. I can't remember what it said. I wish I could, but I didn't put so much thought into it as I got FUE. Now, will it end up like this below? I don't think so because yours is 3000 grafts, a lot smaller than this one below. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162675-7-260-fut-grafts-eternal-gratitude-dr-rahal-his-staff.html I know that guy wasn't expecting that, he said he expected to receive a little over 5,000 grafts.
  16. Capelli, there is usually a cut off. I think if it exceeds give or take 50 or 100/??? grafts, not sure but you may want to double check with the clinic. If you exceed a certain amount of grafts then you normally would pay extra with whatever you and the doctor work out. For me, it was a 3,000 graft procedure initially, they extracted 3,016 grafts. I got 16 grafts at no charge. I think if you were a higher graft procedure, 4,000 to 5000+ grafts then it may be confusing, but being 3,000 you may be good to go. In any case, I carried credit cards just in case if I would exceed beyond like 100+ grafts or something or had to use a higher number of grafts overall.
  17. Congrats. The day is right around the corner. That long coat will come in handy. Nice and cool around that time. Can't wait to see your progress. Wish you the best.
  18. That sounds great. I was thinking it may be this, Scarless Hair Transplantation by Carlos K. Wesley, MD Can't wait to see the results/updates and more info about it. Hope it is a success. This "scarless" procedure may just be something a lot of people have been waiting for.
  19. Fakeplstctrees, i've been hearing about this revolutionary treatment I think since last 2 months. I'd really like to see how this goes and what is the outcome. I know you had a lot of posts about your last procedure, and this may be beneficial to you. What is the Wesley treatment, it is so secretive. Do you think it is a breakthrough or what? I am really interested in knowing what this is. I have read it is like the yield of FUT or better using a minimally invasive method. Let us know how everything goes. I really want to see the before and after and will you share that experience here? Thanks
  20. I've always thought alcohol had a negative effect on hair follicles and hair health in general. "As it is a diuretic, alcohol can dehydrate the body, making the hair brittle, dry and liable to split ends. It also depletes the body of nutrients and can cause a deficiency of the mineral zinc, which can lead to hair loss. Read more: The drinking bill your body pays | Mail Online "
  21. Dr. Umar, this looks like a great scar repair case and use of nape, head, and beard hair. For beard hair/body hair transplantation, does a person need to get off of propecia and rogaine? Do you have more case you can show utilizing body hair and beard hair? I have seen a bunch of your youtube videos and would like to see more and more of your procedures including beard/body hair as I think you are somehow able to use it effectively with regular head hair. I don't think I have seen anyone use it as effectively as you have so far. If this patient was to grow the hair little longer, would the body hair grow longer or is there a limit? What was the density from the 500 grafts head hair (1's, 2's, 3's?) and are the body hair/beard hair grafts all one's or do they also come in two's like head hair? Do you normally mix all the hairs in one zone or bht/beard hair mostly used around the crown region? I also see that laser treatment was used in this case post op. Is there a benefit to the use of laser treatment in the beard area after extraction? It looks great though. I think there is a substantial difference all around and around the scar region. Even with a closer buzz, you can't see the scar and I am sure if there was no repair to that region, the scar would be clearly visible. This patient must be very happy. Thanks for sharing.
  22. hairthere, your hair is looking great. Looks like it has filled in very nicely. The results look great at this point and you still have another 4 months left. You must be excited. Your hair looks great. Dr. Feller did a great job.
  23. Hi Shangla, I asked some questions in my previous post. I would like to know the punch size used for FUE and how many grafts can a patient get in one day? Do you have any more results of FUE patients? Any from younger ones especially hairline work using FUE? thanks.
  24. It's looking great. First session was 1500 grafts? How many grafts were the second session? Do you by any chance have a graft breakdown? After looking at those post op photos, Dr. Feller's work looks very clean. What is the punch size used? Thanks for sharing.
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