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Everything posted by haircut

  1. If you went to HC in Minneapolis, there is an interesting story there. That practice used to belong to Dr. Manuel Jaffe, who I consider to be one of the early pioneers of FUT. I traveled half way across the country to have him do my HT work. The funny story is that when Dr. Jaffe retired and sold his practice to HC in the mid-to-late 90's, he continued to do HTs for about six months. Rather than recommend that his patients continue on with HC, Dr. Jaffe recommended a new, young, HT doctor across town that he considered to be very talented. That doctor is Dr. Ron Shapiro. Honestly, you can't so any better than SMG!
  2. Shampoo, You will be excited when it is grown in. Please share your results with the community.
  3. Hi Spex, Are you saying that one should avoid Minoxidil after temporary SMP? Do I understand that correctly? Thanks
  4. Spanker, Thanks for adding 10 years to my age :-) Yes, that is me. I am rather depleted although some of the best HT surgeons in the country tell me that I have between 800 and 1500 grafts left to harvest. Saving those for my temple corners.
  5. Well, I am considering temporary SMP into donor areas scars that are rather wide. No short hair for me but my thinking is to make the scars less noticeable.
  6. Janna, Is SMG going to offer Milena's temporary SMP services in the future?
  7. I can certainly second that Matt is not a "sales guy". I visited with him at SMG last year to discuss a touch-up to my temple corners. He suggested that I wait a couple more years to see where my temples went in terms of loss. IMHO, he is the best hair educator that I have ever met.
  8. Dr. Ron does it again! He has always been the king of hairlines but what impresses me the most is that he did not shave the hairline much to do this procedure. Absolutely amazing!
  9. I must say that most of us would consider this an amazing hairline!
  10. This is an exciting result. While the hairline could be a little softer with a second procedure, this is an amazing result!
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