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Everything posted by haircut

  1. David, You are looking great! You are going to be very excited when this grows in.
  2. Well, that makes sense. Man feel that is the best approach to get maximum yield. Again, it all goes back to laxity.
  3. Everyone is different. It all depends on scalp laxity. Did you discuss FUE?
  4. Hi Hairthere, Being a Beauty Medical/Milena Lardi trained/certified clinic is great news for CD!
  5. Hi Can't Decide, Well, I have had six HT procedures in the past. Donor area is sparse. SMP has made a huge difference. You might look through some of my past posts for photos and details. I can tell you that I would stay away from permanent SMP for now. Too many horror stories.
  6. David, I have become an SMP junkie. :-) Got a touchup a week ago at SMG with Nicole. It is a life changer!
  7. Welcome to the forums Dr. Joe! It was nice speaking with you on Monday. See you again in May.
  8. I must say, at 2.5 months, this looks great! Every day from now is a bonus The concealer does a great job! At 2.5 months, you could do a round of SMP to get you over the hump. IMHO, this looks great Zup!
  9. At 11 days the grafts will not dislodge. Any hair that comes off with the scabs is fine.
  10. Looks like another amazing hairline by Dr. Ron!
  11. Wow Matt. That looks great! Just a matter of patience now. Every day after a month will look better.
  12. Hi Zup, Funny how that works. You told me five years ago that you always wanted the V when I came to SMG to get rid of my V. Hair is so very personalized!
  13. Zup, Interesting story. Thanks so much! Your story sounds like mine. Five years ago I was looking for a temple corner revision due to further loss. (All of my previous HT procedures were with Dr. Jaffee in Minneapolis in the 90s.) As an aside, I live nowhere near MN. I spend a month traveling the country speaking with the top HT doctors. The only HT MD in the US that suggested that I wait to see where my temple corners were going was Dr. Ron Shapiro. (Thanks Zup for your help scheduling that visit). One thing that SMG does that has changed my life is SMP. I have traveled to SMG several time in the past year for SMP. I will be traveling to SMG again in May for a temple corner revision by Dr. Ron Shapiro. Zup, I am excited for you. It will be great to see your progress!
  14. Spanker, I have known Matt for a number of years. I saw him in August when I was in for another round of SMP. I did not see this level of hair loss on him. He has always had great hair in my opinion. Janna's straight on photo is how I know Matt. I can't wait to see how this grows in. Very excited for him!
  15. Wow, I can't believe how good you look 5 days out! I will be up the first week of March for more SMP and can't wait to see your progress. This actually makes me feel much better about my upcoming FUE temple corner touch up ay SMG in May. Great job!
  16. I was at SMG in August and they were talking about getting rid of the ARTAS machine. Don't know if they did though.
  17. Wow. Great explanation! The best contribution is your explanation of laxity. Thanks so much Joe!
  18. Hi All, I wanted to share my SMP journey at Shapiro Medical Group (SMG). I have been to SMG three times this year for a progression of temporary SMP. I have been researching SMP since its inception. I decided on temporary SMP as I am not sure that the stability of permanent inks is where it should be yet (color shifting, etc) NicOle007 did an amazing job! She explained everything in detail as we went through each session. I can't express enough how this has changed my life. My wife says that she has never seen me this excited about my hair. As can be seen in the first two photos, my donor area was a mess.I had FUT done in the late 1990s. Needless to say, Suture closures were not what they are today. Photo #1 best shows my sparse donor area in the upper left hand corner. The lower left shows the me after SMP with dry hair. Photo #4 shows a closeup of the SMP dots. Notice how natural the dots appear. They look like hair stubble. I know that SMP can be a controversial topic. I was one of the lucky ones. The ink took very well in my donor area. Would I ever consider permanent SMP? Sure, when I believe that it has matured to a place where the concerns that people have about ink stability are no longer precent. I am very thankful that SMP worked for me. I am especially thankful that Nic0le007 at SMG was able to help. SMP has honestly changed my life. Haircut
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