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Everything posted by haircut

  1. Please do consider taking Finesteride for 12 months prior to scheduling your HT. At your age, this will help stabilize your hair loss. In addition, it will help to minimize shock loss. Above all, do not be in a rush. You have a finite donor area. Once that is gone, it is gone. As an aside, why are you having trouble getting Finesteride?
  2. My suggestion would be to use Minoxidil and Finesteride for a minimum of a year before making a HT decision. The reason that I say that is that Finesteride can often make a huge difference. It will at a minimum, slow down your hair loss. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you avoid HT. I am just saying that you should give Finesteride a year to see what it can do for you. This will give both you and Dr. Farjo a better idea as to what the medication can do for you. Food for thought.
  3. Hi Joe, Sorry that you are getting so much flack about FUE. I have known you for some time and you have provided me with stellar personal HT advise. This includes FUT, FUE, and SMP. Unfortunately, blind comments can turn dark in a hurry. They do not reflect your knowledge or qualifications. This is the bad part of social media. People hide behind their nasty comments with no recourse. IMHO, you are totally unbiased in your advise! Thanks for all of the help that you have provided all of us on the forums!
  4. Hi Joe, Sorry that you are getting so much flack about FUE. I have known you for some time and you have provided me with stellar personal HT advise. This includes FUT, FUE, and SMP. Unfortunately, blind comments can turn dark in a hurry. They do not reflect your knowledge or qualifications. This is the bad part of social media. People hide behind their nasty comments with no recourse. IMHO, you are totally unbiased in your advise! Thanks for all of the help that you have provided all of us on the forums!
  5. Hi Nic0le007, My sincere apology. For some reason I got the posts by Scar 5 and Wylie confused. Sorry about that. :-(
  6. Scar5, Did you speak with Nic0le007 about your concerns? I have spent three days with her having SMP done and could't be happier. In fact, I am going back later this month for my final round. I posted a few photos to this post last week but they got caught in the spam filter. I assume that they will appear as soon as Bill clears them.
  7. Hi Joe, Thanks for your SMP advise. It has worked out well. If there is ever anything that I can do to repay the favor please do not hesitate to ask! Good luck at Rahal!
  8. Joe, You have been an inspiration to many of us. Good luck with your future endeavors!
  9. Hi Wylie, I wanted to follow up with my impression of SMP with Nicole at SMG. I had six FUT procedures via strip in the late 1990's. Luckily, I went to one of the best HT physicians of the age - Dr. Jaffee in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, back in the day, strip scarring was much worse that it is now. (See donor area photo). My donor area was a mess. While Nicole is not finished with my SMP, I have another round in August, I am already elated with the results. My wife feels that this is the best that she has ever seen my donor area! Everyone responds differently to SMP. I was lucky enough to have a donor area that responded well. I have to tell you, I was worried about that. So Wylie, I don't think that you will find anyone anywhere that does a better or more thoughtful job of SMP than Nicole at SMG. If anyone can make this right, it is Nicole and SMG. Thank you for your time!
  10. Wylie, It is hard to believe that you and I had the same SMP procedure at SMG. I am a month out from my third SMP session with Nicole and couldn't be happier. My wife tells me that she can tell a hug difference. From what I understand about SMP, everyone responds differently. Sorry that this didn't work out the way that you hoped. I am sure that SMG will do everything that they can to help.
  11. You did not show any before photos so it is difficult to tell. At seven months, if this is all new growth, it looks pretty good.
  12. Ryan, You might consider speaking with your HT surgeon. Everyone is different with Propecia. Personally, I would never discontinue Propecia.
  13. I have had temporary SMP at Shapiro Medical in Minneapolis. The work that Nicole does is amazing! I must say, permanent SMP is not mature enough to trust at this point. Permanent SMP sounds good but can cause more problems than it solves over the long term. You are correct that temporary SMP can be expensive over time. That said, if you are considering SMP at this point, temporary is the only safe way to go. Perhaps this will change in the future. We can all hope so. Think of SMP as HT in its infancy. Permanent SMP is currently at the stage of plugs. Great for today, perhaps not good tomorrow.
  14. Many HT doctors recommend Nioxin. I have been using it for years with no problems.
  15. General rule. Can restart Minoxidil 14 days after surgery. Ask the MD that did your HT surgery to get his / her opinion.
  16. What an amazing transformation! What I wouldn't give for those temple corners. :-)
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