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Everything posted by haircut

  1. Congratulations on finding SMG. Best of luck with the next few months, not that you need it :-)
  2. aaron1234, I see your point. The good thing is that he has plenty of donor area left. He seems like an ideal patient.
  3. aaron1234, The great thing about this first HT is that the temple corners were slightly addressed. That makes future work temple corner work less noticeable for this patient. Not a bad position to be in.
  4. That is an amazing result. What makes it even stronger is that it is only one round of HT.
  5. You would do well with Dr. Charles.
  6. The best thing that you can do is spend a few months on this forum doing research. One of the key things that you will learn is not to let location get in the way. Traveling to get the best HT surgery possible will save you a lot of grief in the long run.
  7. Writing this instruction on a prescription pad is actually a good idea. :-)
  8. You would think that with a scar like that he would wear his hair a little longer. :-)
  9. 14 days post-op and you can't even tell that he had surgery. That is amazing! This is going to be one of those famous SMG hairlines. Great job!
  10. Some MD's will even tell you to give it two years.
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