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Everything posted by haircut

  1. This is why I caution people about how important it is to select the best doctor. You have a limited donor area. When it is gone, it is gone.
  2. Sorry for the abbreviations. The second photo looks like diffused thinning. It could just be the lighting in the photo. I would ask a reputable hair transplant doctor before I did anything. By reputable I mean one of the recommended doctors on this forum. By all means stay away from the butchers of Bosley.
  3. Your loss looks very diffused. I would suggest seeing a good HT doctor before you decide to do anything.
  4. You might reach out to Janna and see if she can provide the photos that you are interested in.
  5. I think that you answered your own question. Based on what you have said here, you might check out SMP.
  6. Dr. Feller, Very well said! My favorite part is "Results may vary." That is absolutely the truth. The above should be required reading for anyone considering HT.
  7. You might be best served by spending a few months on this forum to determine who the best HT doctors are.
  8. Not knowing your age this is a hard call. I would suggest Finesteride for a minimum of 12 months prior to surgery. If you are under 30, try both Finesteride and Rogaine for 24 months. For some reason, people in their 20's seem to respond to Finesteride better. Think of this as a journey, not a destination.
  9. There are several HT doctors that are also dermatologist. That said, the best HT doctors do HT full-time. There is really no substitute for the skill level that comes with focusing full time on HT.
  10. This is really a personal issue. Personally, I am very happy with my HT. In addition, you have not been on Finesteride long enough to see what it will do for you. In the end, you have to go with you gut on this one.
  11. I too saw a decline in the effectiveness of Finesteride 1.25mg after 15 years. My HT doctor moved me up to up to 2.5mg. It seems to have slowed the loss down and allowed some hair to return.
  12. That looks great. What is amazing is the number of grafts that you used to get this amazing result.
  13. ACell is an amazing achievement. I just don't think that it is mature enough for doctors to be raving about it just yet. My guess is that we will hear much more about it in the next 24 months. I personally know several doctors that are using it but it is not public knowledge yet. As such, I chose not to mention them. This will be exciting for all of us!
  14. Dr. Cooley is by far the ACell expert in the HT field. Most credible doctors side with caution when dealing with something new. Honestly, ACell has not been around all that long compared to other HT technologies. Dr. Cooley has been working with ACell for about 20 months or so and Dr. Rassman has been working with ACell since about last October of last year . There are a couple of other HT doctors working with ACell as well. I believe that it will be at least a couple more years before we know the full extent of ACells capabilities.
  15. Dr. Cooley, Thank you for the explanation. I know that many of us are looking forward to your ACell hair duplication 'autocloning' findings later this year.
  16. Dr. Cooley, Is the ACell MatriStem that you refer to the cloning technique that you have been working with or the graft additive? There are many of us with limited remaining donor area that are anxious to hear more about your ACell work :-)
  17. I know that I have said this before but if I lived on the West coast, Dr. Rassman would be my first choice. He certainly has refined his technique!
  18. What I have done in the past has been to go on vacation and see my HT doctor on a return leg of the flight. As an aside, the old adage of 'you get what you pay for' could well apply to your choice of HT doctors.
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