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Everything posted by haircut

  1. I would only go to a full time HT specialist. All of the best MDs on this forum do HT full time.
  2. Bill, You are indeed a very tactful fellow! Most of us would not have been so nice.
  3. I just saw a video on SMP over at Dr. Rassman's Baldingblog.com As it turns out, some people are utilizing this technique to make their hair look thicker should they suffer from a lack of donor area. (No follow-up on that case yet). In addition, it appears that SMP may be a good way to hide donor scaring that many people suffer from. It will be interesting to see where this goes over time.
  4. Bill, Dr. Rassman commented on this yesterday as well on his blog. Personally, I have been on Propecia (Finesteride) since 1998 with no problems at all.
  5. It depends on the MD. Most do shave now but some will work around your hair if they absolutely must.
  6. Bill, That look great. The hallmark of any great HT is the hairline and yours is beautiful!
  7. I love the production credits. That is great. It will be nice to see how this comes along.
  8. Much like Spanker, I lived in TN as well. I flew to Minneapolis to get my HTs.
  9. Dr. Bernstein is a great HT doctor. There is not question about that. I think that most people gravitate to other doctors because they specialize in different areas of HT. That said, you can not go wrong with Dr. Bernstein!
  10. Aman, Given that Dr Victor Hasson did your HT, when this starts to grow in you are going to be elated!
  11. Patience is easy to say but hard to follow. All of us that have been through this will tell you that you must be patient. I know, easier said than done.
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