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Everything posted by Spanker

  1. I agree in theory. Problem is dut isn't fda approved for hair loss and your taking more potential risk getting on dut for 40 years.
  2. Did you start dying your hair? One of the issues is that you're comparing apples to oranges. The 2015 pic looks semi professional. Styled, combed, soft lighting from the front, probably taken with a dslr, blown out background. The new one is higher light, harsher light, with a wide angle cell phone lens that makes your forehead look bigger. Not saying you have zero loss, but its now a good set of photos for comparing. Plenty of docs will take you on, start doing more research and pull the trigger.
  3. The Merk study shows hair count peaks at a few years and starts to drop, but the decline is much less steep than the placebo group. To me, this is showing that it is always working, just that the follicles can still be overcome by the amount of dht that is left.
  4. Go for it then. What's the hold up? If you have good donor, At your age, your a candidate. You could make your hairline more dense. But, it seems like your excited about it...as has been said, no such thing as an emergency transplant. Make sure you discuss expectations with your doc.
  5. If it looks that bad, you won't be able to get any meaningful advise or thoughts with the "front now" pic you have up. It looks fine in that pic for a 25 year old, much less a 42 year old. Maybe try a more revealing pic for thoughts on what you have going on that could be meaningful, because I can't see anything significant going on in that pic.
  6. Dude, your hair looks killer for no transplants and fin for 16 years. I don't see the problem. I don't see a need for a procedure.
  7. I've had one transplant, 2100 grafts. I don't think fin wears off. You start losing eventually, but less than if you weren't on it and at a slower pace. There are studies to back this. Konior doesn't say it's mandatory but he strongly advises it.
  8. Imo it is. I'm 7 years on fin and five years post op. Started fin at 31 and transplant at 33. If you start losing at 45...Fin may not be needed, but anything younger, its the best idea. Had I not got on it, I'd probably needed another pass by now. Fin just lets you keep your result for much longer and slows you loss.
  9. I'm surprised that it does not go to the cost if you have him for the procedure too. That said, I know that a lot of docs can be pretty generous. It is pretty common for docs to not charge for extra grafts from a strip, I see it here all of the time. I see some docs doing pro bono work on kids from injuries or tradition treatment, etc. They run a business and should get paid for their work. But, I pointed out the above to say its not like all of these guys are swimming inside of their gold coin vaults like Scrooge McDuck. Honestly, for supply in demand (number of really TOP docs vs number of rich balding guys), I really believe that the top 10 docs could probably increase thier prices pretty significantly and still stay booked. You'd be suprised (and so was I) the amount of people out there where money is no object and they can and would pay twice as much without really blinking. That's one of the issues when it comes to transplants even still today (and ESPECIALLY 10 years ago), there just aren't that many premier superstar docs out there IMO. So, yeah, the 200 euros is a bummer, buy would you rather get a free consult with Dr. Pluggy McGee? The 200 is pretty insignificant. But, I do think that they could put it towards your procedure.
  10. I wss your age when I had my transplant with a similar pattern. Went well. I think your fine.
  11. You may have some slight diffusion on top. My advice is to stick with propecia and don't have a transplant and keep the same hair style. I think that it works for you now. You look like you are in good enough shape and and you have a really nice head. If I looked at you, I would not be like, "You know Jim...the one that's balding." I would say, "Jim, with the shaved head." I think it looks fine and I would stick to fin and maybe add rogaine if you aren't using it.
  12. My advice is to look at a pre op photo and see what you think. You are likely more happy now. I agree that it looks like you have very good/thick caliber hair. I've said before that the only advantage to fine hair is that it is extremely natural, and super course hair takes more artistry to look perfectly natural IMO. I think it looks fine, or you could had a hundred or so grafts to get some irregularity could help. I would not call this a failed procedure at all.
  13. So, your hairline is pretty high for a guy under 30, BUT, you will grow into it well. Over the next 10 years, it will look more and more appropriate for your age. Before you know it,as you age, you will have better hair than half your peers. I think that the doctor did you right with your hairline and expectations, so bravo to him. My only advice is to stay on fin. Good luck.
  14. I don't know, but my advice is to meet someone in person that's had it done. I think you should be very careful about any procedures. I think you could have overdone it with the forehead lift. At your age, it was basically a scalp advancement. It's so far forward it could make a hair system difficult to wear if you ever need one. Not to mention you didn't get killer growth. I think it's time to pause on the procedures and take a step back and make sure move you make makes sense in the distant future too. I do think smp would be appropriate for you. Are you on hormone treatment or finasteride? Keeping everything you have for as long as possible is really important for all of us, but especially you did to age, gender, and aggressiveness so far.
  15. I think Ed hung on pretty well. If call him a nw5. He was a nw3v when naked with children started. He's actually hung on better than I would have thought. His sides stayed high and he kept a diffused pattern. I did the shave test before I booked my procedure at 33 and didn't have any advanced pattern, but hair loss is pretty unpredictable and I think early 30s is pretty young. I've been really lucky though, being over 5 years post op with little change. I've been thinking of doing a minor touch up for my 40th birthday. I'll be on fin for 7 years in two months so I start seeing some lost ground soon. We'll see.
  16. I think that it is acceptable. Sure, I am glad a lot don't, but it is understandable, especially for someone that is in super high demand. It weeds the window shoppers out and makes room for the most serious. If you get surgery with him, then the money is put towards your surgical fees I believe. If 200 euros makes someone choose a doc even though they know that he isn't the right guy, then they are probably not in a financial position to get a transplant. Basically, at least in the US, it is just a doctors visit to a GP (and you only get about 10 minutes with them usually), so its not that crazy. I know a lot of plastic surgeons do this too.
  17. Tressless is the only subreddit I've seen that has much activity. They are younger on average. The best thing about there is that a LOT of them post finasteride gains on there, so its pretty cool. They aren't super transplant informed. Dr. Rassaman is a regular contributor there.
  18. Great result. Did this pt have any history of finasteride usage or start using it after your procedure?
  19. I was doing listening to some music on YouTube and Billy Joel's piano man came on, the video from 1885. He would have been 35 or 36. He looks like a norwood 2 working on 2.5. Nice hair. I looked a pic of him now and the dude is a nw7. Blew my mind. Lucky he didn't get a ht. This is example of super bad luck generics in terms of ht. Generally, 35-40 year old guys feel pretty safe about what type of hair loss they'll end up with. Thought it was interesting. Fin for life for me.
  20. I want to mention this again. What about thinning the flap with a .8mm punch, dropping a few hairs in front of the flap to soften it, and moving the rest of the fue from the flap area behind the flap? Almost all the work will be behind it. Seems doable. Maybe a doc will jump on the thread.
  21. You could use close to 1400 in that area. I'd get a second opinion from a known and trusted physician. I've seen eye brows take 800.
  22. Yeah, I think that the corners are just a little too closed. I think that a 2000 graft hairline will look fine on you with that hairline height. You are a young guy, so I would make sure you on fin for good when doing a hairline. You look like you have solid hair behind the transplant which will block the light, so you should be good to go. I think for the most part is is appropriate, but I would open up the corners slightly. I got my transplant when I was 33. 5 years later, I am older and more mature and looking down the barrel of 40 and think, yeah, I would be just as happy (or happier) if my hairline was a little higher. So, I think it is best to err on the side of conservative.
  23. Man, compare pre-op to now, and you're killing it. I can definitely see improvement over the past couple months.
  24. Killer really. Must have some hear caliber hair.
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