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Everything posted by Spanker

  1. This would be a case that I would recommend that you contact him directly through his email. He has a strong surgical background as a head and neck surgeon and facial plastics. That isn't something you want to be at scarring at, but at this point, the damage could be done and you would be looking at a percentage of improvement. For instance, 50 percent better and finish off with FUE. Idk what his plan would be so I would again say to contact direct. My personal opinion is that you won't be able to get a sure plan with out an in person visit no matter who you choose.
  2. Did he say what caused it to stretch so badly? Sorry to see that. That's one of the worst scares I've seen.
  3. Yes. Mpb nw3. Look at to getting on finasteride and using Rogaine.
  4. I understand people not wanting to break the bank, but make sure you do your research. I think you'll get a lot of people that will mention Konior. He is not only the best (in my opinion) in Chicago, but among the best in the country. I don't know who you consulted, but a transplant will affect your husband for life. For this reason, I say pick whoever you like the most after ample research and go with them. 5 years from now, you're not going to miss the 6k you saved on a budget procedure but could carry regret for many years to come by picking the wrong one. Also, don't limit your search to Chicago. That can't be stressed enough, especially if you are value shopping. SMG (Shapiro Medical Group) isn't too far and I like them. I drove 8 hours for both my consult and my procedure because I wanted to get it right. I would have driven 18 hours. I researched for 2 years prior. So, my biggest advice is be careful and get it right the first time. There is little room for error and money you think you will save can end up costing you donor hair (which you will never get back) and money (which you can). Good luck, whoever you choose. Do your research, there is no such thing as an emergency hair transplant!
  5. If that worked, you didn't have cvg. CVG is not caused by parasites. Pics would be awesome though.
  6. I disagree that this is DUPA, but I could be wrong. However it looks like you could have some retrograde alopecia. This means you have a safe zone, it's just not big. You have hair loss from above the safe zone and some thinning on the sides below as well. I do agree you should get an in person consult by a few trusted physicians.
  7. I've seen lots of patients go that to. But, I would look at getting an in- person consult. If it were me, I may at least inquire about a scar revision. I also agree you would be looking at about 2500 grafts your first session with FUE. But with your hair cut so low, I'm not sure what you are going for. What are your goals?
  8. He's seen this post and has no idea of who you could be. I've yet to be contacted but would be happy to help.
  9. I think you're old enough. You've been a member for 6 years now. It obviously bothers you. You shouldn't worry if other people think it effects your appearance. It's what you think.
  10. You will get more help researching a hair system website forum. Try Nothrwest Lace forum. There are a few wearers here, but they already have a lot of info on your questions on there.
  11. They are right. what it is meant for is to get multiple strips with on cut motion, what it does is transects the crap out of your grafts and leaves a wider scar. You can't find anyone worth using still using one.
  12. You'll never know until it's grown out. Definitely not enough when that short. Couple things, you're definitely higher than a 2. Your a 3 headed to 4 with a persistent forelock. Your receded corners are eventually going to want to touch. More importantly, is did you have the grafts to maintain a natural look. And for that, especially if you're not on finasteride, i say no. You went very aggressive, blunted your corners, and lowered your hairline. Your best bet is to let your hair start to grow and see how it looks and get on meds if you're not. Also, if you have another procedure, plant like you'll lose your frontal third. You're in a situation where you can still end up in a good situation, but your margin for error is very slim.
  13. Have you had a transplant before? He is a talented surgeon. I see no reason he wouldn't be a good option for you.
  14. I've never heard of anyone having a hard time making contract with Dr. Konior. Could you PM me the email that you are using?
  15. Hair caliber is only a part of what someone will look at when they give advice. Age, level of current and future loss, medication commitment, and goals all play just as big of a role. Most people fall in that range where you can do something for them, but their goals, along with the other things I mention all play a part in the assessment.
  16. I can't speak for the Airforce, but the Army guys don't care. I found out that I had CVG (prune head) in basic, which was the first time that I shaved my head, and no one said anything, You'll be around females tho and you might get asked about it. I am surprised you can even join in your late 30s though. You'll be the old man for sure and that may get you some attention, and like Othersyde said, you'll likely be in a leadership position at least part of the time
  17. Best wishes on your procedure. I really hope it grows well and I hope that you follow up with your procedure. No a lot of people follow through with scarring alopecia transplant or results, so your post and an honest eval of the results could be very helpful to people considering treatment. All the best.
  18. If day it's pretty bad. Wether from lip or not. I wouldn't consider you a great candidate base on your age and donor area. Sorry man.
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