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Everything posted by Spanker

  1. Looks like you have a lot of hair to save. I don't think that hair is permanent for most people even with monasteries, but it can give you a decade or more. Looks like your around 37. Looking at your hair loss, I would say try a reputable fin source for a year first before you consider a transplant.
  2. Check out the Northwest Lace forum. Lot of DIY posts.
  3. I've also seen people get lazy after a good transplant and slow their fin intake. I've seen it quite a few times. This could just be a case of fast loss though.
  4. I've always had a bit of an issue with the term stabilized also. However, that's quite aggressive loss for someone on fin in one year. I wonder if he was faithful on his meds? Or got fake fin?
  5. The failure in this case is patient education/ expectations. The transplant is to today's standards.
  6. I don't have time to link all the threads I've read, but I've read plenty of posts on other forums about it by patients with mixed reviews. You question looked to me line you were asking what it was. That is likely going to come from clinics. That doesn't mean the information on what it is is not valid. A plumber isn't likely to write an article on prp. The website end hair loss by 2020 has a skilled technical writer that does a lot of research and is a good place for info.
  7. Without pre ops and better pics it will be hard for anyone to make a meaningful assessment. Overhead harsh lights will poke holes in most transplants.
  8. 1) What is it? The info I find online is mostly marketing/promotional stuff so I am not going to believe that. Plenty of research can be found on what it is. It is your blood spun down with Acell injected to help produce growth. If you want the science behind it, it can be found easily. 2) Are there brands? If so, which are the best/worst? Not brands, but the Angel System seems to be the gold standard right now for spinning down the platelets. 3) Is this a skill in itself i.e. are there doctors that are better in it than others? I think that there is a skill to it, but I think that the protocol is the most important. Dr. Cooley probably has the most results to show. 4) Side effects? That is a question for a doc, I know that itching for a while seems to be common. Also, shockloss has been reported as happening. 5) Is it a long-term solution? It is a long term repeatable treatment. If it works for you, like finasteride, it may always help improve your hair, but that does not mean that your balding can't overtake the benefits. I have seen mixed reviews on its effectiveness from being close to nill to being mind blowing. I think your fist round is a roll of the dice to see if it helps. If it does, you can use it as tool until something better comes along.
  9. I don't think that the recipient looks that bad. Your scar looks a little high, but I don't see why 2000-2500 would exceed your donor capacity. Also, think about it, you had 7 surgeouns quote you a number 2 to 2.5 times more hair than you want to have moved. Their quotes are based on the goals that you gave them. So, you are setting yourself up for failure by having goals that do no match the amount of hair that you want moved. You either need to pony up the grafts or skip the surgery, because 1000 grafts won't do a heck of a lot, and you will likely end up disappointed. BTW, for having your first HT 20 years ago, you have held onto it quite well.
  10. It does look like the beginning of MBP. Sorry bro.
  11. I don't think you should do anything at this point. I did think you should be on fin if you're serious about keeping your hair. Good luck.
  12. I wouldn't do anything at this point. Since your are not going to do fin, your donor management is extremely important. And since it really doesn't look like you need anything (you look good and normal) I would not do anything,
  13. PRP with A cell may be an improvement. FUE has gotten much better in the last 10 years. I don't think there will be a cure, but there continued to be advancement.
  14. Such a neat procedure and cumbersome I am sure. Would have been cool to see a post of donor to show what this procedure can look like.
  15. Fair skin tends to stay red longer. I have seen nothing to suggest women stay red longer.
  16. Kind of like asking what is more important, your steering wheel or your wheels?
  17. I think there is a sweet spot for length based on your hair style. Generally, I think it is about the length you have it, or a little longer. side part also help for some.
  18. It would have been better to go a little bit higher, I agree, but it still looks natural at this point. And honestly, I am surprised that it turned out this good after looking at your post op photos in a previous thread. You definitely got a low density transplant. I think it looks fine.
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