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Everything posted by Levrais

  1. Baldto, It looks like that poster was last online over a year ago and only had 8 posts so I would be surprised if he replies. Do you have pics posted somewhere?
  2. Dr, Diep discusses that topic quite a bit on his youtube videos. I don't have a link handy at the moment.
  3. There are several docs on this forum who do fue. Since you don't have enough scalp donor to do a full restoration, you may also want to consult with a doc who does fue with beard and body hair. I agree with everything Cant decide said except that I don't think Dr. Feller does fue on the higher NW levels. While technically there is scarring from fue, its not visible like a strip scar if done by the right doc.
  4. That is really sad. I enjoyed looking at his results and reading posts. He's very close to me in age also which is way too young. Has anyone heard what the cause was?
  5. Have you consulted with any docs yet? Doing so may make it easier to decide who you like.
  6. Its normal to look worse at 2 weeks than before the procedure. Its not normal for the doc or at least a rep not to return calls.
  7. That's a solid hairline. As for the crown, I cannot say from the pics if its thinning or just a normal whorl. Now that you have those pics, you could take pics again at 6 months under the same conditions (lighting etc). Then see if there is any change. It doesn't look bad to me and since you don't have baldness in the family Im not sure I would do anything at this point other than keep an eye on it. If it does end up that you have thinning in the crown, there are proven treatments available.
  8. Hi Stublue, You should see the biggest changes in the next 90 days. Glad to see the shock is growing back in.
  9. Hi Bob, thanks for the feedback. I went back and looked at my crown consult pic on page 2 and there has definitely been an improvement. I used to have a shiny bald spot.
  10. It depends on where on the sideburn it is as to whether it would be closer to scalp or beard but I'm sure it can be done.
  11. I'm thinking that sideburn hair is probably more similar to beard hair. You should ask the clinic if they do heard hair transplant.
  12. Hi All, Here is my update at 6 months. I am going to try to take a better crown pic as this one makes it look a little better than it actually is. 6 months is early as crowns go, so there will likely be more progress in the next 8 to 12 months. Please feel free to comment and ask any questions
  13. If you can find a way the make the appointment happen with True & Dorin, it would be well worth it. You're going to be cutting it close getting a procedure and seeing the result before your wedding as many of the top clinics are booked out a few months. Also, how much coverage are you seeking? You could probably get a decent result with 2200 grafts in the frontal third.
  14. I hope you had a good trip. Looking forward to the pics
  15. [quote My issue now is the sebum plugs, as I am now using a milder shampoo. Thick otherwise very healthy hair coming out with sebum attached at the root. I have those too although I didn't know thats what it was. Is the hair dead after it falls out with the sebum plug or does it grow back?
  16. What problems are you having with Nizoral? I use it occasionally also
  17. Good choice, he had a major transformation. This is a great example of what can be possible.
  18. You have the right approach so things should work out well. As for the meds, its a tough call. I was on propecia for several years and it really did maintain the crown. I thought about going back on it at one point and even bought a 3 month supply but so far haven't taken them.
  19. Hi Johnny, Thanks for your comments. As far as my NW level. When I was doing consults 3 years ago I was told 3 or 4 and that I was maybe headed to a 5. But I think I am actually a hybrid because my crown is dipping low in the back like someone even higher on the scale. My guess is that I would be a 5 to 6 right now if not for the grafts. As for the head shaving, you're right I never quite went that far. For the first op they shaved my hair back in the front a bit but I was able to pull off an acceptable look after a couple weeks. I'm glad I didn't shave all the way because I was not ready for something so extreme at that moment. For my second op, I looked really bad for a few weeks and maybe should have just buzzed it all. The shaving was done in an odd way and Im sure people thought I had escaped from some type of hospital, The doc and I didn't really discuss shaving, I just told him to do whatever he needed to do to get me the best result. For the third op (because of my look the time beore) I asked the doc if he could do it without shaving. To my surprise, he agreed. I think he could do it that time without shaving because there was little to no hair in the areas he was working in. So, again after a couple weeks, the look wasn't so bad. I think the bottom line though is to give him the final say so he can work in the proper conditions. In your case, with the loss you describe, you will have native hair all around the recipient area and will probably be able to hide the work quite well. Either way, you have chosen an outstanding clinic. I look forward to seeing your results if you decide to post them. I'm glad my thread was useful to you and please feel free to ask any more questions you have along the way
  20. The best thing you could do at this point to help you decide would be get an in person consult with a doc There are many more good strip clinics than there are fue clinics. In your case since you haven't decided which method you want, you might benefit from narrowing your search at least initially to clinics who are good at both. Since you are in UK, check out some of the docs in Belgium. For some reason, good fue docs are concentrated there.
  21. As others as said, its hard to know how much donor you have available. However, if you don't have enough scalp donor to get good coverage, you could consider clinics that also use beard and body hair.
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