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    • Seems very shady, disappointing to hear such things about this surgeon.  From what Ive researched on the HT industry, it always seems to be the case that as soon as a surgeon achieves god like status it is very difficult to maintain those standards. I suppose this is due to a number of reasons - they start to expand and get greedy, being the main ones. As a result, the attention to detail is no longer the key focus. Gone are the detailed chats. Gone are the meticulous follow-ups to put the customer at ease - the bigger focus now is to get more asses in chairs and make more of that money!
    • PATIENT'S DETAILS: 41 years old  Norwood 5 grade of baldness - losing his hair with a hair loss history Medium caliber hair Strong follicular units RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: In this gentleman's case, we initially decided to adopt a one-step approach to treat his baldness, classifiable as grade 5 in the Norwood scale.   The surgery took place in December 2022, when we implanted 3,255 grafts by using DHT to restore the patient's Hairline, Front and Crown.  SURGERIES DETAILS: Needles and a CTS blade were utilized to create slits, while grafts were scored using a motorized punch. The extracted grafts were then loaded into SAVA implanters, which are blunt needle implanters. These loaded implanters were subsequently used to place the grafts into pre-made sites simultaneously at our hair transplant clinic. The Direct Hair Transplant is a modified version of FUE Hair Transplant. It provides you with healthy and natural looking hair. This technique does not involve the use of scalpels and the best part of this technique is that it is pain free. After the completion of this procedure the new hair continues to grow naturally. The main objective of this procedure is to elevate the survival and growth of the hair follicles by reducing their handling and the time for which they stay out of the skin. No. of Grafts: 3,255 Technique: DHT (Direct Hair Transplant) Donor area: Scalp RESULTS: Natural-looking hairline after 16 Months Donor aesthetics maintained 100% Natural hairline BEFORE & AFTER RESULTS: Warmest Regards Eugenix Hair Sciences  Email- info@eugenix.in Website: https://eugenixhairsciences.com  Book an Appointment: Book an Appointment for Hair Transplant in India - Eugenix   
    • None of us can ever say with confidence about the future but it sounds like your situation is reasonably favourable. No higher Norwoods in the immediate family and as you approach 30 your hair loss isn't too advanced either. Not being on finasteride will mean your hair loss continues to progress but equally the speed of hair loss will gradually decrease (generally speaking). People who find themselves not being a candidate for surgery to address the hair loss tend to be NW6/7's with bad donor areas due to additional losses in the donor or previous bad surgeries that have left them depleted. You don't sound like you're likely to end up there, so I don't think you should worry about finasteride too much. If you can't take it you can't take it and there's no point risking your well-being for a hair loss drug. The world will continue to spin regardless of what's going on with your hair so it's really not worth the trouble. I think you'd be fine to chase down the hair loss with surgeries in the future if you wanted to.
    • @Shadman before finalising Hair transplant date with Dr Somesh did you had a discussion with him regarding design and results
    • Really surprised to hear a doctor prescribing RU-58841 which is not a licensed drug... have you queried him about that and what are his thoughts? Having said that I know plenty of people have used RU with success. I have been using it for almost 2 months now and have experienced 0 side effects, not sure if it has done much but I will wait until the 6 months mark before deciding whether or not to ditch it.
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