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Best clinic in states for temples/hairline? Also how many grafts would I need?

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I’m looking for doctors in La or somewhere in south California to quote me so in the mean time I was hoping you guys could give you me your best guesstimate for the amount of hair grafts I need. I’d also appreciate recommendations for doctors who are good with temples and hairline. Some more info I’m 25 and my hair loss is only in the front (no hair loss on crown) my hair has actually been like this since I was 15/16 so I don’t think it’s balding but rather a bunch of factors that I’ve taken care of, since I’ve started focusing on my health/hair care at 18 it’s improved/stagnated. 

EDIT** not sure how to reply to comments, I appreciate the advice and I agree, I am definitely balding and there’s nothing to stop it but I’m ok with that, I’m not going to continue getting hair transplants trying to achieve my dream hair, I’d just like to enjoy my 20s and maybe early 30s with what I consider decent hair. I don’t mind shaving my head and being bald but I’d prefer to do that at 30 or 35, the only reason I’m considering a hair transplant is because my hair has stayed the same and not progressed, I’m sure that’s me being optimistic but to me my hair is genuinely better now than it was at 15-18. Also, I’m not limiting myself to clinics just in California that’s only for the consultations and quotes until I find the right place, I heard you should at least get quoted by three other doctors.  







Edited by Sam999
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It's definitely male pattern baldness, and whilst you may have always had a bit of a high hairline when you were younger, I can promise you that your hair isn't the same as it was when you were 15/16; it's just progressing slowly. You need to accept this fact as it will only continue as you get older, and you'll inevitably need more HT's as time goes by, especially so if you're not using fin (which it sounds like you're not from your post). Considering using meds (if you do end up doing so) would mean that your loss will be slowed considerably and you can stave off needing another HT for as long as possible, most likely much longer than if you don't use them.

Your loss isn't particularly aggressive or anything, but like I say, in the long run you will lose more hair. It probably won't be very fast (although nothing is a given), and how much will be lost is anyones guess, but I'm just pointing all of this out as lots of people (especially younger) with fairly mild MPB don't want to accept that it is indeed baldness and if you approach this from that sort of angle, well I can almost promise you that you'll be very disappointed in the future when things progress and you're tied into the HT route. 

You're young and you have lots of years for loss to continue, so be mindful and consider fin is my advice. As for your situation, you probably need around 2000 grafts, give or take, depending on the design. Your donor looks pretty good from what I can see, and the rest of your hair is in good condition as you have said. Lot's of surgeons are going to be weary of performing a HT on you being so young and unmedicated, they may ask you to wait a few years and try fin as a result, which is what I would reccomend too.

I don't know much about clinics in LA, but I know Dr. Mohebi does decent work so maybe get in touch with them for a consultation, but really you shouldn't let location dictate where you go. Do some research and pick a doctor based off their results; it will probably mean you'll need to travel, but most of us here have done that.



Edited by JDEE0
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32 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

It's definitely male pattern baldness, and whilst you may have always had a bit of a high hairline when you were younger, I can promise you that your hair isn't the same as it was when you were 15/16; it's just progressing slowly. You need to accept this fact as it will only continue as you get older, and you'll inevitably need more HT's as time goes by, especially so if you're not using fin (which it sounds like you're not from your post). Considering using meds (if you do end up doing so) would mean that your loss will be slowed considerably and you can stave off needing another HT for as long as possible, most likely much longer than if you don't use them.

Your loss isn't particularly aggressive or anything, but like I say, in the long run you will lose more hair. It probably won't be very fast (although nothing is a given), and how much will be lost is anyones guess, but I'm just pointing all of this out as lots of people (especially younger) with fairly mild MPB don't want to accept that it is indeed baldness and if you approach this from that sort of angle, well I can almost promise you that you'll be very disappointed in the future when things progress and you're tied into the HT route. 

You're young and you have lots of years for loss to continue, so be mindful and consider fin is my advice. As for your situation, you probably need around 2000 grafts, give or take, depending on the design. Your donor looks pretty good from what I can see, and the rest of your hair is in good condition as you have said. Lot's of surgeons are going to be weary of performing a HT on you being so young and unmedicated, they may ask you to wait a few years and try fin as a result, which is what I would reccomend too.

I don't know much about clinics in LA, but I know Dr. Mohebi does decent work so maybe get in touch with them for a consultation, but really you shouldn't let location dictate where you go. Do some research and pick a doctor based off their results; it will probably mean you'll need to travel, but most of us here have done that.



this is good advice but i think your being overly cautious. I for one had an earl sweatshirt hairline since birth and it didnt change even to my mid twenties and if you catch hair loss in the early months then you could recover fully with finasteride.

if you plan to never take finasteride than i agree with you, you should never go for a HT but if its a contingency you are willing to accept i dont see why you shouldnt go for a HT at 25

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54 minutes ago, Sam999 said:

I’m looking for doctors in La or somewhere in south California to quote me so in the mean time I was hoping you guys could give you me your best guesstimate for the amount of hair grafts I need. I’d also appreciate recommendations for doctors who are good with temples and hairline. Some more info I’m 25 and my hair loss is only in the front (no hair loss on crown) my hair has actually been like this since I was 15/16 so I don’t think it’s balding but rather a bunch of factors that I’ve taken care of, since I’ve started focusing on my health/hair care at 18 it’s improved/stagnated. 

EDIT** not sure how to reply to comments, I appreciate the advice and I agree, I am definitely balding and there’s nothing to stop it but I’m ok with that, I’m not going to continue getting hair transplants trying to achieve my dream hair, I’d just like to enjoy my 20s and maybe early 30s with what I consider decent hair. I don’t mind shaving my head and being bald but I’d prefer to do that at 30 or 35, the only reason I’m considering a hair transplant is because my hair has stayed the same and not progressed, I’m sure that’s me being optimistic but to me my hair is genuinely better now than it was at 15-18. Also, I’m not limiting myself to clinics just in California that’s only for the consultations and quotes until I find the right place, I heard you should at least get quoted by three other doctors.  







Your hairloss looks much like mine, I am 27. 

You can see my thread under this comment, I had 2550 grafts, our loss looks identical, perhaps I had even more loss than you.

For Drs in your area I would say Dr. Timothy Carman at La Jolla Hair Restoration or Dr Parsa Mohebi.

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12 minutes ago, mmokin said:

this is good advice but i think your being overly cautious. I for one had an earl sweatshirt hairline since birth and it didnt change even to my mid twenties and if you catch hair loss in the early months then you could recover fully with finasteride.

if you plan to never take finasteride than i agree with you, you should never go for a HT but if its a contingency you are willing to accept i dont see why you shouldnt go for a HT at 25

I feel you, difference is though someone like earl has always had a high hairline with no recession in the corners. Was the same back in like 2010, and in other words, is not MPB whereas OP's is.

Besides, I'm not saying he shouldn't get a HT soon even if he doesn't take fin ever, just saying that it's going to progress over the years which OP didn't really seem to fully accept/realise when he said his hairline has been the same since a teen. Sounded more like he was saying he's not suffering from MPB, I was just pointing out that he in fact is.

I'm 27 myself and have just had a HT with loss a little bit worse than this, so I'm not saying don't go for it, just to be weary. My overall point is: look at someone like Ralph Fiennes, guy had a pretty sick hairline in Schindlers list when he was about 30 years old or so, but has since gone NW4+. Not the end of the world by any means and he could fix it easily with 3500 grafts and fin, but things will progress if left alone.

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5 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

I feel you, difference is though someone like earl has always had a high hairline with no recession in the corners. Was the same back in like 2010, and in other words, is not MPB whereas OP's is.

Besides, I'm not saying he shouldn't get a HT soon even if he doesn't take fin ever, just saying that it's going to progress over the years which OP didn't really seem to fully accept/realise when he said his hairline has been the same since a teen. Sounded more like he was saying he's not suffering from MPB, I was just pointing out that he in fact is.

I'm 27 myself and have just had a HT with loss a little bit worse than this, so I'm not saying don't go for it, just to be weary. My overall point is: look at someone like Ralph Fiennes, guy had a pretty sick hairline in Schindlers list when he was about 30 years old or so, but has since gone NW4+. Not the end of the world by any means and he could fix it easily with 3500 grafts and fin, but things will progress if left alone.

yh i agree with everything you said, if you arent willing to accept balding as a potential reality then dont do HT

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6 hours ago, Sam999 said:

I don’t mind shaving my head and being bald but I’d prefer to do that at 30 or 35

anyone who truly in their heart of hearts is ok with being bald, should not go down the hair transplant path. Just avoid the hassle. Even 10/10 homerun results are incredibly stressful, and potentially setting you up to a lifetime commitment of multiple HT's and Finasteride (not to mention the cost of it all). 

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There is no scarless surgery. Do not think you can just shave your head if you don't like the result or don't want to commit to life long medication or future transplants. There is no one and done in hair restoration. Do not get a transplant thinking you won't care about your hair past your 20's. You're exhibiting all the classic signs of someone who should not get a transplant. 

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Bosley 11-2016 FUE - 1,407 grafts

Dr. Diep 09-2017 FUE - 2,024 grafts

Dr. Konior 03-2020 FUE - 2,076 grafts

Dr. Konior 09-2021 FUE - 697 scalp to scalp, FUE - 716 beard to beard Total scalp FUE - 6,204 grafts 

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My favs are Dr. Konior in Chicago and Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis if you're willing to travel.  The others are right, you have MPB.  Get on fin (propecia) ASAP and try it for a year before you get a transplant.  If you care about your hair now, you'll care about it in your 30's, 40's and beyond - I can guarantee that 😉

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Also, you definitely have androgenetic alopecia. There is miniaturization in the hairline and it will continue to recede if not on an anti-androgen. A healthy lifestyle literally has nothing to do with MPB. Eat all the vegetables, exercise every day, and you will continue to lose hair if you have a genetic predisposition to it. 

Edited by BDK081522
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Bosley 11-2016 FUE - 1,407 grafts

Dr. Diep 09-2017 FUE - 2,024 grafts

Dr. Konior 03-2020 FUE - 2,076 grafts

Dr. Konior 09-2021 FUE - 697 scalp to scalp, FUE - 716 beard to beard Total scalp FUE - 6,204 grafts 

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29 minutes ago, BDK081522 said:

A healthy lifestyle literally has nothing to do with MPB. Eat all the vegetables, exercise every day, and you will continue to lose hair if you have a genetic predisposition to it. 

Agree, also consider all the homeless people who have amazing hair. Lifestyle (notably stress) can certainly accelerate MPB, but does not cause it. 

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If you are above 25 I think it is ok to go for transplant. Yes enjoying 20s and early thirties is an important aspect of life. But you have have to understand that your MPB may progress if you are not taking medication so when you get transplant it should just not just cover the completely bald area but a little behind it too so that future hairloss doesnt make it look bad. Also keep in mind that you may need another surgery 5-10 years later. But with GOOD doctor and CONSERVATIVE hairline approach you should be good. Hopefully 10-15 years later we will have stem cell/hair cloning.

There are people who regret doing surgery early but some like me wished that we had done it earlier.

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If you are not on finasteride successfully and able to tolerate it then I would hold off on having any surgery. If you have the 'slightest inkling' of shaving your head in five years or so then save your money and your scalp. You will have either thousands of punctated scars or a long strip scar to contend with. Why do this if it can be avoided? Having only one hair transplant now and being done with it is a bad plan when it comes to surgery (and it is surgery). If you can't tolerate finasteride or you're not prepared to undergo several hair transplants over the lifespan then while you are still unscarred I would rethink your whole plan. All the best.

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The first course of treatment should be medication. I wouldn’t recommend being too aggressive at your age.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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