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Everything posted by Mike10

  1. he doing a lot: HT , working out. yet he still looks below average
  2. the issue with FUT is the scar. you can't predict it. with FUT you get more grafts from the safe zone. in FUE it is more widespread, they go outside the safe zone.,
  3. he might be in bad shape with the Finansteride and Oral Minox he is taking
  4. HL is too low on the sidese particularly. Looks off a bit in my opinion. HT is lifelong. will also not be great when he is 45, 55 ...I prefer natural results like Dr Munib.
  5. Yeah they speculated he might be wearing concealers as well. I think the critics is more about the hairline design which is also subjective.
  6. In my opinion the German HT Forum is more knowledgable than this one. They were also speculation that he is wearing concealers. I think Stegen would have been better off going to somebody like Munib who produces excellent natural results on a consistent basis.
  7. The result has been discussed in the German HT Forum and has been deemed as unnatural. I fully agree. Looks like he is wearing a helm or something
  8. I disagree with the previous poster from personal experience. I started receding at age 24.Now I am a solid NW2 at age 42. I never took medication.
  9. Dr Heitmann from Switzerland does all the work himself
  10. So you think you know better than Bisanga who has decades long experience?
  11. Yep I agree.hairline too low, looks like he is wearing a helm. Was deemed as a subpar result in the German Forum as well.great HTs are all about naturalness and aging well.
  12. to illustrate, HT Drs have only recently backed up from the safe donor theory. most do now recognize that such hair may not last for life. they have only realized that now
  13. for 2-3 decades. With the FUE only for about 2 decades. And HT has picked up mainstream not that long ago. when guy gets a HT at 30, he lives for 5 more decades. in my opinion there is a a bit of a lakc of experience in the long run
  14. Generally hair loss will progress even with medication in the long run. will one reach his destined NW status despite medication? we do not know. The HT has not been around for that long. there is not that much long term experience. There is also no such thing as a safe donor. For person destined to higher NWs, it is best to get on medication to preserve the donor
  15. this guy seems young. will see in 5 years or so. Finansteride does not usually stop the progression at the front
  16. It is not conservative, it is appropriate. It looks natural. A lot of Drs, even Top Drs, do straightlines which I do not think look natural especially as the patient gets older.
  17. I have been doing PRP as a standalone treatment for 6 years. Maintenance once a year. I do not think it is on the same level as Fin/oral Minix. It is a 2nd line treatment.
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