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Everything posted by thetdog666

  1. Is he offering a free touch up? I would seriously consider going somewhere else or at least get consultations elsewhere and see if anyone can see what has went wrong
  2. Can you show me cases that you were blown away by with any of them? A few of them youv named seem not to use a lot of grafts (conservative) and still look like your balding after it
  3. Take fin along with dut for about 3 months. Then stop fin and continue with dut
  4. Ends in 378. I don't think september when consulations will be but instead will open up to new people being able to book. So could be like into next year for a consultation etc
  5. Whats app them. Sure they aren't accepting new patients till at least September ( for consultations)
  6. Your stack is about as good as it gets. I take myself 5mg Oral min and 0.5mg avodart daily. Changing fin for avodart would be your next option if you feel like your still losing ground
  7. Look on the spannish forum. There are patient reviews on there.
  8. Good to see another de freitas case. Great right up and will be following. All the best
  9. Awesome. You can't even tell you've had a hair transplant!
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