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First PRP treatment in New York-Dr. Alan Feller

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Originally posted by ebutterg:

Here's my two cents:


Dr. Feller, thank you for all your work, for allowing us to be privy to it, and for putting up with those on this board who bring their own emotional baggage to this forum. Yes, on occasion your posts carry a whiff of hubris, but nobody's perfect...


For everyone else, I had PRP three weeks ago in Vancouver with Dr. Choi. It works. And it works well. Unequivocally. No, I don't have any pics, but for what an anonymous testimonial is worth (yes, next to nothing), there you go.


What is the condition of your HL, and when you say it works, what exactly do you mean by that? Has it thickened up dramatically? have you noticed regrowth?

First transplant with karamikian 6/05, less than 1000 to my hairline, result was mediocre at best.

2nd HT with Feller 2/08, 3000+ to my front third.

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Hair doesn't grow that fast - must of been a good hair day, sorry.


Originally posted by ebutterg:

I'm an NW2 - receding hairline at the corners. Had 40 CCs of PRP in those areas and within two weeks I noticed a substantial thickening. No regrowth to speak of (at least I don't think), but the miniaturized hairs are growing in much thicker.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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I'm sorry, but I didn't really get an answer to the question I asked earlier. Dr. Feller (or anyone who thinks they know the answer), is PRP not an effective tool in maintaining existing hair no matter how far someone is along in their hairloss? If it can thicken hair shafts, reverse minituarization, why not?

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Everything Ive ever read is hair grows about a half inch a month ,not an inch

I hope its helping you but your post holds little value without pictures.

You could easily change that though

Also Im not sure who your asking if they think the it fattens the follicle but only a few do at this time.

Plus according to what Dr Feller told a patient it wouldnt help those weak terminal miniaturized hairs.

This is why I tell people to wait because not only is there little proof now there are contradictions .

I believe PRP will be discussed in the DAM so maybe we will hear and SEE more about the potential of PRP soon

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I just want to reiterate again for members just joining us that PRP is not proven to treat hair loss.


I give Dr. Feller and other doctors props for experimenting with PRP in their practice to see what short and long term effects it has on hair. But remember, all we've seen so far are the preliminary "results" of a few case studies. And though there is some excitement regardnig the preliminary findings, I encourage members to heed caution not to overhype something that's still experimental.


There are many questions still to be answered, not just by patients, but by the very physicians experimenting with the treatment.


Feel free to use this thread to ask your questions. However, do understand that there aren't answers to many of them yet.


All the Best,



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Just a quick correction. On average, hair grows at a rate of approximately 1/2 inch every month not every 2 weeks. Thus, the difference in your hair can't be from new growth, but from the fattening of hair follicles.


But I must admit, your case is a mystery to me. I don't doubt that your hair has shown some improvement, but the fact that something occured in a 2 week period is astounding.


I've always been into science. And though I do believe my own eyes, I like to know how things work scientifically. As of now, there is no scientific explanation as to why you've seen improvement so quickly let alone, whether or not the improvement you see is from the PRP.


Given the scientific method, observation suggests a hypothesis that PRP may cause instant thickening of thinning hair follicles. However, to test this hypothesis, it will need to be replicated a number of times. My hypothesis is that you are an anomaly and that if PRP is responsible for such a dramatic change in 2 weeks, you will be among the rare exception group.


Most if not all scientific experiments result in a bell curve with the majority falling somewhere in the middle and a smaller group falling to the left and right of the curve. The further one moves to the extremes, the smaller the group that fits in that category.


It will be interesting to see how these experiments continue and how long these preliminary results last before additional treatment is required. But as of now, I caution members not to jump to conclusions with so many questions unanswered even by the physicians researching it.


In the meantime, I remain cautiously optimistic.



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Originally posted by ebutterg:

You're wrong about that. After two weeks hair has grown about half an inch. So if you agree that PRP does in fact thicken the hair follicle, that means half an inch of each hair from the base of the scalp got thicker. I wear my hair up with gel, so the increased texture is easily noticeable. You can be a naysayer all you like, but the difference is, I've done it and you haven't. So until you've seen it for yourself like I have, (and don't try to write it off as a placebo effect because I've tried most everything else with even less cynicism and noticed nothing), then your opinion doesn't have a lot of value now, does it...


ebutterg, dont listen to the naysayers


i am in a similar situation, starting to approach nw3 and your post fills me with confidence


if its ok wiv you, would like to pm you to talk more?

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Ebutterg (and others who have undergone prp), it would be tremendously helpful to all forum members if you did photo document your prp treatment. as you say, sans photos your testimonial is somewhat worthless...

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I have a pet Chupacabra for sale.

I really do ,I swear

So until you see it dont doubt me.

I dont have any pictures or proof and the guy I got it from didnt take pictures either.

He probably should of since this is something new and exciting but he didnt. He said he had some shots of UFOs but I was too busy petting my new pet

Even though he forgot to take pics I still expect you naysayers to believe me because I said so.

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I think one . I was talking about this new poster.

Not saying hes lying but if you expect me to believe something because someone said something then Im not sure what to say.

This is EXACTLY how the laser started.

Unsubstantiated claims with a pic here and there


I did find one that Feller posted .

I shows how his hair looks after one month of PRP.

The areas that do seem to look slightly different are clearly over an inch long .


I suppose now PRP doubles the length hair grows a month.

Cant we just wait and see ?

I wont make anymore comments as long as others dont make these ridiculous claims.

We will see soon enough if theres anything to this.

I really hope there is but so far NOTHING has convinced me otherwise

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Folks no one who has expressed reservations about the efficacy of PRP needs to defend their views here.


The onus is on those who claim there is improvement to come forward with pictures and data.


For those who suggest there is improvement in a month or even two weeks then the only realistic explanation is a fattening of the hair follicle enhancing overall density. perhaps all that plasma is getting sucked up into the follicle. who knows. perhaps its the same mechanism found in a volumizing hair product. Perhaps its in your head (and no where else).


I too remain cautiously optimistic. Dr. Greco is in my backyard and I drive by his office daily on my way to work. I cant wait for the day that it is evident that PRP promotes healthy hair and reverses miniturization of follicles. Until then I have better things to do with my $400/$600/$800

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For someone who doesnt even know how it works yet lets a doc draw blood and shoot it in his head is something Im astounded of.

Geez your a daredevil Evel.

A first time poster that makes wild claims Hmmmm you sure your not Choi?

I would be willing to bet a great sum that your not being 100% honest, probably outright lying.

I see no anger pettiness or resentment I see a potential phony though named ebutterg.

Prove me wrong and I wont post on this thread again.

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Why so aggressive, ebutt? Also, your irony isn't really ironic -- or logical -- as it was said that it is the shelling out of $$$ on the treatment in question that many have "better things to do" with.


Frankly, I don't know what you expect; sack up and show some photos that lend some power to your words. If you wanna hide, fine, no sweat off anyone's back...but don't act so righteously indignant when your testimonial isn't lapped up by a horde of thirsty mice.


And I likely will be doing PRP sometime in the coming months with Dr. Feller.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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HAHA Evil is a compliment .

Here in US he was the greatest daredevil there ever was.

Now lets see, if I call you Tom Green or Cory Haim then thats an insult.

I hope I didnt screw up my Canadians [The American that I am} icon_rolleyes.gif

Also I said I would be willing to BET your not being completely honest. Never called you a liar.

Here in US a bet is where two put money up and whoever is right or wins ,WINS !!

Go ahead and claim what you want . I pray that I will admit Ive never been so wrong

I wont rain on your parade anymore.

You should never remind people of there baggage because it could easily be dumped on you Ebug.

Im done I posted my concerns ,now PLEASE prove me wrong.

I wouldnt be happier to say Im sorry and bow down if PRP is a success.

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Question for Dr. Feller or other scientists.


I prefer not to debate the efficacy of PRP on hair re-growth in this question, rather I would like to ask, if PRP is known to be efficacious in improved wound healing (which is true), why not use it around the area when the strip is removed?


Could this potentially reduce the size of the scar or trauma to the back of the head?


I hope this is a logical question.


Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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I still don't understand all of the hostility on this thread, and I have the feeling I never will.


I don't think anyone has made any blanket statements about PRP being a magic bullet, and no one is looking for any posters to advocate or cheerlead for it.


People like myself simply don't understand why others cannot reserve judgment until the verdict is out. It's not about getting behind it, it's about refraining from attacking it prematurely for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


The difference between PRP and lasers is that one has real legitimate science behind it. PRP also has people who believe in it who have earned our trust and the benefit of the doubt. As far as I can tell, the laser industry is about profit. I know for a fact that Dr. Feller is about legitimately helping people.


What motive could ebutt have for lying? I don't get it. Are people now accusing the known ethical doctors of throwing shills onto the forum? Everyone has gotten so cynical on here...


Bill keeps using the phrase "cautiously optimistic." It's a fine phrase to sum it all up. The guys with the extra cash realize it's experimental, can't we all just relax and see what happens?

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please show some pictures or at least one comparison shot side by side. if you are worried about being recognized then just black out your whole face, as all we are interested in are your top of the head shots.


i hope it's not too much to ask. after all i am your fellow Canadian icon_smile.gificon_wink.gif



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ebutt, many of us spend time on these forums because we (myself included) were victims of bad ht docs. we remain here to pass along knowledge and to help unsuspecting newbies. people are asking you to post photos so we can decide for ourselves if prp gives significant cosmetic results. you are not being asked an unreasonable request. this is a brand new (in terms of hairloss) treatment that many of us are anxious about and you are in the unique position to help people decide if this is something worth pursuing at this tme.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Originally posted by Ceasar08:

I still don't understand all of the hostility on this thread, and I have the feeling I never will.


I don't think anyone has made any blanket statements about PRP being a magic bullet, and no one is looking for any posters to advocate or cheerlead for it.


People like myself simply don't understand why others cannot reserve judgment until the verdict is out. It's not about getting behind it, it's about refraining from attacking it prematurely for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


The difference between PRP and lasers is that one has real legitimate science behind it. PRP also has people who believe in it who have earned our trust and the benefit of the doubt. As far as I can tell, the laser industry is about profit. I know for a fact that Dr. Feller is about legitimately helping people.


What motive could ebutt have for lying? I don't get it. Are people now accusing the known ethical doctors of throwing shills onto the forum? Everyone has gotten so cynical on here...


Bill keeps using the phrase "cautiously optimistic." It's a fine phrase to sum it all up. The guys with the extra cash realize it's experimental, can't we all just relax and see what happens?



Ceasar there is no hostility. Some sarcasm but no hostility icon_smile.gif

I could easily be wrong but I get a feel your posts come from only trying to defend Dr Feller when in fact I like the guy and no one is trying to bash him.

He has NOT been pushing this like others did with lasers and for that I respect him.

Oh and by the way Dr Feller isnt the only guy testing this . I believe hes ethical but I wouldnt put it past the other unknown doctors to put a shill on here.

Its been done plenty of times before .

Go back and read the laser threads

Hes actually let us know he has no idea if it will work but hes willing to give it a go

My problem comes from guys that will read Ebutt post and convince themselves this is the magic bullet.

Its happened so many times before with so many things that supposedly had science behind it.

Lasers for cosmetic applications and ailments have science behind them but have shown to be worthless for hairloss.

Also lasers were FDA approved for hair loss PRP is not

The definitive claim that PRP is worthless has not been made but I just am asking guys to wait as there are plenty of other guys investing their money and time.

Im not saying that Ebutt is lying but obviously you havent been around the boards long enough to see why guys will lie and post with aliases .

If there is something too this, it will be BIG and there will be a HUGE financial gain for clinics. A big reason for some to stretch the truth.

I know Dr Feller would cease from using it if he feels its not worthy but a TON of other clinics will do the exact opposite.

To come on and say its thickened up his frontal miniaturized hairs is HUGE .Rogaine and propecia dont even do that.

So to make first post claims like Ebutt did comes across exciting to some and fishy to some.

The ones that get excited tend to block out the cautious posts because of desperation and a hope

He could open alot of eyes with a set of pics .Dr Choi had to of took before pics since this is experimental.

Im into convincing guys to wait it out .Let others test the waters.

I use to be the first to run out and try EVERYTHING on the market and all it got me was in a transplant chair.

Dr Cooley has been bathing his grafts in PRP and has not reported any miracle growth to the native hair.

I have NOTHING to gain or lose but will never hype or believe anything that has to do with hair loss until its proven to work to some degree

Anytime I hear a poster say a new treatment has drastically affected their hair after 2 weeks it gets my attention.

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