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First PRP treatment in New York-Dr. Alan Feller

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Dr. Feller, greetings from East Europe and congratulations on your work!


Woudn't PRP at least help those like Dakota have no further loss if the cosmetical results are out of the question?

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Dakota, Dr. Feller said you weren't a good candidate? My hair loss is similar to yours. Can you elaborate a litle bit on your conversaion with Dr. Feller?


jst, There is not much more to elaborate on. I sent him 2 pictures and he said "sorry you dont appear to be a good candidate". He did say that he will perform PRP on anyone who wants it just as long as they know that the results COULD be minimal at best if they are to far advanced

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You've always been a critical poster, but why are you so hateful lately? There are already results on this very thread which can't be made any more transparent than they already are. If the benefits of PRP can't help you due to your degree of hairloss or poor surgery in the past, that doesn't mean it can't help many many other hairloss sufferers who may just be beginning to notice their hairloss.


Dakota is not a candidate because his hairloss is too far advanced for me to think he would achieve a cosmetically signficiant result. If he really wanted to try it anyway I would offer it to him, but he has to make the final decision himself.


PRP, like propecia and minoxidil, may have an inverse relationship between effect and degree of hairloss.


No one is being forced to take FDA approved medications or PRP, but they are the only non-surgical methods that I know of that have the real science to back up their mechanisms of action. The advantage that PRP has is that there have been no side effects reported with its use.

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Why because Im not cheerleading for this

The only reason I could think of of why you say it will only help guys that have alot of hair is because its so hard to tell any difference.

You just started doing this yet now you say it wont help certain guys out.

This has NOTHING to do with it helping me as all my hair is transplanted.

I just am telling guys let other guys be the experiment at this time .

Time will tell if there is any merit to this and if there is I will praise you if none then you will see a hateful PGP icon_wink.gif

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Just do us both a favor and don't cheerlead for me or any thread I'm involved with.


I've already seen the hateful PGP and believe you've been censured for that a few times in the past. Has viciousness really served you in the past? Or has it caused you even more trouble? I'm guessing the latter.


You have made some very good points over the years, but sometimes you cross the line. Since I'm sure you wouldn't have crossed those lines if you weren't anonymous, then you really shouldn't do so when you are.


Try to keep it positive and stay on track.



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Dont try to spin this .

My opinion is PRP for hairloss is worthless.

Now if Im proven wrong then Ill admit this but I doubt it.

Nope never been censured for hatred NEVER!!



I have my opinion and just because you dont like it you throw a tantrum.

Believe me I would never put up the pom poms for you.

I am positive but just because it doesnt ride along with you ,you call it negative.

Also the things you said to JohnS has more anger in it then anything Ive ever said.

OK back to the PRP talk.

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doctor feller, i understand what you're saying when it comes to "cosmetically significant" results. But does this mean you don't believe there's any benefit of just maintaining hair for those with hairloss that is further advanced? If so, can you explain why.

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My opinion is PRP for hairloss is worthless.

Now if Im proven wrong then Ill admit this but I doubt it.



PGP --

Do you think it's fair to make a comment like the one you made above? With all due respect to you, don't you think that your opinion holds a bit less weight than someone who is in the medical field and been dealing with hair loss for close to two decades? Are you able to explain the exact science or mechanisms by which the treatment might benefit people? Have you ever performed it, or seen it performed? Do you personally know anyone who has had it performed? Have you read any medical journals about how PRP can be beneficial to tissue/cells? Can you offer a detailed explanation about what it even is, in anything other than a layman's terms?


I suppose technically everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but wouldn't it be better to base an opinion on actual facts and information, rather than some vague conclusion you've arrived upon? By throwing that statement out on a public forum, you're basically implying that a doctor is peddling a snake oil type treatment. Isn't that a strong charge?


Regardless of your personal feelings about Dr. Feller, you are certainly aware by now that he is the number one skeptic when it comes to any miracle cures for hair loss. In regards to PRP growing hair, Dr. Feller himself has written specific posts that caution people against "overhyping" it (his words) and he has emphasized that it is indeed experimental. Dr. Feller has stated that there are very sound scientific reasons why it should, and quite possibly will work. He is also not the only doctor on this forum who has interest and hope in regards to PRP being effective. However, you offer your opinion that it is "worthless" as an alternative viewpoint. Would you be able to have a more detailed and scientifically based debate with Dr. Feller, Dr. Law, or Dr. Cooley as to why their medical reasoning is somehow misguided? You seem very confident with the way you've phrased your words. Another poster on this thread said he was "skeptical" and Dr. Feller said something like: "I'm right behind you." He's not looking for "cheerleading" from people, as much as comments that are constructive.


I would also think that you would appreciate the fact that Dr. Feller is not taking money from people who he feels are poor candidates. Most medical treatments work best when thinning has just started. Would it be better if he did take people's money who he believes cannot be helped? If he did that, you would then be accusing him of taking advantage of people, correct?


If your real point is that people should give this treatment (6 months or more) time to prove its effectiveness, then I think most people would absolutely agree with you. I personally would give you lots of credit, if you are simply reserving judgment. We certainly need a lot more data before we can actually draw definitive conclusions about any treatment. But Dr. Feller has never said otherwise. Throwing out a comment about it being "worthless" is harsh and unfounded. It doesn't feel like a statement that is meant to be helpful to people, and it is certainly not reserving judgment, or giving a respected doctor the benefit of the doubt by taking a "wait and see" approach.


You made a comment above about Dr. Feller's patients. I am one of those patients. I actually know him and have been treated by him. And yes, I have certainly corresponded over the years with other patients of his who are on these forums. Those of us who have been under his care have an overwhelmingly positive opinion of him as a person who has tremendous integrity. At least everyone I've encountered. Perhaps what you're responding to is his zero tolerance for people throwing strong words out there and knowing they have the anonymity of the internet protecting them, and therefore, zero accountability. He doesn't have that luxury. If PRP turns out to be a let down, he has truly put himself out there -- transparent as can be. He has said that if it fails, he will speak the loudest out of anyone. He has everything to lose if PRP doesn't work. If it does prove successful, all you will have to do, as you've stated is above, is "admit that you're wrong." It doesn't really appear like you have much to lose either way.

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzz icon_smile.gif

Have a good weekend.

His guess about the efficiency of PRP for HAIRLOSS is as good as mine and yours.

Dr Feller should not be charging people for PRP IMO.

Dr Feller isnt offering this based on facts so why do you want me to?

Bottomline is I dont want unfortunate guys to throw away their money on this unproven experiment.

Like I said before let the guys with a fat wallet be the guinea pigs.

For the sake of others I want this to work to some degree .

Your right about one thing Dr Feller will take a big hit if this shows nothing.

I have no proof that this wont work and saying I doubt it comes from years of being let down with different hair promises

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We all [iNCLUDING YOUR PATIENTS} laugh at you in pms about your paranoia and every other day word anonymous you use


You claim I'm paranoid and in the very same sentence state that you and others talk and laugh behind my back? Does anyone else see the irony in that line?


PGP you are such a smart guy. Where would the world of hair transplantation be without you?

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Its true. Nothing vicious just comments like ,Did you see Feller again.

You bring this on yourself doc

Listen you do good work and have certainly added to this industry but sometimes you come across like Howard Hughes.

People are going to have their opinions and you have to learn to take the good with the bad.

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Sorry if I put you to sleep PGP icon_biggrin.gif


My point is that Dr. Feller is NOT advertising this as a cure. He is encouraging people to be cautiously optimistic because it has some sound science behind it. He has no definitive studies YET. The proof or lack of proof will come in time.


Dismissing it completely is just as bad as hyping it. Why not give the benefit of the doubt? Hasn't the guy proven he has people's best interests in mind?


You've contributed a lot to this forum. Why not use your knowledge to arrive at a more sound conclusion when all the facts have presented themselves?


Hope you have a good weekend as well.

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If I may speak for PGP here, I believe his issue is not with Dr. Feller or PRP necessarily, but is instead with the high cost associated with what is an experimental procedure. I could be wrong, but I recall reading a post where PGP asked Dr. Feller why it was costing so much when his (PGP) dentist was using a form of PRP at a much lower cost. I've had a number of PRP treatments for my arm, and I must say that for my injuries it was a miracle worker. However, it must have been different from the form Dr. Feller is using because there is no way in hell that the team physicians would have spent that much money for a backup QB on a MAC team.


I do agree with PGP that spending money on an unproven remedy is not the prudent thing to do. However, Dr. Feller has quite explicitly established that PRP is not for everyone (see Dakota), and that it is still in its infancy and that nobody should get his hopes up yet. I recognize that a number of patients will dismiss Dr. Feller's cautionary comments and look to PRP as something that it is not, but that's not his concern. I do believe that Dr. Feller does not always handle negative comments that well, but this is not one of those times. The fact that Dr. Feller told Dakota that he was not a candidate for PRP has not been given its proper due on this thread. If this was a cash grab on behalf of Dr. Feller he would have taken Dakota's money and when no results occurred, merely said that the treatment was experimental and nothing was guaranteed. The fact that he refused treatment evidences an honesty that should be applauded.


My problem would not be with Dr. Feller and PRP, but would instead be with other physicians and PRP. Dr. Feller can scream from the rooftop that PRP is not effective for everyone, but I guarantee that some patients will refuse to accept that and will instead seek out a physician that will cater to them.


If PRP proves to be effective, GREAT! I don't think anyone here would refuse a treatment that can regrow or keep hair. If it doesn't work, that's alright by me, because I won't be one of the people shelling out hundreds of dollars for an experimental treatment.


Let's try to keep things civil, OK guys?

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FYI-I had a PRP treatment with Joe Greco, PhD in Florida and my hair is about 4 inches long. I suspect some doctors might require shorter hair. Keeping the hair shorter will probably make the application easier but I don't think most of the docs will require you to shave down.

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Wow this thread too has turned rather interesting and argumentative.


I think the best we can all do is follow the progress and see how folks going before us make out.


I also believe Dr. Feller and others are wise to price this procedure in the non trivial range. After all, those who pay big bucks for speaker wire will tell you that it makes their systems sound better.


Within a year one of two things are likely. People will line up outside these clinics clamoring for PRP due to its obvious benefits with few or no known side effects, OR this will go the way of magnetic / copper bracelets for arthritis and laser combs.


By the way Dr. Feller do you offer PRP for HIV positive patients at the same fee? (You don't have to answer that - there's way too much gasoline on this forum already ;-) peace

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I will be happy to share my results with all the members of this fune community. I will tell you all upfront that Joe Greco DID NOT take any photos of my procedure. We were chatting so much, he mentioned it to me about half way through the procedure. I will, however, be honest and give you my best assessment of the therapy.


I am also in a strange position in that I quit Proscar cold turkey on June 16th; after over 10 years of use. I'm 44 and the sides snuck up on me and I'm now just realizing I should have quit about 5+ years ago. I'm hoping to return to normal at some point sooner rather than later. My procedure with Joe Greco was done on June 30th.

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Please Grow Please,


I like you and think you often have valid points. Honestly, there are several things you write that makes me nod my head and think "right on". But then you go and ruin it with antagonism and reference to alleged private messages.


Making statements like "We ALL [iNCLUDING YOUR PATIENTS] laugh at you in pms" is not only irrelevant, it's also untrue.


Maybe you've talked with SOME members privately about Dr. Feller and maybe SOME have laughed. Frankly, who cares? What relevance do private discussions you've had with other members have on this thread?


Let what has been discussed in private stay private and don't reference them on the public forum.


It's clear when you reference these private messages that your intent is to knock your opponent down. It usually occurs after you feel you've been wounded. But I'm done with the whole "so and so said in a private message" thing. Just stop it!


Now when you debate respectfully, this is beneficial for our community.


Other than those things, I think you have some valid points. Frankly, I agree that I think PRP has a long way to go before I would ever put my stamp of approval on it since it's not "proven" in my opinion. There are far too many unknowns that have to be addressed. I personally wouldn't pay for such a treatment let alone consider undergoing it myself without more data. But that's just me. However, I do remain cautiously optimistic.


The bottom line of my message to you is, please be respectful.



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Yeah I understand but my comments wouldnt happen without the doctors help .

If he didnt throw in his little disparaging smart ass comments here and there I would never say that.

It was actually carry over from the JohnS thread that got lumped in this post.

It had nothing to do with this thread so I just erased the comment .

Though true I was actually trying to let him know, come on even your own think your buggin

I could never be wounded by Dr Feller as Im a big boy but he needs to respect us just like we try and respect him.

It bothered me more how he treated JohnS not what he said to me.

Go back and read some of the stuff he said to me and others its much more antagonistic,


Anyway I see your point. Back to PRP. Do yourself a favor and wait a few months unless you love to gamble

Wait for others to post their pictures instead of the few that claim success after 2 weeks.

This is how the bogus laser treatment started.

Believe it or not those same hair lasers help other ailments like PRP does.

Doesnt mean it does a thing for hair loss

You can easily hold out for 6 months to see for yourself if its worth the money or not.

It could be useful or it could be nothing .

Its way too early to see and there are a bunch of test subjects doing the work for us so why not just wait

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