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Everything posted by jst

  1. I'm sorry, but I didn't really get an answer to the question I asked earlier. Dr. Feller (or anyone who thinks they know the answer), is PRP not an effective tool in maintaining existing hair no matter how far someone is along in their hairloss? If it can thicken hair shafts, reverse minituarization, why not?
  2. doctor feller, i understand what you're saying when it comes to "cosmetically significant" results. But does this mean you don't believe there's any benefit of just maintaining hair for those with hairloss that is further advanced? If so, can you explain why.
  3. Dakota, Dr. Feller said you weren't a good candidate? My hair loss is similar to yours. Can you elaborate a litle bit on your conversaion with Dr. Feller? And Dr. Feller could you explain why PRP would only be successful in those with less miniaturizaion? I understand that those with less miniaturization will show greater results, but why wouldn't it help in all cases?
  4. a couple of years at best. a lot of good companies are working on cloning, and certainly everyone on this site is waiting on the edge of their seats, but there stills seems to be a ways to go. even intercytex, which most would agree is the farthest in the game right now, puts their expected date some time around 2010; and that's if everything goes smoothly and perfectly the rest of the way (rarely does anything go perfectly and smoothly, as those who have been waiting for hair cloning since the early part of this decade can attest). So even with intercytex's optomistic guess, its around 2 years away, and I wouldn't count on that estimate. 2012 and beyond is a much better guess from what hairloss docs have told me (i ask each doctor i've seen). either way, its not coming tomorrow, so i'm just sticking to what i know, and hoping for a nice suprise in a couple of years with the arrival of this new treatment.
  5. hi, i'm a 24 year old male who has been researching/visiting docs for about 2 years. as the search continues, i'm broadening my options to areas outside of nyc. i'm wondering if an online consultation is really a legitimate way for a doctor to evaluate a patient. all doctors, even the highly prestigious docs do it, so there must be some validity to it, but i'm still skeptical. anyone have any comments? been through online consults? any doctors with opinions? thanks.
  6. hi, i'm a 24 year old male who has been researching/visiting docs for about 2 years. as the search continues, i'm broadening my options to areas outside of nyc. i'm wondering if an online consultation is really a legitimate way for a doctor to evaluate a patient. all doctors, even the highly prestigious docs do it, so there must be some validity to it, but i'm still skeptical. anyone have any comments? been through online consults? any doctors with opinions? thanks.
  7. jst


    http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/news/852571020...CF6852573E8004BDF06e I don't know how many people check baldingblog each day with dr. rassman, but he posted this online today. Just curious to anyones reactions, or if anyone has any experience with it. I dont even know what bexarotene is, or how one gets it.
  8. jst


    http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/news/852571020...CF6852573E8004BDF06e I don't know how many people check baldingblog each day with dr. rassman, but he posted this online today. Just curious to anyones reactions, or if anyone has any experience with it. I dont even know what bexarotene is, or how one gets it.
  9. thanks for the response Bill. i know that you can get a ht without propecia, and i certainly know the benefits that can be reaped when ont he medication. But my reality is, i just cna't take it. it takes way too hard a toll on my libido and erectile function. i refuse to go back ot that. i'm using rogaine 5% 2x daily as i believe this is my only real option. i am interested in just hearing about or seeing some guys who have had work done without being on the meds. any shockloss, advanced balding, etc.
  10. i'm wondering if anyone out there has gone through with a hair transplant without being on propecia. I've had trouble with side effects more than once (i've tried different dosage levels with no help) and i'm trying to evaluate my situation. any comments or advice by anyone who has gone through this process but done so without being on finesteride would be greatly appreciated.
  11. hey man, i know what you're talking about with the propecia. unfortunately, i find myself in the small group of men who just can't take it. i tried at both the 1mg and .5 mg levels, and my body just cna't take it. i denied it for a while, but the truth is, between hair and libido, its not even a contest. you should definitely talk to dr. feller. make sure you have no other medical issues that may be the cause. if you're on 1mg a day, he may recommend cutting the dose in half (a lot of doctors do) in order to still retain a lot of teh benefit, while maybe the side effects will subside. the point is, do your research, talk to the doc, and then make the decision that is right for you. if you had a hair transplant, then you and your doctor should have talked about what would happen if you lost more hair, as the TRUTH about propecia is that it will not work forever. Good luck man. and yes, they will do hair transplants on guys who are not on propecia if they're of a proper age (certainly not before 24-25) and using rogaine. its a cost-benefit thing. if you can be improved even at the risk of shock loss and are willing to accept that you will need more transplants and may not get the coverage you'd hope for, then doctors are willing to give you the chance. once again, propecia does ont work forever, and patients should know that. eventually down the line, you will lose that hair eventually, albeit hopefully not for many years. i'm 23, and have put off having a hair transpalnt becuase i cannot take propecia. this is a choice i've made. its not ideal, but its the hand i've been dealt. once again, good luck.
  12. i am 23 year old male. I have been thinning on top for about 3 years, diagnosed as an eventaul norwood 5a. I have been on propecia .5mg for 13 months, and rogaine foam 2x daily for about 5 months. Althought i have not grown back my 18 year old hair, it does seem like i haven't lost much over the course of my treatment. I have seen dr. true and he seems to think i am ready for a conservative hair transplant. But after reading the posts on this site, and knowing that 23 is a young age, am i really ready to take this plunge? i know what this will entail: a lifelong regimen of pills and foam, and more than likely multiple transplants. What i want to know is, has anyone at my age had a successful experience with hair transplantation? i'm taking my time with this decision to make sure i do it right. I would appreiciate any feedback.
  13. i am 23 year old male. I have been thinning on top for about 3 years, diagnosed as an eventaul norwood 5a. I have been on propecia .5mg for 13 months, and rogaine foam 2x daily for about 5 months. Althought i have not grown back my 18 year old hair, it does seem like i haven't lost much over the course of my treatment. I have seen dr. true and he seems to think i am ready for a conservative hair transplant. But after reading the posts on this site, and knowing that 23 is a young age, am i really ready to take this plunge? i know what this will entail: a lifelong regimen of pills and foam, and more than likely multiple transplants. What i want to know is, has anyone at my age had a successful experience with hair transplantation? i'm taking my time with this decision to make sure i do it right. I would appreiciate any feedback.
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