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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. PRP has been around for years but I have yet to see a average/good result from PRP only. I would like to see a result with PRP only not with a hair transplant or meds. Until then I am convinced that PRP is only a money grab. You would think that with many doctor offering it they would show the benefits by showing before and after pictures of PRP only. That is a good question. Some Italians that I have helped actually claim they lost a lot of hair after PRP. So in their case it was permanent shockloss. As Dr. Rose stated there are different types of PRP so some probably are better than others.
  2. There are three options to get a better opinion. 1) Go for an consult so that the doctor can see you live. 2) Have a Skype with either the doctor or a rep and show them your donor. 3) Send a video with a comb going through your donor area. I had a situation where an Italian patient send pictures and was refused because his donor didn't look good. He had a live consult and it was determined that he was a candidate and was able to get 5200 on his first surgery and 2300 on his second surgery.
  3. I fully agree with this. In some cases a person side of 50% less dense that a person back. The best density appears always be in the back of the head. I have witnessed 100's of surgery and I have seen many cases when the side was around 60, the part between the side and the back was 80 and the back was 100.
  4. Every doctor has his way of checking for density in the donor. As well as what they consider average. I helped an Italian patient that appeared to have a around 70-75 grafts per /cm but he has over 80% double and multi grafts. So if you compare a person that has 50% singles and let say 50% double he may have a donor of 100 per square that would work out to 150 hairs in total. Then you take some else that has 80 per square/cm, they have 20% single and 80% doubles would work out to a total of 142 hairs. This doesn't even take into consideration fine hair vs course hair. I think a person with 70 course hair is better than some at 100 fine hair. Your doctor looking at your numbers feeling that 95 grafts per square is a 100% donor. Although hair density is one aspect of rating someone donor it is only one of the aspects. The other is single vs multiples and coarseness of hair.
  5. He has done a great job maintaining his hair. A good transplant with good hair style helps a lot. He was recently on TV and the report asked him if that was his hair and he let the reporter analysis and touch his hair without an issue.
  6. Yes 100% Conte is still a transplant. He has been taking finasteride since he had his transplant in 2008. I talked to him recently and he is now started taking topical finasteride for the last 6 months.
  7. I know Italians patients have been using it for a few years with no side effects. This is a different solution that mentioned above. The University of Milan did a study and found that taking it everyday was the same as taking 1mg of propecia ever 18.5 days which is the small amount the goes into the blood stream. It cost around $65 USD a month so its not that expensive. I know its mixed with liposomal what is quite expensive and very effective. I know there are some clinics and hair centers that will charge you $100-200 for a solution using a less effective mixing solution. I think meds should be about helping the patients and not profiting from it.
  8. You are able to cut your hair very short if you have done FUE. Whether it is noticeable if you shave it depends on a few factors. How you heal and the color of your skin. FUE is not a scarless technique so you will see in most cases white dots. How noticeable depends on the number of grafts, the type of FUE a clinics does and your healing. I can't picture any doctor guaranteeing that you can shave your heads and not notice the dots. You could always shave your head now and do SMP and see how you like it. Having said that I agree with a lot of what the posters are saying. If you take meds and have a transplant in the crown it probably will maintain and it will have a big cosmetic difference. The second you quite meds there is a strong possibility you will continue to lose hair in the crown and the area will expand. Therefore to avoid having an island of transplant hair surround by no hair you would have to have another transplant if your donor allows it. Based on the photos you first showed I agree with Matt. You are an NW5 and without meds could even head towards a 6. Good luck!
  9. Its hard to tell if they are able to get 3000 grafts from your donor but I think it could be close. I agree if you take this route then they should take your whole donor available because its makes more sense to use them in the front where needed then leave them under a scalp cap. I would also consider smp but you should probably have to smp your donor as well because it seems very thin there. I suggest you consult to many recommended doctor and get their opinion. Dr. Koniar is a very good doctor but nothing better than getting more opinions from other doctors. If my hairloss was like yours and I would ever consider a hair system I would only do it with hair grafts in the front.
  10. Thanks John!. I think this is the norm for most good FUE doctors rather than an exception. I think if you use a smaller number of FUE that is available in the patients FUE bank then these double and triples should be quite common. Of course there are always exceptions.
  11. Daniel let me get this right. You want to transplant the transplant hair in the hairline and wear a system directly behind it. I have seen this done and to be honest it look much more natural having transplanted hair in the first 1-2cm of your hairline and a hair system in the back. It look much more natural than having just a hair system. The biggest issue with a hair system is how natural the hairline looks. If done right and possible it does can look very good. I had a friend that had it done and it gives him much more options to hair styles and as long as the hair system isn't too thick behind the transplanted hair you would have no idea.
  12. Hi guys, As you know I'm always in touch with Italian patients and while I was surfing the Italian forum, I found an interesting thread about this Brotzu's lotion. I found something also in some American forums and also an interviews in English with the doctor: http://bellicapelliforum.com/en/interview/exclusive-interview-with-dr-brotzu-for-bellicapelli/ What do you think about that? It's a very hot topic in Europe !
  13. FUEOPTION Based on your photos (which aren't the greatest) I would say you a candidate for a hair transplant. But that could be supported or incorrect with better photos. You may not have enough hair to cover your area with high density but you can have a huge satisfactory cosmetic difference. The biggest issue you have is future hairloss. There is more coming for you unless to take meds. I understand that you have concerns but I know at Hasson and Wong they have a pharmacy down the road that offer a topical finasteride that has no side effects. You just massage in on your head once a day before bed and wash your hand thoroughly. In your situation I cant picture an ethical doctor transplanting into your crown unless your hairloss has stabilized (with meds). Although it may look good right away as you start to lose more hair around the transplant the area may get bigger and the transplanted hair may look like an island on your head. If you don't have enough donor left then there is nothing they can do for you. Again I am basing my comments on your photos. Why not take better pictures and send many doctors an online consultation and see what they say. If you chose from the recommended list they will give you an honest evolution of their option and your options.
  14. That in my opinion is an easy decision. I would say the only doctor to consider is Dr. Rahal. Not a Jones, or Sure hair fan. Although I would not base my decision location only. If you want to only look at doctors in the east or mid coast I would look at Dr. Feller, Dr. Konair or Dr. Shapiro.
  15. Hasson and Wong don't use sleeping pills they use a guy name Chuck that comes by and knocked you out. Chucks is not only a body builder he trained in kickboxing and is an patient from Hasson and Wong. You may have seen him on franks red hot sauce commercial talking like Arnold. Usually one good punch from him you are knocked out for the whole day.
  16. Maybe I am wrong but this is my understanding. The grafts are trimmed to get rid of any access fat or skin. When the grafts comes out of the donor it is not perfectly round. When trim it goes into the receipt easier, heals quicker and to avoids the chance of pitting. I have seem work for some of the top fue doctors in the world and the results were great but some of the patients had a bit of pitying. Although I don't believe this makes a difference in growth, it make the grafts appear more smooth/natural as its growing through the skin. Again this may not be correct.
  17. Sorry I misunderstood! Thanks for the clarification I have taken the comments down. Dutchie from what I have seen depending on the patient donor and other aspects the number can be as high as 2500 a day. Extractions can take as long as 6-8 hours so yes its a long day but the patient is comfortable throughout the procedure. The last two Italian patients I helped, one received 1800 the first day and the second one received 2500 in one day. I am basing my opinion on what I have seen and Doug may have a different, more accurate number.
  18. I have witness FUE being done at Hasson and Wong. Its not done by having 2-4 techs talking out as many grafts as they can as fast as they can work on another patient. It is done by one tech for each doctor. They are meticulously taking out one at a time , carefully examined under the microscope and trimmed. Many clinics do not trim the grafts before inserting them in the recipient site. From what I witnessed the transection rate is around 1-2%. Hasson and Wong don't do 5000 FUE in one day because they don't want to sacrifice quality and final outcome. I believe they average about 1500-2000 grafts per day with FUE.
  19. Dzl210 The average person doesn't realize that to be a hair transplant doctor all you have to do is be a doctor, no additional training is required. Unlike a dentist that need to specialize in dentistry. So its easy to be tricked into thinking their is a standard or guideline to follow.
  20. People that go this clinic strictly base their decision on price. This is their key marketing point and if the client doesn't research more than the better for them. Its a two way street and the patients that go there blind and without researching are the key to their success. In this world of the internet nobody should have an excuse when they go there and receive a bad result. It would take a client 5 minutes to find out information about this clinic or maybe they are blinded by the price they refuse to see the real facts. Sanjar I feel bad for you and other that were victimized by this place.
  21. As far as I know Dr. Koray is still recommended. I think he is a great doctor but has a huge marketing machine. It doesn't matter where a forum is based there a many example of his work being posted. I prefer to tell people to see example posted by patients as these are the most important unbiased reviews of a doctor. Having said that if you chose to go to Dr. Koray you have made a good decision.
  22. cenkoa01 the fact that worked there, saw this happening and still collected money from this clinic doesn't make you innocent either. Only when you were not paid you decided to disclose this. Don't take this personally because I think you are being sincere but it is no different than a robber getting cause and saying he is sorry after the fact. If he didn't get caught he would have never felt bad. If the doctor paid you what you promised you were still be working there and witnessing this. Again I am basing these facts are what you said.
  23. Thanks Blake. Its been a struggle but so far so good. The doctors when I had a relapse in October gave me almost no hope. I was lucky to have my cousin coming to town the next day, she is a lymphoma specialist her husband head of the lymphoma department both at the Mayo clinic in Minnesota. She trained in Vancouver so she knows the person in charge of the BMT department and they decided to give treatment a try.
  24. I meant the title to say Chemo and Radiation after a hair transplant. I get asked all the time if a hair transplant is permanent. I am a veteran of two hair transplants and two bone marrow transplant (recent Jan. 2016). I have had so many chemo and radiation over the last 4 years that I cant count. Everytime I lose my hair the transplanted hair come back. I have enclosed two photos. One form March and the other from July showing my hair is growing back. I am back at the clinic assisting Italians patients.
  25. I have never been convinced of PRP. Again I can only base my decision on what I have seen over the last 5 years. I agree this is a good result but is this the norm or an exception. Why is there not a lot of convincing results out there? Many doctor offer it but very few show any cosmetic result using it. Is he on meds? If so when did he start them? In Europe many dermatologists use PRP make huge promises and make good money doing it. At the end I have not met one person out of over 30 that I have met live that were happy with their result. They do lose weight on there pocket book...
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