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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. This looks much better. Now you need to work hard and save your money, you will need to be repaired in the future.. I wish you the best.
  2. There is a point where you need to take some responsibility. Not for this transplant but not getting another doctors opinion or going to the hospital. What does it hurt to see someone that is not connected to the clinic? From what you have posted and photos you have shown these people appear to be incompetent that you are dealing with. I would not believe a word they say. Good luck!
  3. This transplant is going to put you in a worse condition than you started. By looking at the pictures the whole top of your head is going to be scar tissue. My guess your so called shockloss is going to end up being permanent. Your infection is necrosis and this can get worse unless you get PROPER medical advice and medication. There is a point where it is not your fault but after all the advise from posters that have nothing to gain you still listen to the doctor, I start to worry for you. I am sorry you are going through this. I hope in the future you will be able to be repaired. This is as bad as a hair transplant gets and your doctor needs to get his medical licence revoked. Sorry for being harsh but there are two sides to every story and maybe your doctor can explain why this is a good transplant. This is my advice and I am not a doctor.
  4. Respecting your needs and doing what is right are two completely different things. No moral doctor is going to respect anyone needs if it involved problems in the future. " Doctor I want this low hairline' " But you will look unnatural, this hairline is too low and you will look like a monkey' " I do not care, you MUST respect my needs" If your needs are within reason and can be achieved great, if not it is a mistake for any doctor to proceed with a surgery he feels in unnatural just to satisfy someone's NEEDS,
  5. You choose a reputable doctor because of his skill, experience and moral values. What is more important to this doctor is your appearance and not your money. I congratulate this doctor for being ethical. There are many clinics in the world that will do whatever you want, as long as you pay. After reading your dialogue I would question any doctor that would agree with giving you this kind of a hairline. I think a doctor has more experience than you knowing what is a natural hairline. If they do not think your demands or expectations are not reasonable or unnatural, you leave them no choice but to say no.
  6. In Vancouver we had a world known dermatologist that also did hair transplants. People came all over the world to see him but he decided to also offer hair transplants. Without offending him he was not that great at hair transplant. I heard he closed his transplant procedure and moved to New York. Maybe Matt is a better dermatologist than a transplant doctor.
  7. Thank Triple. His hair follicle was more toward the thin side. I agree he looks great.
  8. This Italian patient in his late 30’s started losing his hair when he was around 20 years old. When he decided it was time to do something about his loss, his research led him to an Italian forum. He concluded Dr. Hasson would be the best option to perform his hair restoration procedure after reviewing many of his patient’s results. Dr. Hasson and team transplanted 5,372 grafts to the frontal zone and mid scalp. 1700 were single hair grafts, 3444 were doubles and 228 were 3-4 hair grafts. He started Finasteride shortly after his procedure to maintain parts of the mid scalp and crown. He is thrilled with his result and the new shorter hair style suits him well. He also enjoys styling products that weren’t really a consideration before his transplant. Photos taken in Italy, 1 year post-op.
  9. From my experience with SMP fading varies per person. My friend had to done twice in Italy and both times it disappeared in one month. I still have SMP after 4 years.
  10. I fully agree. I think you will get a good response with medication,. I would take meds for one year then think about a transplant.
  11. Punk thank you for posting your photos. Looking at your photos I honestly do not see you as a candidate. I know if could be the photos but your donor does look quite weak. If possible you should get an opinion from the recommended doctors in Turkey. As for the meds you should also look at topical finasteride without side effect. I wish you the best!
  12. Can you post a photo? If so you should also send a photo to your hair transplant doctor to get their opinion.
  13. I remember when I first enquired about a hair transplant in 1997. Bolsey told me I would get a great result and they wanted $19 per graft for 500 grafts. Thank god I did not have the money because I would probably regret it. I think pricing has stayed about the same over the last 3-5 years. A doctors staff is very important during any hair transplant and have to get paid well.
  14. Thanks Shampoo. Transformations like yours is one of the many reasons I am proud to represent Hasson and Wong.
  15. Thanks David and Spex We all have common goals to educate people to make the right decisions. It is not about where they go as long as they have researched and have chosen a good doctor. Will all our years of experience we have witnessed many people that need to be repaired because of not researching. Forums like this are important for anyone considering a hair transplant.
  16. Peter and Hrsp10 thank you for the kind comments. I look forward to a full recovery in the future and positive dialogue on this forum.
  17. Thanks! It is important for me to do what I enjoy.
  18. Uncjim its been a long time but you are still looking great. Your positive outlook was much appreciated during the time the internet was becoming the main tool to search for options and doctors for a hair transplants. We are still the vets that are still posting. Great to read your story once again!
  19. Mountinvan Thank you for your comments. I hope to give people positive advice based on my knowledge.
  20. I just wanted to announce that I am now a patient advisor and representative for Hasson and Wong clinic.I have been posting on this website since 2003 and have over 1300 posts, so I am sure many of you know me already. I have been helping with translations of Italian patient since 2003 and have witnessed over 500 surgeries. I will continue to help the Italian patients and now the patients from the UK. I feel that I have a great knowledge to help posters with any hair transplant questions or doubt they have. In the past of have been passionate and sometimes making myself sound conflicting but I have now learned to deal with any situation with professionalism and not be misunderstood. If posters do not know me I have had two hair transplant (Dr. Hasson) you can see my photo on my personal webpage http://www.contecapelli.com/about.php?lang=en (hopefully it is ok that I post this). I have helped many people that have questions about hair transplant. I have a huge knowledge of the industry and want to continue to help. I will be here to answer questions give advice no matter which doctor or clinic you are considering. As well as I will regularly post before and after photos from Hasson and Wong from both FUT and FUE. A little history about myself. I had a hair transplant in 2001 which was 2000 grafts and a second transplant was in 2010 with 3700 grafts. I was a realtor for 11 year and during this time when I was able I would translate for Hasson and Wong. 2012 I was diagnosed with cancer (left real estate) and have a bone marrow transplant. Two years later I relapsed again and had my second bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately just recently I relapsed again but in a middle of a trial that seems to be going well. I will admit through the chemo and radiation my hair is not what is was before I was sick. I have a passion for hair transplants, I have met many great people, and seem amazing transformation. I want to do something I enjoy and in my views this is a perfect fit for me. Thanks for reading this. Bill I am not sure how to change my signature and please me know if I said something that is against the forum rules.
  21. https://www.nhs.uk/news/lifestyle-and-exercise/tattoo-ink-particles-can-spread-lymph-nodes/ Let me tell you a little about my story because I think it is important to share. I am not a doctor nor am I accusing anyone or anything for situation I am in. We discussed this in the past so now with this article I think its important I share it again. As many of you know I have been fighting cancer for the last 5 years and had two bone marrow transplants and presently doing a trials as my cancer has returned for the third time. I will make this quick and to the point. 2012 did SMP roughly 6 months later got Lymphoma 2015 did another session of SMP after being cancer free roughly 4-6 months later cancer came back. At that time I did not put the possibility this could be connected but with time I started thinking this could be a possibility. I am not saying this caused my cancer but I can not say it did not. Talking with doctor many say this could be the case but it is impossible to prove because there are many reason people get cancer. In my situation there is not an obvious reason. .If I knew this could happen I would have still done SMP at the beginning but not once I already had cancer. Even if this is the case maybe the percentage is very low. Again I am not saying SMP caused cancer because I do not know but just wanted to share my story so people have as much information as possible.
  22. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/182249-beware-scalp-aesthetics-writing-negative-reviews-other-smp-companies.html
  23. Thank you everyone for the kinds words. I am going to take a break until the new years and analysis whether I want to continue posting. I am going through a bit of ups and downs but in general my health is pretty good. I have issues with posters that only come on for negatively rather than saying anything positive. Its seems to happens more and more often and I am sure the majority of posters are aware of it. Patients for any doctor posts alot of good results. Once a questionable result comes these type of posters come out and start their personal agenda. Rarely do they post about positive results only when they have a chance to bash. I guess haters are going to hate. Regardless I wish everyone a happy holiday!
  24. Dutchie I never had an issue with you. I understand your emotion and frustration, I misunderstood your comment about subpar results and once I understood you were talking about the industry as a whole I complete agree. I am posted on your post to give you support not to protect Hasson and Wong. I guess with all the meds I am on I can get emotional and probably just need a break. Zeps thanks for the kinds words. Keep yourself distracted and putting your energy on other issues helping me deal with my recovery. Hrsp thanks! My comment may not always be correct or right but I try my best to be honest. I am not perfect I have made mistakes or lack knowledge on what I know so I try to share my experience..
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