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Bill - Seemiller

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Blog Comments posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. trukutru,


    Welcome to our social community and new discussion forum. It's quite common for even the best physicians to have varying opinions on how to meet your hair restoration goals. Both Dr. Siporin and Dr. Meshkin are recommended by this community and have been showcasing excellent results on our hair loss forum. I encourage you to take your time, consult with each physician you are considering and research this community before making a final decision.


    Given your current level of hair loss, I suspect you'll need about 4000 grafts (which may take more than 1 procedure depending on which physician you choose and your scalp elasticty/donor density) to restore the front and provide enough coverage in the crown to eliminate the bald spot. Keep in mind that even with 4000 grafts, you'll still see signs of thinning in the crown. But it's also important to keep plenty of donor hair in reserve to cover balding areas in the future caused by more possible hair loss.


    Best wishes in restoring your hair,


    Bill Seemiller (Falceros)

    Managing Publisher of this Community

  2. Greg,


    Welcome to our community. But considering the promotional links you added into your blog, I suspect you're just here to spam this community. But if you're serious about seeking information and interacting with other hair loss sufferers, you are welcome here. But please read and become familiar with our terms of service, the terms you agreed to when you signed up.


    To answer your question, male pattern baldness is progressive and without medical intervention, it will most likely continue. Hair transplant surgery is great to restore hair, but it does nothing to stop genetic hair loss from continuing. You may want to consider non-surgical treatments like Propecia and/or Rogaine to help fight against future hair loss.


    Best wishes,


    Bill (Falceros)

  3. Lailo,


    I don't think your photo (or the ones you sent me privately via email) really capture the thinning you are concerned about. Since you told me you're not experiencing hair loss and just have naturally thin hair, I don't believe there's anything you can really do to add actual density.


    The good news is you're young, very attractive and aren't experiencing hair loss. However, you may want to try volumizing shampoos, various hairstyles, or even topical concealers to help aid in the appearance of fullness/thickness if you are concerned about it :-).


    Best wishes,


    Bill (Falceros)

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