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What Causes Hair Loss and How to Treat it

Hereditary hair loss is the most common type of hair loss for men and women. It is genetically linked to either side, mother's or father's and men and women. While rapid hair shedding in certain areas may be an indication of genetic hair loss, it's typically more gradual and follows a particular pattern like the Norwood scale or Ludwig scale . Diffuse pattern baldness (hair loss all over the top of the scalp) can also be caused by genes. Genetic hair loss can be treated with Propecia (finaste

Bill - Seemiller

Bill - Seemiller

My Surgical Hair Restoration Journey From Start to Finish

The photos I've attached to this blog demonstrate my hair before any surgery and then 4 hair transplants later. What the above doesn't show is that all of the natural hair I had left in the "before" photos is also gone. Thus, without hair restoration surgery, I'd be completely bald on top and most likely a full Norwood 6. Below is my story. At age 27, I decided to start doing some actual research about hair loss and one of the first sites I found was the Hair Transplant Network. It was Pat

Bill - Seemiller

Bill - Seemiller

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