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A Healthy Diet Promotes Healthy Hair Growth



An important aspect of maintaining a healthy head of hair, or whatever quantity you currently have, is your diet! This fact seems to be overlooked by many, but if your main goal is to have your hair look as good as it can, then it's best to follow a healthy diet regime.

Food that is suggested by the experts are as follows:

-Eat foods high in Vitamin B

-Flaxseed, containing essential fatty acids (can be sprinkled on cereal)

-High quality protein foods, especially eggs (but be careful if you have high cholesterol)

-Up to 50% of your diet can be fruits and vegetables

-Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes

-tea made from alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock

Supplements can also help your hair maintain a healthy, glossy shine. The most important vitamins for healthy hair are vitamin A, C, E, B6, B12, Biotin, Inositol, and Niacin. A daily multi-vitamin will usually cover these requirements.

Deficiencies in your diet can cause, gasp, HAIR LOSS, among other things! So, if a decision has been made to invest a substantial sum of money on a hair transplant, make sure that you really stick to a healthy diet to give your new hair the best opportunity possible to grow and thrive. Making sure to get a full night of sleep and regular exercise can also ensure that your hair looks its best.

Panama Jimmy


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  • Administrators

Jimmy, Thanks for sharing some great tips for healthy hair and for health in general. While hair loss, like our health in general, is largely controlled by our genes, we can still do the best with what we have.

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  • Senior Member



Excellent article! I definitely agree with the benefits of nutrition (with regard to maintaining healthy hair) and I'll make sure to keep this advice in mind.

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