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Al - Moderator

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Everything posted by Al - Moderator

  1. This looks like it's growing OK for 4 months. It may end up needing a little more density, but at least the grafts are growing and it doesn't look like a botch job. Let's see how much it thickens up over the next few months.
  2. And that is why FUT is still a better option for some people. He probably could have gotten 6000 grafts in 2 FUT sessions and still not have a problem with the donor. People get FUE so they can buzz it short and then some of them end up trying to grow it longer to cover the depleted areas as this guy is doing. FUE works great if you have excellent, thick, high density donor, but not everyone has that.
  3. You can never predict these things because even good results come down to the patients perceptions and expectations. You may not need another hair transplant, but you will probably have some areas that annoy you a bit because you can't quite style it the way you want because certain spots may be a bit thin. Then you end up debating with yourself if it's worth going for a touch up to get more density. Even if it turns out really great and you are totally happy with the density, you may start focusing on a thinning crown that didn't bother you before because the front was in such bad shape, but now that the front is filled in the crown has become the worst area and you start giving it more attention and thinking to yourself that since the front came out so good why not go back to get a bit in the crown. These are just some examples of what most people go through in some way or another.
  4. They should be taking blood one time and testing it for everything needed. As for cost I imagine it's probably cheaper to have it done in Turkey where Dr Pekiner is than it would be in some other places around the world.
  5. Finding a new Dr seems like a simple and easy solution. The female Dr you found doesn't seem to care about mens issues.
  6. Let's say you later get more hair loss and want to have another procedure to fill it. You have to either use (1) body hair or (2) scalp donor hair which is now actually a lot of body hair. So either way if you ever get another procedure you will be using some body hair. Why not just use the body hair as normal donor from the beginning rather than continue moving it all around wasting time and money as well as sacrificing some grafts due to a percentage not growing after each move. If you have a 90% survival rate, 100 grafts will give you 90 growing grafts. If you later extract those 90 grafts from where they are now growing to place them somewhere else you're down to 81 growing grafts. Why do that? And body hair grafts may have less than a 90% survival rate.
  7. I have my next hair transplant scheduled for January, but with the COVID-19 virus cases increasing and more restrictions and lockdowns going into effect I'm getting worried that it may have to be cancelled and I'll have to wait until next Autumn to go again.
  8. For me the beard area is a little more painful than the scalp, but the injections for chest grafts are extremely painful. It's hard to get through it and it takes a while.
  9. Wow. That looks amazing. Much better than mine did after a few days. How many grafts were taken? EDIT: Oh I read it wrong the first time. I thought that was 3 days after the procedure! Still looks great though!
  10. Very minor. The first few weeks it was a bit red, but once I got past that nobody can notice. Even my close relatives don't know I did anything. Sometimes I do still get a bit of redness, but that area has always been very sensitive on me and I've usually gotten a few red marks after I shave for years before I had any beard grafts removed, so it just looks like that. If you know I had work done and you look for it then you can tell, but that's true even with scalp FUE where most people would never know unless you point it out or they knew you had FUE done and know what to look for.
  11. If you lose a lot of hair at a fast rate in your teens and 20s then it has to slow down later because you won't have enough hair to keep losing at the same rate. That doesn't mean that hair loss always slows down as you get older. If you start out slow it can certainly sped up later. I've seen a 40 year old with a full head of hair become a NW 6 by his mid 50s.
  12. There are filler ingredients in pills, so if you start cutting them too small you may end up with some pieces not having any of the active ingredients in them. You are better off cutting them into quarters and taking it every other day. You can cut down slightly more by skipping two days once a week. For example take it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so you'll be skipping Tuesday, Thursday, and then skipping both Saturday and Sunday. These methods are probably much better than trying to cut pills so small that you get powder all over the place.
  13. Why do guys go for these super low hairlines that are never going to look good? People need to stop trying to get the hairline they had when they were 15 and get something that looks realistic. What's even worse though are that there are Drs out there doing this!
  14. Voxman might disagree with you there. I don't think he is ever cutting it 😀
  15. A lot of guys end up going for a touch up procedure to make some minor changes or fill in any areas they think are still too thin. Just remember to think about the long term picture. Don't try to get one area too thick without saving enough donor for future hair loss.
  16. It depends on where you are to start with. If you have some hair and just need to thicken it up or if you have a decent center tuft and need to transplant around it or if you already had a transplant and you are going for some thickening then it can definitely be better not to shave your head. You can sometimes get back to having the transplant work not noticeable in less than a week. I've gone to work as soon as 6 days later with nobody knowing I had anything done. Smaller procedures, of course, are much easier to conceal. If you tend to grow your existing hair very long it can be even easier to cover the work done. Check out Legend007 who did have the area being worked on shaved, but had enough existing hair that was left long, so he could cover the area and get back to work with nobody knowing anything.
  17. You may still get a bit of maturing over the next few months. I haven't sen any pictures of you, but something to be aware of is that most clinics will put more density in a band along the hairline to create a dense look from the front and then grafting less dense behind it, so you don't use up too many grafts. The thinking is you can be a bit thinner going towards the mid scalp as it's an easy area to cover with your existing hair combing over it and isn't as noticeable as the front.
  18. I've had almost 2400 grafts taken from under my chin and I think I can get another 400 to 600 more.
  19. It looks to me like if you just cut it all the same length it will just look like you got a short hair cut. Your hairline was high and thin up front before and it sounds like you mostly kept your hair long, so if anyone asks you can just say you decided to cut it real short to try something different and see if you like it.
  20. You guys need to realize that Biden's hair transplant was considered a good result for the time, so calling it the worst transplant in history is a major stretch. Anyone who had a hair transplant prior to the 1990's looked like that. Mine was a FUT strip which was cut into 3.75mm plug grafts which means 3.75mm sections were punched out of the recipient area and the graft was placed in the hole. Later sessions were slightly smaller plugs. It's not like today where they just cut a slit or poke a hole and place the graft in.
  21. He actually had his hair transplant around 1976 or 1977.
  22. I saw the blood running down your forehead and thought you were going as a guy who lost a graft.
  23. Yes. That bugs me too. I look at some of them and think: Come on! They aren't even NW 6. That's an easy case compared to me. If I looked like that at the start I'd have a completely full head of hair with the amount of grafts I used. If you are really a NW 7 then you have to hope you have a lot of good beard and chest grafts and try to rely as little as possible on scalp grafts because you don't have many and some of what you do have now may be thinning and falling out over the next 5 to 10 years especially if you can see an ongoing thinning over the past few years. You need to be able to get probably 8,000 to 10,000 grafts from your chest and beard and only use about 2000 from your scalp. It depends on how bad your existing hair actually is. Most people will tell you not to put any in the crown, but those people aren't NW 7s 😀. I can tell you that if you have a large crown that dips far down the back and down the sides then you need to fill in at least an inch or more around the perimeter to reduce the size of the bald crown or else it will never look natural. A true NW 7 will not look right having frontal hair and a huge bald crown and bald sides. You can leave the top center of the crown alone or just fill it in very thinly. Basically you want to make the bald area of the crown a much smaller balding circle, but still have enough grafts to fill in the hairline and mid scalp with enough thickness. If you get 2000 grafts from your scalp donor then use about 1000 of those grafts in the hairline zone and mix the other 1000 around the perimeter of the crown (the area I mentioned first) to blend it in with your natural hair on the back and sides. Basically you want to go from native hair on the back and sides to a blend of native scalp hair grafts with body grafts and then the mid scalp with all body grafts. This allows it all to blend better, so you don't have an abrupt change of hair type. It also puts most of the body hair on the top mid scalp where it isn't seen as easily, so any difference in hair characteristics isn't as noticeable there.
  24. Most of it will fall out, the redness will start to fade, and then in a few months it will grow back in. All you can do is wait.
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