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Everything posted by ray35

  1. I looked into Dr Gur and liked him a lot .. ended up choosing Eugenix but Gur was certainly right there neck and neck in my decision making. But would have felt fine not going vip... I searched Gur in here and found some great results and a great YouTube channel from one of his patients... you'll see. He give excellent play by play for his whole experience. That may help you in your decision makings.
  2. I've wondered this too, good question. I've pondered that it may be from skin sluff where the dead skin cells from being so hydrated kinda present that appearance.
  3. I'd use the recommended surgeons here list. Then scope out whether you want to stay stateside. Some solid east coast options. Same for west coast. Depending on what kind of loss you have will help determine best option. Lots of good docs, but find one that you feel can match up with your needs, schedule, finances. here in this site, once you have a list of options... search bar them and see results and experiences from patients. That can help you narrow things down.
  4. 4500 beard grafts, wow! That is crazy and then to still have a beard, that's pretty great!
  5. Eugenix is doable from the east coast for about a 6 to 7 day trip if you want to have a few days post op to heal a bit before flying again. Not sure if that would work with being away from the family. Shortest trip there could probably be 4ish days... I'm accounting for the "time travel" that happens on the way back... but given your case I'd look into them if the travel can work
  6. Dude stoked for you! Happy to see you righting the wrong!
  7. I'd looked at both as well, I decided to go with Eugenix personally but Gur certainly appealled to me. The schedule and things just worked out for Eugenix for me and I'm stoked about them feel confident in that choice for later this month... honestly though think you'd be fine with either. Contact both and get a sense of what they're suggesting for you. That'll help.
  8. I like Dr. Gur between the two, I liked his method of doing slits opposed to implanter pens personally. Both seem to have great results though, so I imagine you'll be good either or.
  9. Looks like some solid growth from the second HT and looks about right for 6 months. I think you can feel very positive about this at this point next few months should also add to this result.
  10. Great results, I see them later this month. Always encouraging to see great results!
  11. Gotta not touch and be very careful for 7 days... some say 72 hours and you're well on your way. I say be care as possible for 7 days.
  12. Yep @Gatsby says it... meds will help stabilize and you look like you've got a great donor and could benefit from a great result. Just make sure you research and pick wisely. Worth discussing with a doc for sure. And as noted you can do nothing at all. I'm not sure you'll progress much more at 35 from where you are now... that's not clear to me but with 1 MG of fin... you'd stop it dead in its tracks likely.
  13. I'm not sure you want to stop fin... meant to be continuous from my understanding. It's pretty easy to ensure nobody picks up on it. Just cut your hair short prior and lay low those first few days after op. Then keep it shorter until growing it out makes sense.... likely around the four-six month time frame. A week out you'd be ok with the family... it's just be really short hair with perhaps some redness noticable to you less so to others.
  14. I wouldn't play chemist, you're good with the 1 MG of fin. Hold that course.
  15. Maybe in a super desert dry area... dried out skin, air, etc. But that's all likely accounted for in post op if it's a major concern if at a quality place
  16. I always try to read the comments with the best intentions in the tone and if someone takes umbrage I give them the benefit of doubt that I didn't explain myself as clearly as was needed. Also I try not to wade into stuff I'm not clear on. And since I'm not clear on a lot that keeps me out of most drama 😄😅 And I'm not sure when things go from discussion to argument, maybe when someone takes a shot or hits with a little snark... it's usually avoidable by acknowledging value in thr point of view you're disagreeing with, but sometimes folks just gonna get riled up no matter what
  17. The current replies seem about right, are you planning temple points in your upcoming surgery?
  18. Thanks for posting! It's hard to tell to me if those grafts placed will match existing hair density, they kinda appear to to in any event, you should get some infill in there for sure. Does it look like 2k grafts? Honestly it's hard to tell given the color of the hair and existing hair, but it doesnt seem like it's not. So that's good!
  19. The hairline is defined and if this is six months I'd be surprised if it looks like this at nine months. I'd be feeling good about this at this point if I were you, am I missing something? Should fill in very nicely over the coming months. Tough I know to trust that after a bad first HT, but I think you should be fine.
  20. Yep sounds like you're doing well... careful sleeping. It'll be uncomfortable the first seven days but best to just endure that. And keep spraying for at least 3 days is general rule of thumb. It keeps the crusts from drying out and potentially affecting grafts by sticking to them I beleive, that's the thought there.
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