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Everything posted by THE TRUTH

  1. It's a good result. πŸ‘ but like you said not as spectacular as the outstanding cherry picked results posted by clinivs. It's a classic amongst the classics. All Clinics (not just hairmills) even the most reputable ones such as Hasson & Wong etc... only show their very best results. But still your result is good and it's a big change compared to baseline. The only issue is that you could have gotten the same result with a significantly less expensive clinic.
  2. I will be honest bro. After seeing Ittiaz's case and hearing about your infection issue, I was really a bit skeptical for your result... But this turned out to be a very good and natural result. πŸ‘ If I was to get the same result, I would be more than happy. Also, consider yourself lucky because you really didn't have much hairloss at all to begin with... Just stick to oral Finasteride/Dutasteride long term and you're basically good to go. No need to worry about hairloss anymore. Your case is solved bro.πŸ‘
  3. Of course. I was just trolling and kidding a little bit. I agree with you. Bicer is good. Best option if you are on a budget for sure but certainly not comparable to the elite surgeons. She is a bit hyped on this forum. But she's good and consistent. Couto is amazing too. I talked about him many times. I like his work and I always recommend him but in all honesty he is also way overhyped. But I just don't think he is necessarily better than Pinto, Ximena, Ferreira etc... Just like everyone I've seen the excellent cherry picked results on his youtube channel but I've also seen a couple average ones on the italian and spanish hairloss forums ! That said he is an amazing surgeon and I like him.
  4. Guys, what is your opinion about Dr. Daniel McGrath ? Can Anyone provide any feedback in regards to his work ? Does he perform every step of surgery himself like Dr. Ferreira ? Or does he rely heavily on nurses like Lorenzo, Hasson, Wong etc...? He's been around for a very long time. I believe he was even the ISHRS president at some point. We all know ISHRS membership doesn't mean much since anyone who pays can join it. But since he was the head of the organization, I guess he has at least some recognition in the field. David DiMuzico has built a significant hype around McGrath on youtube. I guess he is overhyped like many others surgeons. But I gotta admit he gave DiMuzio a very good result and after listening to couple of his interviews he seems knowledgable and competent.
  5. Do you have any update bro ? What did Hattingen say in regards to the little bald spot that occured due to shock loss in the donor area ? Did HLC provide any feedback ?
  6. Bisanga does really really solid work. He is one of the best for sure. Never seen a bad result from him after years of browsing those forums. Some people say the forum is biased towards Bisanga because he is one of the sponsors. Well maybe. I don't know but I have to admit he hits homeruns more than any other surgeon and people get extremely fast growth with him ! By the 5-month mark most of his patients already have a fully-matured 12 months results... Bisanga is really worldclass.
  7. I am not a particularly fan of Dr. Keser but I think you owe him an apology. Also, you could have at least provided an update for the 12 months...
  8. How was Dr. Demirsoy ? Is he a nice guy ? How long did the initial consultation last ?
  9. No Tony wasn't even close to a Norwood 6. He was something like Nw 3V to Nw 4 diffuse. He didn't have much hairloss at all. He had a receded hairline and a bit of thinning on the crown, which is really not a lot considering his age. He is a great guy. He shared his journey in details with both hlc and bisanga.
  10. Sure you can get 50 grafts per cm2 on your hairline if you have a decent donor. But with that specific number of grafts you shouldn't expect a teenage dense hairline. That's why I meant specifically. It will always look seethrough if you look closely or under harsh lighting. That's why hair transplants are all about "the illusion of density" thing. Agree about Zarev. He is legit but we have to see more independant reviews and testimonials before jumping to conclusions. Ferreira is good too. Similar to Pinto and Freitas in terms of quality. He worked under Lorenzo for many years. While Lorenzo has become a hairmill, Ferreira is the total opposite. He is 100% dedicated and does only one patient per day. I've seen only one bad result from him so far. It was on a guy by the name of Ittiaz. HDC is good yes. They are a reliable clinic It's similar to HLC namewise and quality wise. However never seen anything spectacular from them on advanced Norwoods.
  11. Hairguard is the GOAT ! Get their GROWBAND and bring the blΓΌdflow into that Galea !
  12. Technically speaking the best growth agonist for human scalp hair is oral estrogen followed by cyclosporine (much stronger than any kind of minoxidil no matter if 15% concentration, compounded with tretinoin or oral version) but these 2 are not considered viable options. Alfatradiol Clascoterone Bimatoprost Latanoprost RU58841 Fluridil (topical topilutamide) Topical estrogen Topical spironolactone Pirylutamide (in the future maybe) Stemoxydine Topical dutasteride/finasteride Mesotherapy with Dutasteride Microneedling These are some of the growth stimulants and topical anti androgens that have at least some evidence to back up their efficacy. Some are certainly stronger than others but keep in mind none of them is a substitute for oral 5AR inhibitors such as Finasteride/Dutasteride. Especially not long term and if your hairloss is agressive.
  13. I agree and I would totally second what Z--- said. When you are a Norwood 5-6 you gotta optimize the yield of every single graft that you use. Like I said many times, I like Dr. Bicer. She is nice and she certainly does good and consistent work. She is without any doubt the best option in her price range. Now I also have to say I believe Dr. Bicer, Dr. Gur, Dr. Turan are slightly overhyped on this forum and may not be the best options for advanced Norwoods and when it comes to the best possible use of your donor area. Again they are all good and I like them. But when you are Norwood 5 and beyond and you are goal is to get as close as possible to the illusion of full head of hair then you cannot make any mistake. You gotta do your best in order to maximize each and every graft straight from the very beginning. Same goes for HLC, I've never seen any spectacular result from them on advanced Norwoods nor do they specialize in crown work vertex. I still believe they are a good clinic and amongst the handful few reliable clinics in Turkey but after seeing a non negligeable number of subpar results from them, I don't think they'd be the best bet for someone looking to maximize every single graft. Depends on your expectations and goals. If you are a Norwood 6 who is on a budget and whose goal is to just get a hairline that frames your face then yeah Bicer or HLC is a good option. Yeah why not. I'm sure they'll both do good work although don't expect crazy density. On the other hand, if your goal is to get 10 000 grafts transplanted in total to get as close as possible to decent head of hair then go with someone like Zarev, Pitella, Pradeep Sethi. Couto is really good too. I love him and I'd trust him all day. But in all honesty he is a bit overhyped. I don't think he's necessarily better than De Freitas or Pinto.
  14. You cannot chose the doctor who will perform your procedure. Also there are not enough results available from each specific doctor to be able to draw any conclusion in regards to which one is the best or which one is better than the other. Some of the subpar results I've seen were from Dr. Umut. Dr. Ozgur is the founding doctor. He does not operate anymore. Dr. Elif is there since the very beginning. She generally does only the extractions and she is currently the most experienced of the operating surgeons. Dr. Cengiz has good results from what I've seen. He is a bit conservative which is not a bad thing especially with young patients. Dr. Bekir is the new doctor who replaced Dr. Akin. I have seen only one result from him so far. It was good. Dr. Pekiner and Dr. Ali left the clinic a long time ago. Pekiner has his own clinic now as you know but I have no idea what happened to Dr. Ali. Honestly I have no clue who is the best in terms of consistency of results and it does not really matter since you can't choose.
  15. Tsvetalin Zarev Juan Couto Bruno Pinto Rafael de Freitas Bruno Ferreira and Ximena Vila are good options too. Outside Europe, Pitella and Pradeep Sethi are really good too. I would honestly forget about Turkey... Even the better clinics in Turkey seem to struggle with advanced Norwoods and crown restoration.
  16. Talking realistically your crown needs 4000 grafts to look decently full. The crown is a black hole and it always requires a lot more grafts than you think. But of course you don't want to trynna do 4000 grafts in one go. That would be a huge mistake.... Get on medication first. Take your time. Do your due diligence. Research. I always recommend people to do a small test surgery i order to evaluate the survival rate and avoid big sessions and thus potentially wasting forever your limited grafts... You are somewhere between Norwood 3V and Norwood 4. But I don't like the Norwood scale. There are dozens of balding patterns that are not included in the Norwood scale. For example diffuse thinners... Also the Norwood scale does not really measure your degree of baldness. It only shows SOME of the male balding patterns. That is the key thing to understand. For example you can be miniaturizing in a Norwood 6 pattern but still have a lot of hair. Actually an early Norwood 6 diffuse thinner will often have a lot more hair in appareance than someone who is Norwood 4 with a slick bald spot and no hairline but no miniaturization beyond the whorl unlike the Norwood 6 diffuse. You know what I'm sayin brah ? Also there are many different types of Norwood 5s or Norwood 4s for example. You can be an early Norwood 5 diffuse thinner with still 90% of your hair except all your hairs on top are beginning to thin, you can be a Norwood 5 with completely gone hairline but just slight thinning in the crown, you could be a slick bald Norwood 5 with huge bald spot etc... The Norwood scale doesn't mean much.
  17. I agree Both Hakan Doganay and Tayfun Oguzoglu have extremely poor survival rate.
  18. Totally agree. I think he would literally need to transplant his whole horseshoe onto his bald spot to make it look full...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Again, this shows how important it is to start Finasteride/Dutasteride early enough in the process. Once you're too far gone it becomes extremely hard to recover a decent head of hair especially when you have severe crown baldness.
  19. This is just not realistic for him at this stage. He would need 15 000 grafts for the vertex. His bald spot is gigantic. Larger than Zidane's.
  20. It can in some rare cases but keep in mind this is the exception and definitely not the rule. The reality is for most people all it does is slow down significantly further miniaturization of the existing hair follicles. It is certainly a very effective drug. But you gotta start Finasteride very early.
  21. Very true. If you start balding before the age of 25 and your dad or your grandpa is Norwood 6-7 then 90% chance you will end up the same. Oral Dutasteride is your best bet in such case as well as any other adjunct treatment to complement it.
  22. You stop quoting me every time internet kid. See ? You don't even have a basic answer to my initial question... Do not make such irelevant and stupid comments. If you have nothing constructive or helpful to say then it is much better for you not to comment at all. Stop trolling like a 10-year old stupid uneducated kid and stop spreading minsformation on subjects you have no clue about. I highly suggest you educate yourself first and get some basic understanding and more importantly get a life. I will not waste any more time responding to any of your comments.
  23. Lmao What is your agenda here internet kid ? So which "budget clinic" that has a history of consistent and great results on the vertex do you recommend internet kid ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Lol... You think some of the mentionned clinics be able to solve his vertex issue in one go for 3000€ max ? If so, you are totally desillusionnal... We all know that "budget clinics" in Turkey are russian roulette while the vertex is an extremely delicate area to work on.... You gotta get it right from the first time and maximize graft yield because the crown will cost you thousands of grafts. I'm sure you know it very well. Stop downplaying the just get a hair transplant in cheap clinic....Your attitude is dangerous and unfair. You are misleading people and portraying hair transplants like they were no big deal. Be careful. Only cheaper option I would ever consider in Turkey are Demirsoy, Turan, Gur. Bicer significantly raised prices recently. They are all decent options but none of them is particularly skilled for the crown. When you have such extensive baldness on the vertex better hold off from doing surgery until you can afford someone really really good for that specifically. You have only one limited donor.
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