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Everything posted by THE TRUTH

  1. Totally agree. Blüdflow is the biggest scam ever. Genetic sensitivity of the hair follicles to androgen is the real rootcause of the problem.
  2. No no no. Huge red flags to all the clinics you brought up. Please never get surgery with any of these. You have significant vertex hairloss. The crown is extremely hard to tackle because of the skull shape and also because of the direction that hairs grow. You wouldn't believe how many grafts it requires to look full. You need to look into the following doctors Dr. Zarev Dr. Pitella Dr. Sethi (not some cheap packages from Eugenix though) Dr. Pinto Dr. Ximena Vila Dr. Wong These doctors have the best results on the crown. Turkish hairmills will destroy your donor area in one surgery and then you will NEVER have enough grafts to close that bald spot on the crown. You need around 4000 grafts to make it look full. Your hairloss seeems quite agressive. Are you on medication ? If not, I highly recommend you talk to a very good HT surgeon or trichologist and get a prescription for oral Dutasteride 0.5mg daily and oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily for a least 6 months before considering any surgery.
  3. What is your opinion about the lack of "blüdflow" in the Galea Aponeurotica and chronic scalp tension theory ?
  4. Diffuse hairloss + No medication = very bad candidate for HT A hair transplant will not do anything for you at this stage...It will quickly deplete your donor area and give you also no improvement from baseline on your recipient area. You gotta get on Dutasteride 0.5mg daily as well as oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily for at least 6 months. Stay away from turkish hairmills. VERY FEW surgeons in the world have the necessary skillset to perform hair transplants on diffuse thinners without causing permanent shockloss of the existing native miniaturized hairs in between. Be careful. Take your time. Spend time on this forum. Do your research, do your research and do your research. Don't rush into surgery.
  5. So true. 👌 Ultimately, Koray was, is and will always be the GOAT. The GOAT of zero graft survival & overharvested donor areas. 🏆
  6. 99,99% of "clinics" in Istanbul are hairmills where everything is performed by 25-year old uneducated teams of technicians. Be careful. It's a dangerous game. Think about russian roulette. You are basically playing the exact same game with your limited donor area. Honestly if you care about your hair, I'd stay away from Turkey. You can be lucky and get a great result from a hairmill. I've seen it. There are guys on this forum who got outstanding results from Dr. Cinik. Others got destroyed for life. I remember one guy on reddit. Sometimes hairmills hit homeruns too. It can happen. I've seen incredible work from Serkan Aygin, Hair of Istanbul, Bellahair etc... If you are very very lucky, if they give you the most experienced team of techs, if you have genetically good survival capacity of the grafts, IF IF IF... I'd say less than 5% of guys are satisfied from their experiences in Turkey. Of course, there are many different degrees of bad results from Turkey ranging from slightly missing density all the way up to overharvested donor areas but ultimately you have to do your research on this forum and you'll quickly understand why Turkey is the worst place to get a hair transplant despite being the place with the largest number of "clinics". I've seen complete irreversible disasters and failures from these clinics too.... It is important for you to understand that if you get one bad surgery then you will NEVER be able to achieve the illusion of full head of hair again. Only doctor I would ever consider for myself in Turkey is Dr. Bicer. She is probably a bit overhyped on this forum but she does produce decent results and truly cares about the post op The rest is all russian roulette. Some clinics are certainly much worse than others but generally speaking Turkey is crap. I'd forget about it once and for all. Look into Spain/Portugal/Belgium. There are excellent surgeons that are by no means cheap but certainly better and twice cheaper than the majority of US surgeons (not better than all of course).
  7. Can't believe Erdogan was able to corrupt even Tillman... Crazy and scary...
  8. So the GOAT of botched jobs is giving an interview about botched jobs ? 👍😂 I mean he sure knows what he is talking about. No doubt about that. 😂😂
  9. Bicer is considered the GOAT by many users on this forum therefore this procedure should be a homerun
  10. WTF ?? 4800 grafts for someone who is barely a Norwood 3 with decent hair caliber is EXTREMELY exagerated. This is crazy ! The average donor has 7000 grafts available for FUE before it starts to look really moth-eaten. What will happen in the future if you start losing hair on the midscalp and crown ? Finasteride is by no means a cure for hairloss. It just slow down the rate of progression miniaturization. Dr. Hasson was very agressive with the graft count. Did they explain why they quoted 3000 initially and then later changed to almost 5000 JUST for the hairline ?... I hope these 4800 grafts will grow with a survival rate of at least 90% otherwise.... These methods remind me of Hair of Istanbul and NowHairTime...
  11. Stay away from Acar. He is a hairmill. I've seen great results from Cosmedica but I've also seen disasters and permanently damaged donor areas. It's literally russian roulette and your donor area is limited. There is no possible comeback for a Norwood 5 if you get your donor area destroyed. I highly recommend you look into the following clinics. Zarev, Hattingen, Pitella, Bruno Pinto, Ximena Vila, Bisanga They are much better at treating advanced hairloss then turkish clinics even the better ones... Also you need to get on oral Finasteride/Dutasteride.
  12. Saw Palmetto is total scam and pure snake oil. Please do not waste your time, money and energy on Saw Palmetto. Kevin Mann debunked this crap many times. Get on oral Finasteride/Dutasteride. That is the only way for men (except surgical castration and Male to Female HRT...) to stop further progression of Androgenetic Alopecia.
  13. The good news is your hairloss seems very mild so far. The bad news is it started very early which may indicate it's probably not gonna stop there. Your grandfather was barely balding. He was a Norwood 2-3 with full density on density and crown. I agree your hairloss is probably not that agressive. I think it's comparable to Kevin Mann's. But still I would play it safe. You never know which genes you have inherited. You may follow your grandfather's path but you may also starting thinning on the midscalp and crown later on in life. You never know. You should always be planning for the worse. 0.25mg finasteride daily is the perfect dose for you. That should be sufficient to prevent any further development of androgenic alopecia since yours doesn't seem too agressive. Just stay on it long term and make sure you are conservative for your first hair transplant procedure.
  14. I am glad you got a great result from ASMED. Congratulations. Your hairline looks great. However this clinic is extremely bad. It was removed from this forum for a good reason. A hairmill with hundreds of bad results, many ruined lived and extremely poor ethics. I cannot believe the Hair Transplant Mentor is advertising them.
  15. Guys, In his latest youtube video, slovakian hairloss youtuber from Austria also known as Matt Dominance shows signs of further balding on the crown despite being on a lowdose of oral Finasteride and occasionnally on topical Dutasteride. He refused Finasteride for nearly a decade and he's had 3 hair transplants in total. First one was on the hairline in a very famous hairmill in Istanbul, 2nd one on the midscalp with some doctor in Greece and last one with Dr. Mwamba who repaired his pluggy hairline from his first surgery. What do you guys think about his crown ? Should he get on oral Dutasteride ? Should he ever risk getting a 4th transplant ? What do you think about his donor after so many extractions ?
  16. Like Eugenix said, baldness can never be predicted with certainty. There are 200 different genes involved in hairloss. It's a lot more complex than the Androgen Receptor gene and the X chromosome... But here is what I'd say if you start losing hair before the age of 25 and your father and/or grand-father are completely bald ( Norwood 6-7 with a horseshoe) then yes you have very very high chances of becoming Norwood 6-7 too... There are only 3 ways on earth that exist to avoid it By taking oral 5alpha reductase inhibitors for the rest of your life. Finasteride and Dutasteride. Surgical castration. Male to Female HRT (estrogen, spiro, bicalutamide) Minoxidil, PRP, topicals, exosomes, transplants, microneedling will never be able to stop the progression of androgenic alopecia.
  17. I agree. But Pinto is 3€ per graft. He is excellent and definitelt affordable. It's not like Konior who is like 12 to 14$ per grafts 🔥😂
  18. I agree except for Yaman. He is a nice guy but he is not safe... I have seen several cases of damaged donor area as well as couple botched jobs. In my honest opinion the risk is way too high. Demirsoy is decent although his donor management is sometimes poor... I believe Gur/Turan are a bit better. Erdogan was removed from this forum for a good reason. At 2.5€ per graft you can get MUCH better. Can't believe the Hair Transplant Mentor is advertising him...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ HLC is okay. I was considering them but they have quite a few subpar results here and on alopeziede. Of course they are significantly better and safer than Erdogan but at 2.5 to 3€ per graft Spain/Portugal has better options in terms of quality and consistency...
  19. Stay away from Erdogan. He is really terrible and unethical and has a lot of poor results on all hairloss forums. Bircan is a hairmill. Bicer, gur, hlc, pekiner are okay if your are on a budget although they are not comparable to the best in Spain/Portugal/Belgium. Turan is okay too but Gur is a but better. I'd reallt try to save for an elite surgeon. You get what you pay for. Crown work is difficult and Turkish surgeons are definitely not the best for tackling vertex specifically... Have you looked into Zarev/Sethi/Pitella/Pinto ?
  20. No. I'd say they are on the exact same level from what I've seen. Both are good. They are good buddies. Pinto is more interesting because a bit cheaper right now.
  21. Bruno Pinto is the best in the world at 3€ per graft. Bruno Ferreira and Ximena Vila have very similar quality. Ferreira is 3.5€ and Ximena is 2.5€ per graft. Freitas too. He is a bit more expensive than Pinto.
  22. Again hard to comment on this... Like I said my previous posts, Dr. Glenn Charles is a well respected surgeon in the hairloss community with a significant experience in the field and a good reputation. I'm sure he's made many patients happy throughout the years and changed their lives for the better. The reality of the hair transplant world is that bad results happen all the time even with the best clinics although they are statistically minimal... Like I always say hair transplant is a huge lotttery and always russian roulette to some degree unfortunately even with the reputable docs.... What upset me though is the way Dr. Charles handled the 12 month post-op follow-up.... I was really surprised by his answers to that patient... Seems like he was trying to blame him instead of admiting the poor result and trying to work on finding a solution (repair or refund)... I mean we are all human and even Cristiano Ronaldo sometimes misses a penalty... Also he should have never performed surgery if he knew the result would turn out that poor... His attitude seemed really questionable... Again he is considered a good doctor for a good reason therefore we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and we will see his reply in callmebob2021's thread... We will see. Let's hope for the best.
  23. You don't seem to have very agressive hairloss. You remind me of Kevin Mann who had only a Nw 2 to Nw 3 at exactly the same age as you. That said, I would play if safe and better get on oral Finasteride. Even a lowdose such as 0.25mg daily can prevent or at least slow down potential future thinning on the midscalp and crown. This is what I would do in cases like yours in which hairloss seems to be moderate. Hairloss is progressive and you may thin on the crown and midscalp later in life although it's probably not gonna be a Norwood 7 but rather a moderate Norwood 4-5 pattern by the time you turn 50. Now let me answer your questions more specifically. A. Transplanted hairs are much more DHT-resistant but not totally immune. 95% of men which androgenic alopecia will bald in a classic Norwood 7 horseshoe pattern in which case the horseshoe hair have embriologically less 5ar type 2 isoenzyme expression as well as less than Androgen Receptor density. These hairs continue to behave the same way once they are transplanted on the balding regions and keep their genetic characteristics. This is the principle of donor dominance. However, around 5% of men show DUPA in the donor area. That means that because of their unusual genetic makeup the donor area is also prone to DHT-caused thinning and these patient should NEVER get any transplant without long term commitment to oral Finasteride/Dutasteride. Otherwise they risk thinning or loss of the transplanted hairs. Loss of transplanted hairs can also occur due to poor harvesting being performed outside the true safe zone (for example too high on the crown) which can later result of miniaturization and eventually loss. This often happens in lowcost turkish hairmills. Last but not least, scenile alopecia will inevitably affect all hairs on the scalp to a certain a degree because cells progressively degenerate and we have no control over it. Of course it's not nearly as bad as androgenic alopecia but your hairs WILL thin out. Oral minoxidl might help to some extent but you can't expect your transplanted hairlone to have the same density 20-30 years down the road. 2. Yes you should consider Finasteride. Your hairloss isn't very agressive but you never know when and how your crown/midscalp could start thinning. Try a lowdose. It is 10000 times easier to prevent hairloss than playing catch-up with multiples surgeries especially with vertex baldness that is extremely hard to recover even with multiple surgeries. 3. Based on your degree of hairloss and agressivness, I think Finasteride is all you need in order to stabilize it. I don't think you need Dutasteride or stronger pharmaceuticals. 4. You should check with a very skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeon if you are showing signs of DUPA in the donor. If that's the case then you must use finasteride for the rest of your life to maintain your transplant. In case you have no DUPA Finasteride is highly recommended to prevent further thinning on the midscalp and crown. Better play it safe like I said. Even a lowdose such as 0.25mg daily can do wonders to mimize further thinning. 5. Finasteride/Dutasteride are great drugs that both work incredibly well in most men for stopping or at worst slowing down significantly genetic hairloss but it is total crap when it comes to regrowth. Finasteride absolutely doesn't regrow any hair at all. It'll never regrow a hairline or a bald spot on the vertex. In some cases it might thicken up a little but the existing miniaturized hairs. This is definitely the exception, not the rule. Hope this clarifies things for you. All the best.
  24. Looks pretty good and natural for 4 months. Let's hope it thickens up a bit more during the next 3 months. 🙏 2 importants points here 1) Are you on any preventative treatment such as oral Finasteride or Dutasteride ? It looks you are actually diffusely thinning throughout the midscalp and upper crown as well ? If not, I would highly encourage you to get on an oral 5alpha reductase inhibitor to minimiaze potential future loss that will occur. You don't wanna lose more hair after having 2 surgeries and a overharvested donor... 2) Which hairmill in Istanbul gave you that botched job ? Which clinic did you go for the laser and electrolysis treatments ? Based on the pictures you provided it seems like they did a very good job at removing the unatural hairs on the hairline. All the best and good luck for the next few months.
  25. Your hairloss on the crown is significant. Although at 32 with a decent hairline and midscalp, I've seen much worse in terms of agressivness. Get on oral Finasteride/Dutasteride immediately. Give yourself 6 months at least. Add oral minoxidil + a topical anti androgen if you want. Do your research. Take your time. Spend time on this forum. Research, research, research, look for bad reviews, look for who you think has the best crown work. In my opinion Zarev is by far the best when it comes to crown work. Even better than Eugenix. His ability to close bald spots is incredible. He excels where 99% of other surgeons struggle... Pitella seems very solid too especially when it comes to crown. I've seen some good vertex work from Ximena Vila too. The vertex is a black hole for grafts so you always need a lot more grafts than you think... I believe 3000 grafts will do the trick.
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