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Ryan Daniel

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Everything posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. I don't think anyone on the forum is going it give you better advice than the doctors at Eugenix regarding age appropriate hairlines. You will be sitting in front of them The fact that you are 40 and you don't want a youthful hairline shows that you are educated enough to have a hair transplant They always design hairlines for people of age and make sure it will look good as they age. So if you are 40, they are definitely not going to give you a hairline of someone in 20's. And if you are in your 20's they will not give you a youthful hairline either because they want you to look good and natural when you turn 30.. 40.. etc. do you get what I mean? If you need a better answer, share some photos with us and we can let you know what your best decision should be. With people that have alot of hair loss, I tend to recommend a higher hairline which allows alot of density behind and minimal grafts used. If someone is younger, they may want a hairline with temporal points to frame the face, but if they have a lot of thinning across the scalp this will require a number of grafts or maybe even sessions in order to achieve a satisfied result. Let's start with photos (if you want) otherwise I recommend putting your trust with the doctors
  2. Dr. Bisanga is a great doctor and not far away from you. Show us a photo of your donor area with some hair showing please
  3. I knew it as soon as i saw your 10 day update video on youtube. I don’t remember exactly the number, but i looked at your hair and it looked like someone with a full head of head that just had a buzzcut. You healed fast and all grafts were carefully planted with the correct positioning. The density was there and the natural natural was uniformal. in my opinion, you are one of Eugenix’s best results because it doesnt look like you had any work done. It just looks like hair that was always there! hope you enjoy it for the rest of your years friend
  4. I knew you were going to have a good result from the moment I saw your video on youtube. I just had a good feeling about it Your 5 months progress is what other people find acceptable by 12 months. It is PHENOMINAL
  5. Hair vitamins are equivalent to what you would get with a perfect food diet. I cant say if they great or fake. I can only speak from my personal experience. I have been taking multivitamins for hair, and I can honestly say it only affects how to hair follicle itself looks. Meaning it is softer, healthier and color is deeper No hair growth or hair loss stoppage either
  6. You are in for a big surprise for 12 months. This growth is fantastic for 7 months
  7. Leaving the Aloe over night is excellent for the skin. It's like something you would do on a sunburned area. Im very scared of buying Aloe because alot of brands put chemicals in them. What brand did you use? If i dont find a good aloe vera gel product, ill just end up buying a damn plant lol.
  8. Well said sir, Saying it how it is. I am also flying to India for mine. I decided to take 3 days upon surgery to spend them all sitting in the hotel watching netflix and catching a flight back home afterwards. I believe you should do nothing on the scalp until the 7th day wash. let everything take its course. The saline spray is the only thing you'd wanna put. Regarding Aloe Vera, I heard people use it for itching, although i would put absolutely nothing on recipient area.. maybe on the back only
  9. I absolutely love it The softness..... the angles.... everything is unformal I would keep this haircut forever if i could
  10. I use Toppik and it's probably the most amazing thing you can use for the crown area to completely hide any balding Also regarding color, always buy brown or dark brown. You dont wanna get it too dark or it might look bad!
  11. Excellent donor area, very promising to achieve a good result with it because it has a mixture of thick coarse brown hair and also soft thin hairs for that hairline! Good luck for your journey. Dr Bisanga is a qualified doctor
  12. Update on mr mcgregor Growth began, hes probably into month 4 or 5 now Personally I think it’s growing natural, correct directions and full of soft singles.
  13. Hello @soconfused As @gillenator said you are doomed without using Finasteride with the kind of male pattern baldness that you have. It's similar to mine but i have thick and coarse hair. However I can predict that you would have a good transplant, especially the hairline since you is dark and fine Do your research and go for it! Good luck friend
  14. Hi... Is this the clinic ? 🙄 Also I'm worried as soon as you wrote ''I don't know the name of the doctor '' Shock loss in the donor area can happen 18 days after the procedure. It happened for me when I got my procedure in Istanbul. This happens because you do such a large harvest all in one day, which is crazy when I think about it As our friends have told you, be patient.. only time will tell
  15. This is very clean work and you are healing so well! Your new hairline is fully dense down and the temple points are a great addition to what need to frame the face better Also your crown - I bet you are happy to see it all covered now right? Happy growth sir!
  16. Great writeup. Thank you for all the honest information about your procedure Ill be flying in 30 days and getting a procedure at Eugenix. People's experiences are extremely helpful, ill definitely document my journey
  17. @Berba11 The temple points are looking fantastic. Looking at the side shots they easily take 10 years off you. With so much coverage at only 4 months you are surely to expect a very dense result!
  18. @Ilonaa You have the perfect hair type that is required for a very soft female hairline. We are all looking forward to your update result. Best of luck!
  19. Im very happy for you Juan. Looking forward to the 6th and 8th months
  20. @juanjs84 Would love to see an update. Are you month 4 or 5 now?
  21. Enjoyed the video, especially the talk and interaction with the Dr. Happy growth Adrian!
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