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Ryan Daniel

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Everything posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. It looks natural. Which is always better than a thick fall of pluggy hair you might of ended up with in some other hair mill If I were you, I would keep the cut some of the thickness on the sides, making the top look even stronger Good luck sir
  2. I know your brain might get excited of shampooing your hair with something expensive rather than something cheaper, but trust me.. it's all bullsh*t. Ill repeat what Melvin said, do not waste your money. If I were you I would either use something that promotes moisture, or even baby shampoo if you have a super short hair Shampoos only affect the appears of existing hairs, by cleaning and texture appearance. On the other hand, if someone has dandruff they can benefit from a shampoo that will cleanse their scalp and make it itch free and clear out flakes. Shampoos will not stop hair loss. You might think it slows it down but if you're affecting my male pattern baldness it wont. and will definitely not promote hair growth either
  3. Hair growth from medication is more appreciated than it is with surgery. It is a delight to see that you are responding to it I've just starting taking oral finasteride 3 weeks ago, 1mg everyday.. and so far it's been good You are a good candidate for hair transplantation, focus on making sure you get an age appropriate hairline to ensure maximum coverage behind it, rather than going for a lower hairline and bringing temple points forward... eventually after a few years once you have everything established you can decide to do this, but you are not in a position to go for aggressive hair line designs. For the current situation, I estimate you will need around 2500 - 3000 grafts. It could be less but for the hairline zone and also fill all gabs in midscalp.. this will definitely give you a satisfying result full of density in one session When you arrive at the clinic, take your time with everyone, you are in control.. nobody else is. Everyone is nice and helpful at the clinic! Don't get overwhelmed by the staff members telling you to do this and that, and that... and this... whatever happens, make sure you have a sit down discussion with the doctor exactly before entering the surgical room. Making sure all plans and designs are agreed and both parties are happy. Other than that... you will be in good hands with the clinic Good luck @mkr
  4. Very good coverage! It takes a lot of care and planning to cover an area that was COMPLETELY bald. While most people will be impressed with the result, I am very impressed with how the donor looks. Completely untouched and very clean extractions Well done
  5. @ManeMan Would like an update aswell. 8 months now?
  6. Actually redness can be visible until 2 months, especially during the shedding phase.. Although it varies from patient to patient, of course!
  7. I love it man. It looks like you had nothing done, which is the goal If you want my advice, don't let the sides get longer than the top. Tighten the sides with a number 4 guard and you will rock it
  8. You didn't seem like you had huge amount of hairline, mainly empty hair line and some thinning across the back area. Very big session to do 6k grafts in one sitting! I love how they packed densely every inch of scalp for you, it will be a big result for sure Happy growth!
  9. Hair of Istanbul One of instagrams most popular hair mills
  10. Hi @Boomerang, I do not believe this is over harvesting as you seem to have had an excellent donor area pre-op. But I could be wrong, nothing is guaranteed The extraction seems to be very balanced on the back judging from the post-op photos they took of you I have a theory that by extracting so many grafts on separate days might have been traumatizing on your backside, not everyone's scalp reacts the same way and may end up with a different outcome to SHOCK LOSS. This is how my donor area looked 1 month after 3000 grafts FUE in TURKEY. It was horrible and traumatizing. I believe after a few weeks later from month 1 it started to fill up. I think I got my first haircut at the end of month 2 Lucky for them (and me) my hair grew back. Still to this day I have extraction scars larger than they should be. The extractions that I had from Eugenix were much smaller. None the less, I still cannot keep short haircuts but with some length everything is covered. You have 2 choices, wait for improvement and see what happens. Or else if the situation remains bad you must demand that your donor area gets fixed free of charge (most probably using beard grafts to fill in) You mentioned you are at two months, this is usually quite on the late side of shock loss but it can happen. I would remain calm for the next month or two months and then take action. Good luck sir
  11. Dr. Bisanga at BHR clinic is the best in Europe in my opinion I knew for the first day I saw your hairline implantations and directions that you were going to have a natural and dense hairline. The 2219 grafts extracted from your donor area is completely undetected aswell At what you see at 6 months is what some people see at 12 months, even if you still have hair in the middle of the frontal zone, its still a great look now. You must be delighted! Wish you even more growth!
  12. He has a pluggy hairline. If you spotted it, it says everything about the result Maybe I'm being harsh or maybe it's just the hair gel he used making the hairs very thin and separated.
  13. Hi, from what I see in your hair in these two photos is what is typically done in Turkey.. not saying it's a bad result, in fact your grafts are growing very healthy and match your existing hair.. however the angles and directions of how the grafts were placed seem to be growing up straight rather than forward. The way they made your incisions makes it difficult for the hair to grow in a way of creating natural illusion. For example: You're seeing everything like this l l l l l rather than a mixture of something like this /l/l/l/. If the incisions were made with a less vertical angle you might have had a better concealment of your scalp with the exact same number of grafts you have. (forgive me if it doesn't make sense) but this is very true. On the other hand we all know it's quite difficult to replicate the same density on transplant as it is on the sides and back. I speak from experience because I had the same. When you're at home it looks full and great, but once you open the camera outside or have direct light you're gonna see some gaps. Another factor (and probably big reason for scalp visibility) is that with scalp showing would also be that the natural hair you had in the beginning before the transplant might have thinned out completely or worse case scenario fell out after a few months, which never helps. I don't know if you're on medication? It's always a must. Again, in my case I regret not being on oral Finasteride for a number of reasons. In my opinion you still look good because the hairline shape matches your profile well, especially since it's good that the clinic you chose made good use of single grafts on the first row. Nobody outside is going to question you or look twice at your hair. You seem happy about the result and I don't want to come across as someone writing negativity or trying to find tiny faults! You mentioned you're at 8 months now, which is not far from the end of the journey but there is always always a chance for growth improvement which will make you delighted Good luck
  14. The only thing I would suggest is to make the sides cleaner, maybe with a number 4 guard. I think you'll look sharp mate
  15. Do you have oily hair? I would think that washing your hair with appropriate shampoo would make it look matte and fuller You would benefit from a haircut aswell when you get the chance, a tighter look would give you a better outcome, so far you have had very good progress from when you started!
  16. Don't make the mistake of looking for perfection! I honestly like your hair! It's thick, dense and textured. One look at how it was in the beginning makes you appreciate how it is now Enjoy it
  17. Day 12 post surgery Quick update from me. Scabs are practically all off now. I have a little dry skin left on the crown around the grafts but those will come off tonight for sure. I didn't scrub hard, I took it gently for the 2 days after initial head wash with baby shampoo and rinsed away with saline solution. After seeing all the crusting fall off, I was happy to see all the soft singles that were implanted all across the hairline and the outer entrance of the temple points. At this part of the journey we have a rough estimate of what is what, and how it was implanted while also giving us an estimated idea how things will look in the future if we decided to shave everything off. I was immensely happy to see that there are only singles in the hairline, after living many years with a thick wall of doubles from the previous surgery. After the implantations were made in the operation theatre we used a high magnification camera that zoomed in on the hairline and it showed clearly what was implanted and the directions as well. They ensured me that the grafts I wanted to be implanted, were implanted where I wanted them. I felt secure and assured that I was getting what I paid for. Doing this was a very professional touch by @Eugenix Hair Sciences So far everything seems to be healing fine, I was probably more careful than I should be. I'm doing my best to keep the cap off! I only wear it for work! But I guess at 12 days the grafts are completely safe. I still wear the cap though because I don't want sun exposure to make the pink scalp to last longer than it must... Regarding previous transplant, I can still notice the thicker grafts with bad directions growing in my left side, it's not a big issue but I wish I would of removed more than just 30 grafts. Hopefully the newer grafts will completely camouflage the bad work done previously and hide everything since all the softer grafts on the temple points are 6 rows in front of the pluggy grafts. I'm also 11 days since taking 1mg oral Finasteride everyday, hopefully I can benefit from results after 6-10 months and continue using it. It would be a shame if my hair didn't respond to it, I'm taking it with high hopes and positive attitude 👍 Now I will patiently wait for the shedding faze to happen, which is due in about 2 or 3 weeks eventually Thanks for now, my next update will be next month!
  18. Ian this is serious progress, very happy for you I had no idea your native hair was so thick at the back since we always know you with shaved hair. I swear, you are going to have double the result you are currently having at 12 to 14 months!
  19. So for comparison here I highlighted the previous hairline curve going backwards (left and right side), while his modern hairline goes downwards (also both sides) Hair transplant
  20. 100% transplant and used fibers/colored spray photo taken 7th April 2022
  21. Update I must say recovery has been an absolute breeze! Maybe it was because this was my second surgery and I expected everything. Nothing was messy, maybe it was because I only had 2500 grafts? or maybe because the clinic did such a clean job! Pillows and sheets never had blood stains on them, even the night post op. Sleeping was so easy the first week since I'm used to sleeping on my back, and the neck pillow was comfortable that it never bothered me. There was one night where mosquitos were buzzing around my bedroom, I had to sleep with the blue surgical cap because I became paranoid if one of them stung my recipient area! I had minimal swelling on the forehead for maximum 2 days but nothing after. Saline spray kept my scalp fresh and I had very very minimal scabs. Quite surprising. No itching on the grafts and redness was at a minimum. I had some itching on the donor area after coming out of the shower for some reason but now it's quite over. I sprayed saline on the donor area whenever it was itching. The only negative part was that I had to go outside wearing a loose cap and also had to return to work. I returned to work and wore a cap at day 8, which is would assume the grafts are well secured but I was always careful and gentle.. I didn't want the scabs to pull off with the cap and dislodge anything. Who knows? I made it my priority to be careful and I delayed the head scrubbing/washing because no matter what people said, if something went wrong I would be the one to pay the consequences. Everyone has different post-op approaches, some people say grafts are secure after 4 days? 5days? some even wait 14 days before scrubbing the scalp? I don't know. I went with my experience and gut feeling. You also make decisions based on how it looks if you really know what you're doing. Basically if you have a head full of scabs, thick and messy, you're gonna wanna spray them and clean them without contact... and let them decrease naturally. If you're scalp heals with minimal scabs, I would avoid trying to scrub them, but instead let them fall off easily. Either way I'm sure the grafts are well secured after 7 days, but lets just take everything in a safe approach! At work there was no stress or lifting heavy object though, everything was fine. Now I'm looking forward for the scalp to be completely clean, I will be performing a good head wash tonight with baby shampoo and then we wait for the shedding faze to arrive. Day 1 next day post surgery Healing easy at hotel, very minimum redness Sorry I don't have photos from the back, I wasn't stressing myself how the back looked during healing period Day 5 post surgery Recovering at home, scabs slowly appearing Day 9 post surgery Most of the scabs naturally fell off. I continued spraying saline solution which softened which never allowed the scabs to get hard and nasty, and showered my head gently with just a plastic cup water on day 7 and 8 Back side I believe the crown is doing great. Happy the way it's filled and healed as well. My poor donor area took has been through a lot, I know it looks terrible but I'm sure everyone's donor looks like this for the first 2 weeks. SMP is showing hard since the hair length are short I'm praying it grows back full like it was, because the extractions made by Eugenix felt very minimal which is a bonus for me Day 10 post surgery Tonight I will perform the proper head wash to make sure the tiny scabs left are gone and simply let everything take its course after that Thanks for now, I will keep update in a couple of weeks!
  22. You look awesome with the clean haircut. Be patient and let everything grow now Enjoy the ride
  23. Very good progress. If I were you I would keep it shorter until the hairs implanted mature more
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