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Ryan Daniel

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Everything posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. @Gatsby I'm impressed with the progress Adrian! When is the haircut my friend??
  2. Hi again @Niki94 Yes I can see a big difference from the hair in the central part compared to this side. On the eyes they my look line single hair grafts but they are actually all doubles. Below I have drawn a quick feminine hairline for you to give you some ideas of what to expect. I have drawn a hairline a few millimeters in front of the original one which will be enough space to plant new soft singles in the first 2 or 3 rows, along with the sides for better framing! I would definitely discuss this with the next doctor to remove at least 20-30 grafts from the first few rows. Good luck again
  3. Hi @Niki94 Do not worry. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for you. I've had the same thing myself corrected after suffering 5 years with it. Is this only on a left side that has the problem? A skilled Doctor will be able to remove a couple of grafts on your hairline and your forehead seems to be big enough that it will allow some room for the new softer grafts to be implanted in front of those multiple follicular unit grafts. These grafts will be real single grafts, strategically taken from areas in the back where the hair grows with less pigment and softer characteristics. This will be a fantastic outcome and you will be able to push your hair back without feeling shy or worried that it looks unnatural. It's excellent that you educated yourself to completely understand what is wrong with your hairline. A lot of people who get their hair transplants in places like Turkey have result like you and don't seem to be bothered how it looks... because it's just hair right? As long as it grows who cares.. One last thing. Since you're from Slovakia, I recommend doing research on Dr. Bisanga at @BHRClinic, it's in Belgium and it isn't too far away from you. You won't need more than 500 grafts. We all wish you good luck
  4. Um... What do you mean good growth? How is the growth good? It's not about sticking hair on the scalp and waiting for it to grow. All the hair on her hairline is growing in the wrong directions. The hairs on her hairline are pluggy, because they are all taken from the deepest part of the safe zone in the donor area.. where the hair is dark, multiple grafts and thick diameter. This is very amateur work by the clinic
  5. I laughed because Hair of Istanbul don't have an official doctor 😂😂
  6. If you are feeling confident that there is nothing wrong with you, it will be easy to get them done at Eugenix a few days before the procedure
  7. I'm angry and upset at how the back side of your head looks..
  8. I remember complimenting you on the donor area. It looks excellent They say hair transplants aren't a guarantee, but I genuinely guarantee that you will have a great result. Besides going to a great clinic, your hair quality allows you to achieve the fullness of results that everyone dreams of. Apart from that, you are also able to go for a second procedure in the future since everything is so well at the back. For now, good luck and happy growth along the way
  9. Hair of Istanbul has no official named Doctor at their big Instagram clinic. It's just a bunch of nice people luring you into getting thick hair. When I was there getting mine done in 2017, it was just a consultant and a bunch of men acting like they know what they are doing just because they have been doing it for years. Nobody is a doctor. It's all a business. In the surgical room you will be surrounded by technicians that are either know what they are doing or learning on the job. I can see that even still now, in 2022... the clinic still produces these results that show pluggy hairlines that are hidden by density. It's like an illusion which tricks people into thinking this is great hair and natural... which is very normal for these amateurs who cannot invest in proper microscopic equipment. Every person commenting on these posts are either a bot or someone that has no education about the artistry that goes into these procedures. Please avoid at all costs
  10. I don't have any proof what is better and what isn't. I just assume that oral is always offers you a higher chance of success.. compared to something that you apply
  11. I wouldn't worry to much. You look better than people who have had multiple hair transplants. The best thing you can do is get on preventative medication and enjoy the rest of your life Good luck @Marty1990
  12. I wish we could see the hairline Either way, you should feel blessed being 32 and still a full head of hair. Regarding the minor thinning that you are seeing under direct lighting, it can be addressed with a safe dosage. Speak to a doctor to give you clearance and get you on Finasteride, maybe 0.5, 1mg every other day or 3 times a week would be a good start. You'll be thankful that you'll save thousands worrying about treatments and hair transplants along the next couple of years
  13. Hello there, You have a large area that is slowly thinning and turning into Norwood 6, your hair is on the thinner type as it is and your donor area doesn't look coarse and thick(but still good). If I were you I would avoid going to Turkey (based on that list you put). Every clinic that you mentioned is a Hair Mill in my eyes. The only they will do is over harvest you and give you an unpleasant result. Take your time please, you're in the best position you can be right now. Make sure you are on mediation as it will help strengthen everything around the thinning zones. Please find a surgeon that knows what he is doing, someone who dealt with cases like yours and make them show you how they ended up looking after 12 months. Just by looking at you, if you would go for a more conservative hairline without temple points, you may be able to get an excellent coverage throughout the entire scalp. 3500-4000 grafts would make wonders for you with the right clinic. It's all about balance.... it's easy to say '' I want 4000, 5000, 6000 grafts '' because you want the best density? But what about the donor area? how is that gonna look? Do you just wanna f*ck it up so you can have a full scalp of hair on top? I didn't think so The beard under your chin can also be helpful for even more grafts to add. Maybe a nice 1000 grafts to go into the crown as fillers! Good luck for now. As I said, you're the a good position at this moment, its up to you to make the right decision. Take all the time you need and if you can meet the clinic in person before going, would be the best thing ever. Video calls are easy if you're abroad but can also be inaccurate. This is permanent surgery not a hair cut
  14. The fact that your beloved Dr. Samuels is another common dermatologist and not a designated hair transplant Doctor is a massive red flag. We are trying to point you in the right direction here I wouldn't even give that Doctor a chance to have a consultation, let alone operate on me. Either way, good luck to you
  15. @George_slee Hair of Istanbul is one of the worst clinics in Turkey. All you have to do is check their Instagram page. It's full of bots and hair mill vibes. I had a procedure with them in 2017 and all they gave me was scarring and thick grafts with wrong incisions. I would advise you to ignore whoever recommends you such places and do your research
  16. Unfornately without preventative medication (Finasteride) you will be Norwood 7 in the next two years. It is important... the progression has gotten so bad that your balding is progressing into your ''safe zone'' in the back. You said you didn't notice improvements with Finasteride? I would give the medication another chance. This is very difficult to appreciate because you are focused on the medication to thicken your hair rather than helping it stabilize and slow down further hair loss. A lot of people who have been on the drug say the real effect takes place between 1 year - 2 year. Some people say 6 months. Regarding hair transplant, you really need to go to someone who can work with both scalp and beard grafts if you are ever going to want to achieve any sort of natural result without being completely disappoint by being over harvested and disappointing coverage. In my opinion you have an optimistic donor area with coarse brown hair, which is great for density. I can see your scalp yielding 2700-3000 grafts from the back and 2000 grafts from the beard under the chin. Do not rush into your decision, you have all the time in the world Good luck
  17. You are going to have to soften the entire area before gently rubbing those all scabs off. Our friend Melvin here has a video explaining exactly how to do it. I've done this myself at day 9-10 actually. Cover the entire scabs with a good softening hair conditioner and leave it up to 40 minutes After go in the shower, and let the water wet your scalp without too much pressure, and then use circular and forward motions with your fingertips to get rid of the scabs. Good luck you can do it
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