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Ryan Daniel

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Everything posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. Looking very youthful brother. Hope you get even more progress in the next 3 to 4 months!
  2. You look so much better than you did and well done for taking the photo outdoors in natural lighting. This is how the world will see you on a daily basis. Massive congratulations to you In 2020 you looked like someone who has a hair transplant, like every guy getting it from Turkey Now in 2022, you look like a man, full of confidence and joy.. and a natural head of hair!
  3. I've seen many clinics in Turkey offering teeth whitening part of their hair transplant package. BIG BIG RED FLAG
  4. When is the earliest that people usually show side affects? I've been taking 1mg oral finasteride for almost 31 days now without side affects. I have felt no difference in my body or my mood yet. Do people show side affects after a few months or what? I know its different for everyone but I would appreciate a general answer for the question Either way, I'm still stuck with the medication. I have a very positive and optimistic attitude about it
  5. They seemed to be harvested way too much in the same area centrally in the safe zone, rather than completely spread out from back side to side If you are happy with the hair you have on top, I would probably consider SMP to finish this off. If you are required more surgery, I would choose carefully the person that you trust with your donor area next time...
  6. Hi, Sometimes when grafts are implanted very deep under the skin by a hair mill that aren't using correct incision lengths, it is very difficult to completely extract them permanently, hence why there is a chance they will grow back. This is quite common
  7. Don't worry, you're fine Was there any bleeding? Either way, nothing can remove your grafts from scalp now. In fact they can't even be removed permanently by manual extraction punch because there is a 70% chance they grow back
  8. 1 MONTH UPDATE Hi again everyone, it's been exactly 1 month today since my hairline repair work, temple point reconstruction and crown restoration procedure with @Eugenix Hair Sciences I have also finished 29 days of Finasteride 1mg a day without any issues, which I am very happy to continue taking daily Heavily shedding.. I believe it started 5 days ago. Mostly during head washing in the shower. I must say recovery has been very easy. The first two weeks were simply keeping everything clean and taking care of the grafts, even if they are secured. I was still careful. Especially going outside, wearing a cap to hide away from the harsh sunlight. I am still using baby shampoo as I feel it is doing a good job gently cleansing the hairs and keeping the scalp from being irritated. Sleeping normally, wetting hair and going out without a problem(with a cap) The first 4 weeks flew by very quickly and now I now find myself waiting for everything to grow evenly since it all looks very patchy! (new transplanted hairs, old transplanted hairs and and my native hairs.. all in one) As the previous transplanted hair continue to grow back, I feel some regret for not removing more of them since some old grafts are visibly thicker or miss angled, however with the new grafts that are transplanted in the first 4 rows it will hopefully camouflage everything. With the crown, I am pleased to see it filled with hair, I have a feeling that it will be the last area to shed and the last area to show full growth. Everyone seems to say that. We shall see. I have pointed out to the clinic that I have shock loss across the left side of my hairline zone, which from my theory is a result from the 30 graft extraction removal that Dr. Pradeep did for me. This is not shedding that happens in the first month after procedure. This is not something that happened yesterday or last week either. This happened the day after the incisions were made.. meaning in the post-op result from day 1 it was visible. I believe it is trauma from what have been done the day before, since grafts may have been planted very deep. When speaking with Anil from the clinic, they were sure that it will be restored.. if not.. it will be addressed accordingly. I will wait a few more days and cut my own hair with a clipper just to clean up a little bit and then continue cutting my hair with a buzzcut after every month update. I just pray it will grow evenly Photos taken standing near a window with natural light (not strong direct sunlight): Thank you to those who follow my journey and show interest. My next update will be for Month 2!
  9. You are correct in saying that Nizoral dries up the hair, but it is excellent to clear out the scalp from any fungus or white flakes Also, you mentioned washing hair twice a day with head and shoulders..... please explain how that is good for hair? Nobody in the world should be washing their hair twice a day. Some people don't even shower twice a day.....
  10. There is a very delicate limit to how close you can implant grafts next to native hair. It is very normal especially when increasing density on scalp and temple points
  11. He didn't put hair where there is existing hair because the clinic doesn't have advanced microscopes
  12. Taking 1mg of Finasteride three or four times a week is perfectly fine
  13. Anybody who doesn't mind spending $35,000 - $50,000 for a procedure, are in safe hands with this doctor. His results are magical
  14. @Chris 23 Hi Chris, I understand that you might think you got overharvested but judging from your photos you seemed to have already a naturally thinned out donor area, meaning that it doesn't have the most amazing density. This can also mean that there is harsh lighting directly on it and since your native hair is on the thinner side it affects the whole image of how it looks. Regarding your procedure and extractions... in my opinion it looks clean and balanced. The punch wholes seems to be the correct size aswell. Please confirm whether you had a previous FUE procedure before?
  15. I've been on oral finasteride for 27 days so far. I take 1mg everyday after dinner time. I haven't noticed any difference in my body yet. Maybe it's too early for me to notice something ? I know it will take at least 6 months to have a strong affect on the hair, but I am not educated enough to say the earliest it can affect someone's body regarding side affects.. I'm sure someone can confirm me with that one
  16. Hi, I used this website for my trip to India for hair transplant, it is a legit website. My visa was granted within 24 hours + letter from the clinic + $80 https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html
  17. Shaving my head was my favorite part of getting a hair transplant. Post op care and recovery is much cleaner and easier
  18. This is a serious repair job! Full respect to Dr. Bisanga and well done 👍
  19. @NARMAK @mkr Good luck to both of you. Speedy recovery and stay optimistic for the journey ahead 💪
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