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Ryan Daniel

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Everything posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. Before you do anything, I hope you understand that might need a 2 session procedure to cover the entire scalp + medication (Finasteride) Judging from the donor area, since its all untouched and dark.. the hair quality seems on the better side of good With the right doctor, you will have a natural and acceptable result
  2. This is a very good result. I like to call it a no nonsense result, because its as natural as natural can be
  3. If I'm being honest, the sun mostly makes redness on the scalp last longer than it should. I would wear a hat until month 3 just to keep everything healing well.
  4. Give finasteride around 6 months to 10 months. If you believe the hair loss has stabilized, you may go ahead and get hair transplantation if you feel comfortable with the desired clinic. I can estimate around 2500 - 3000 grafts from front to back will do the job Don't do it unless you find the right doctor. Please do not trust a hair mill with your donor area, it is more precious than diamonds Your donor area is in excellent condition and you have great temporal points which already frames your face with a youthful forehead. The most important thing is medication Good luck friend
  5. I remember attending a funeral about a month after my procedure. It was the first time in my life that I had a buzz cut. I also wore sunglasses If you don't expect to speak to many many people I wouldn't worry to much as most people won't care to look twice at peoples hair during these unfortunate events However, as our friends above have said I would definitely mix light brown with grey fibers, mix em up in the bottle and sprinkle away. you're fine 😁 I would also tidy around the ears and back of the of the neck line.. any fly away hairs id cut off. making it look like you just have a normal haircut I'm just thinking now... a lot of women wear black hats at funerals! I don't think it's common that men wear hats though..
  6. Looks fantastic John! At day 7 you can predict a rough estimate how your hair will look at 12 months with a buzz cut. Absolute good work!
  7. I would assume 40/50cm/2 is enough to have a good result
  8. Curly or wavy hair tends to give more coverage in results because it covers more area, it creates better illusion of density. It is a known fact and most doctors will tell you. Its the main reason I wanted you to make sure that you have a dense packed procedure, just because of those straight hairs might make the scalp appear easily not only in sunlight but also indoors… with the scalp completely covered evenly, you wont need to worry to much about it.. especially if the result is 100% natural - which you can expect by someone like Eugenix
  9. It’s good to see that you understand the situation. Its a large area to fill out. If you try and make youthful hairlines, you may find yourself needing a 2nd procedure to have it all dense and perfect. Who knows? Maybe you do it one time? nobody knows Our friend @kirkland also had a large empty area to fill out, and since his approach wasn’t to be greedy regarding hairline, he decided to go for a dense packed look. Check his progress, you may find yourself impressed For now, wish you good luck sir
  10. He needs dense packing because its light skin with very dark hair. The contrast maybe give a particular result if not properly dense. Also very straight hair may give a see through appearance, even if grafts are implanted with correct angles
  11. Yasar, Fantastic and long journey brother It seems like the only way to learn and appreciate what a good hair transplantation should be... is to experience getting a terrible one God bless all the people who never need to do this. Research is always KEY I'm sure everyone will look forward to read your post about repair procedure with Eugenix and look at the updated photos
  12. What is your age? I believe any package with Eugenix is guaranteed quality.. (any package is better than an Instagram hair mill) Your hair seems to be on thin and very straight. Your donor area is untouched and seems to be good for what you need I would make sure they dense pack it. As our friends have suggested 3,500 would be absolutely perfect. Keep in mind you are planting grafts on area with 0 hair. Regarding the hairline and temporal points, they are very nice to have and this clinic is great at them. They frame the face and give a natural look overall.. but evaluate your priorities first I'll repeat, make sure they dense pack it... i prefer a higher hairline with tight coverage, down a lower hairline and sparse density. I'm sure you will make the right judgement Whenever your procedure is... we wish you the best of luck sir
  13. I looked like this when i was 19. Hair everyone and hairline was gone. The classic ''receding hairline'' If I was you, I would try and find a doctor who is knowledgeable and prescribe you on medication for 1 year. You will be 27 after that. If the hairloss has stabilized you may have a procedure to fix the front while continuing medication for the near future (or forever) This is what I would do if i could turn back time Good luck sir
  14. @Bandit90 The donor area looks soo so clean! Almost untouched! The beard under the chin looks good too. You are ready for the 2nd session mate haha
  15. It's a very thin scar. You can easily cover it with beard grafts, why not? I would! Also since it's thin you also cover it with Scalp Micro Pigmentation. It's your choice!
  16. @eb21007 I absolutely love how soft and healthy it is growing! You can see all the beautiful singles in the first few rows. Please share all your post op routine with us. It would be appreciated
  17. Please update us, would love to hear from you sir
  18. @MaasterK another result by them… look at that hairline.. if this doesnt convince you, fair play to you because im done Im not going to talk about this clinic anymore. Im not a hateful person and if people are happy with this standard, its their choice..but i want to educate people and save them from doing the mistake i did Enough on this subject. I joined this forum to help people not be hateful towards clinics
  19. @drawdownfxYou don't need to read reviews. All you have to do is look at the work they do. Ridiculous hairlines designs and thick doubles all over the hairline
  20. The page blocked me because i accused them of having thick hairlines and no artistry ''Now Hair Time'' is the leading Instagram hair mill in turkey right now
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