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  1. Do you think its okay to order oral minoxidil over amazon?
  2. Hi Melvin, i dont have access to oral minoxidil in Europe it seems
  3. Hi yall. Decided to repost in this subjects as its better suited here Longtime lurker here and ive decided to make a post in order to maybe get some experience and advice So i noticed that ive lost alot of hair about 2 years ago.(im 26 now) Ive now been on finasteride for 9 months. I cant really tell the difference however ive decided to stay on it. As it looks to be ill most likely be a norwood 4/5 based on the thinning of my hair i think? I have no relatives that has suffered from MBP. For some background i did have an eczema which was treated with steroids. As it is now i have very diffuse thinning on certain areas but in overall its alot thinner. Let me know what you think, would i be a good canidate and are my expectations realistic? For my expectations is literally to just have the illusion/being able to comb back my hair without seeing any scalp Ive looked at the following surgeons De freitas, ferreira, pinto and bisanga However i can not decide which one would be the go to one for me as all of their work is amazing. If any more pictures are needed i would be happy to provide more.
  4. I have no experience with minoxidil. Its just based on my research about it
  5. Yeah indeed. I live in Europe and sadly we do not have minoxidil/rogaine in foam form where i live. I am able to travel. Regarding minoxidil though, it seems like the worse version of finasteride If you stop using it.
  6. Hiya, thanks for your input. Ive tried PRP and I felt it didnt make any difference what so ever. Regarding Rogaine i have always had trouble applying any type of ointment to my scalp as my hair gets very greasy and looks even thinner. Where i live we do not have access to oral minoxidil sadly. Eitherway looks like alot of the surgeons i spoke about have more than a years wait list. So if it looks the same ill probably jump on that train by then
  7. Hi yall. Longtime lurker here and ive decided to make a post in order to maybe get some experience and advice So i noticed that ive lost alot of hair about 2 years ago.(im 26 now) Ive now been on finasteride for 9 months. I cant really tell the difference however ive decided to stay on it. As it looks to be ill most likely be a norwood 5/6 based on the thinning of my hair. I have no relatives that has suffered from MBP. For some background i did have an eczema which was treated with steroids. As it is now i have very diffuse thinning on certain areas but in overall its alot thinner. Let me know what you think, would i be a good canidate and are my expectations realistic? For my expectations is literally to just have the illusion/being able to comb back my hair without seeing any scalp Ive looked at the following surgeons De freitas, ferreira, pinto and bisanga However i can not decide which one would be the go to one for me as all of their work is amazing. If any more pictures are needed i would be happy to provide more.
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