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Cant decide

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Everything posted by Cant decide

  1. Seasonal shedding is VERY real. I went through this two years ago and it ended up coming back thicker than before. Good luck!!
  2. I was a NW 6 and have had had 8000 grafts. Nobody has ever called me out on my transplant. It is totally undetectable.
  3. I love Rahal but posting this result is ridiculous. We all know he is the hairline king. This patient never needed a HT and I would I have turned him away. Nice result but with that many grafts in a tiny area, this is below Rahal's skill set. Post results that show off your talent. This result is nice but does nothing for showing off what you are capable of!!
  4. The density is not poor here. This is a solid result for the number of grafts moved. Again, we are getting spoiled with NW 2-3 patients having the same number of grafts moved. You cannot compare it to this case. Most know that intuitively but based on these comments, I question if we on this board are not starting to expect miracles on NW 5-6 patients. I am starting to think we need a whole new category for NW5-6 patients to avoid the NW 2 stating how "Poor" the density is and how they would not be happy with that density. A NW 2-3 patients results are irrelevant to a NW 5-6 patients results period. The only thing to compare is naturalness as it should be there for both. I was a NW 6 and now I have a decent head of hair but if those 8000 grafts were placed on a NW 3, I would be at a whole different level.
  5. In no way, shape, or form is this a comb over. This is a solid results considering where the patient started and grafts moved. I will say it again, we have gotten spoiled on this website seeing NW 2-3 results after having 3000 grafts. Higher NW level patients present a lot of challenges and cannot be compared to lower NW patients who have an equal number of grafts. This sounds obvious but this is what I see happening.
  6. Go to Dr. Rahal. He charges about $4 per graft FUT and also provides a travel discount.
  7. I am not a big believer of hair potions and gimmicks that are out there but this one looks interesting. Has anyone tried the Theradome yet?
  8. Not entirely accurate. A NW 6 can get a good result provided their expectations are in check, they have a good donor supply, and a good doc. I agree that many a NW 6 should skip the HT route but many can be restored pretty well. I was a NW 6 for what its worth.
  9. Very nice. Can you provide more details on the crown strategy? Was a space left untouched?
  10. I second all that Spanker said. Congrats, it looks great.
  11. Very nice. One more and this guy is golden. Gotta love those NW 5A guys. I would kill for high sides like that. The difference between a 5A and a solid 6 is huge IMO.
  12. I would say 2000 for the front. However, I would not touch the crown. The loss is so minimal. I would treat it with meds and see how it progresses.
  13. Looks good. If I were you, I would hit it again with 1500 grafts but leave about 30-40 sq cm around the center swirl untouched so as to ensure you get a nice density boost all around it and get those side profiles looking good. I would NOT spread the 1500 evenly through out the crown. I am eventually going to hit mine again with 1500 grafts and the above is also what I plan to do along with 200-300 tweaking the temples a bit. By the way, I saw really nice improvement in my crown HT from 9-13 months so I bet you have more to go.
  14. I thought I would give this a bump. In my opinion, this is one of the most well planned and best outcomes I have ever seen. I just love how age, head shape, style, etc. were all taken into consideration here to give an age appropriate, dense, and fashionable result.
  15. Every clinic recommended on here should be required to present at least monthly and a standard approach should be used I agree. I am always amazed at how many clinics post just a few details and then a few random pics. Why not take the time to put a nice standard presentation together?Personally, I like the way the Shapiro brothers do their documentation. Realistic consistent photos and a lot of patient/procedure detail in a standard way. Although they should throw in a video as well. While I agree in photo and video accuracy, I think what some are advocating for is overkill. We don't need to see a million angles, wet post op results, parting the hair in a million places., etc This is essentially making your result look like worst case scenario which is unrealistic in the other direction as this is not how your hair is seen in most cases in every day life. Good solid video and pics should be posted that show the hair not in the most favorable way but also not in the harshest either. A happy medium is required IMO
  16. Thanks Joe. I have an appointment with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa later this month for a follow up to discuss future options. Will you be at the clinic? I would love to buy you a beer
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