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Cant decide

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Everything posted by Cant decide

  1. I am ditching the Avo as well. I think it has had a negative impact on my hair. Will continue with fin though.
  2. Why does it seem that FUE extractions are often taken WAY out of the safe zone? Especially high up on the back of the head so if he has lower crown issues later on, it could be an issue. Here is an example: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?p=2389598#post2389598 Am I seeing this right?
  3. IMO, this patient should have been turned away. Hairline does look nice though.
  4. I agree with all of this Dr but there are quite a few NW 6 that can also have the crown addressed as well. They don't have to live with a bald crown after two ops. Granted, the coverage will not be very dense in the crown but it does not have to be dense provided they have the donor.
  5. So whats the bottom line with Ketoconizole Shampoos? I hear of all these massive sheds and fried hair yet it works well for many. I am thinking of starting Regenepure once a week which contains keto.
  6. Just took another look at you pics. I think your issue is your styling. Try to get a style that allows some shingling at the crown. The way you have it now is far from optimal for illusion of density in the crown.
  7. 3200 should have made a huge difference. Maybe try a different style? Maybe the grafts were not angled optimally for coverage? I have never been a fan of Dr. Charles work. Nice enough guy but does not impress me at all with the work he posts.
  8. Nice result but I think too many grafts were used. He had alot of native hair yet so 4000 would have done the trick. Unless of course he has a VERY favorable family history.
  9. No. It seems that it just axcellerated hairloss since I have been on it and especially the last 3 months. Not really a shed per se.
  10. The hairs are mostly normal caliber. The shedding started about 2 months ago. Any other advice. I may double down and take it 5 days a week instead of 3 or drop it. I am torrn.
  11. I have been on finast for 4 years and started Dut 8 months ago. My hair does seem oily and kind of brittle lately. It is only the native hair that seems to be falling out. I just never saw my hair fall out so fast.
  12. I have been on both Avodart 3days a week for the last 8 months and the rest finasteride. My hairloss has seemed to excellerate quite a bit over the last 2 months. Could the Avodart becausing this?
  13. I personally would not touch that crown. The combover you speak of is very minor and saves you grafts for the future.
  14. Rahal thinks that if I do another it should be FUE and he said I have about 2000 left via FUE. However, who knows, maybe a small strip/FUE combo is the way to go. I would not be doing it for a while anyway.
  15. Thanks guys. I think I have about 1800-2000 left via FUE. Trying to decide when to pull the trigger. The crown looks decent now but another 1500 would put me exactly where I always wanted to be, expand my styling options back there, and allow me to cut my hair somewhat shorter since I need to grow out certain areas of the crown now for added coverage (Not a comb over
  16. The hair is simply too short. Mine would look like that as well if I were to cut it that short. Grow it out and I am sure its a decent result.
  17. Although I know more than I care to about FUT, I must say, I am a FUE novice. Question: If your doing an FUE for the crown, would the doc not extract all 2 and 3s and essentially no ones unless he is using them to create the center swirl? I ask because I have seen crown FUEs where ones are extracted. Why do this when you can pick and choose the FU groupings and 2 and 3s will give better density obviously? Also what is the strategy for where to take the FUE extractions from? It seems random to me. Mickey, anyone??
  18. I am at 7.5 months and things are doing well with my crown growth. Can you comment on any appreciable gains that you observed in your crown HT from 7.5 months to 12 months?
  19. Do you mean a non impressive High NW result like this http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/161678-dr-hasson-8402-grafts-one-session-4-months-4.html
  20. 2000. I could do them now by FUE now but I like to keep them as insurance.
  21. I am perplexed. Have you not all seen the pics I posted with my hair damp, side profiles. top down, etc. I have posted these on separate threads over the years from op#1. I will eventually post clinic pics post op from op # 2 but come on guys give me a break, I have been on Here for years helping you all whenever I can. My pics have been decent and not trying to hide anything. I am just taking quick pics so you all get an idea of my progress. It's stuff like this that makes us " Veterans" feel like just not posting at all.
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