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Everything posted by EvoXOhio

  1. My hair loss has been stabilized, but if I do happen to lose more then I’ll get another transplant. Also a few things wrong with what you said. First off being that the ink for the SMP isn’t darker then my normal hair. I have really dark hair and the ink matches. Second, SMP ink fades, so the color is going to lighten anyway over time. Third, whereas I don’t plan to ever shave my head, the density SMP was done the same as normal head shaved SMP (just lots of little dots). If I did shave my head, I’d just need to go in for 1-2 sessions to blend the scalp/SMP area into the areas below where there is no hair loss (plus I’d need to get SMP on my scar.) I wouldn’t say it’s risky business at all if you go to a professional who knows what they’re doing. Like anything else, if you go to someone unqualified then yes it will be a mess, but if you go to people who know what they’re doing, you’ll get great results.
  2. My scar is pretty pencil thin, and anything below a 4 you can kind of see it.
  3. No, and I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone. I’m also completely covered in tattoos and none of them have caused body hair loss. SMP is placed at a very shallow depth, much higher than where the follicle is. it shouldn’t cause shedding or shock loss.
  4. Permanent. I likely won’t need a touchup for 5-7 years.
  5. My donor looks great, but I also have retrograde alopecia so that limits my safe zone a bit. Mostly just being conservative for now. I asked about how it would look shaved down if I got a density treatment, and he basically said it would look ok but it would need a session or two to blend it in with the surrounding non-balding areas.
  6. I’m not giving it any serious consideration, mostly Because if I do then I’ll tell myself into doing it. I always gravitate towards H&W though whenever I toy with it. My hair looks great and it’s getting long and I don’t want to start all over again with all that. It’s just the hair greed is all. I also want to wait a few years and make sure my hair loss truly is stabilized. I don’t want to lower my hairline and fix my temple points, then in 5-10 years my mid scalp is super thin and I’m out of grafts. my SMP artist was Mike at Hairline Ink.
  7. Thanks, I am super happy about it. Between the HT and the SMP I have the complete illusion of density when my hair is typed correctly. Currently fighting the hair greed demon that wants me to get my hairline lowered and my temple points fixed, but I think I’m not going to worry about that for now.
  8. On the first link the hairline looks ridiculously unnatural, and additionally the picture is so low quality that you can’t zoom in to see how it truly looks. Not even close to flawless. the second one looks better but two issues there. First off you never ever want SMP all the way to a hairline on a density treatment. It will end up looking like the person buzzed their hair all around their hairline. The second issue is again the pictures are so low quality (and also dark) that you can’t see it well. this is one of the worst SMP results I’ve ever seen: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFV-xOKbVH/?utm_medium=copy_link This is a truly awful hairline and the temple points look horrific: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRkDdm-qKyn/?utm_medium=copy_link I’m just trying to help you out man, but it’s your head and your life so I’ll leave you to it.
  9. It could be you didn’t know what to look for, or it could be an outlier and the only good one they’ve done
  10. I’m going to be honest man, their work looks pretty bad. Both the shaved head look and their density stuff looks pretty awful. Most of the “after” pictures have very unnatural looking hairlines, and the pictures are low quality which I suspect is intentional so you can’t see how bad it looks up close. compare it to the place I went and you will see there’s a huge difference: https://instagram.com/hairline_ink?utm_medium=copy_link
  11. Finasteride has CONSIDERABLY reduced my body hair, but my beard seems pretty much the same. I think like everything else, it’s going to be different for each person.
  12. This. Videos are nice but I know I prefer just scrolling through pictures quickly instead of watching a video.
  13. Everyone is different, but I’ve been on finasteride for a few years and I’ve lost a LOT of body hair. My beard hair is just as thick as ever though.
  14. If you check my thread out, you’ll see I got an HT followed by SMP 10 months post op. The HT got me about 80-90% of the density I wanted and the SMP put me over the finish line. Let me know if you have any questions.
  15. This. I thought it was only for people they did surgery on? Or are they selling it to anyone now?
  16. SMP generally needs a touchup every 5-7 years. A touch up is just that though, it’s not entirely doing it all over, so the cost will be much lower. For example where I went it was $2500 to get SMP done over 2 sessions, and touchups cost $700.
  17. Yes. You can shave your head without reversing your HT
  18. I’m confused as to why you’d reverse the surgery. Why not just shave your head? Presumably you’d do that anyway if you hadn’t had the HT and were going bald?
  19. Most people have 0 growth at 3.5 months, so you’re already well ahead of the curve.
  20. Damn you called me David Spade I’m crying now. 😂 I’ve grown out my hair before and there’s definitely a long ugly duckling phase where it just looks terrible. It’s hard to stick with it but I’m going to because it will be worth it, I hope….. I’ve tried almost every product (shampoo, conditioner, leave in, hair styling product, etc.) imaginable for taming course wiry hair, and nothing works. The only thing I’ve seen that may help is a Brazilian blowout or a keratin treatment, but they are expensive and for some people they have adverse results, so I don’t want to risk it. I’ll give the one you posted a try though, can’t hurt.
  21. I’m not sure if that 90s comment makes me feel good or old. 😂 It’s still growing out, I probably have another 6 months to a year before it reaches the length I want. My hair grows relatively fast. I shaved my entire head a year ago exactly, and haven’t cut the top since, and only trimmed the sides and back a bit until the top got longer (I didn’t want a mullet) so it’s grown decently long I’d say My goal is for it to look like Jared Padalecki’s hair in the show Supernatural like in the attached pics. I know mine won’t look as good because my hair is coarse and wiry, I have a five head, I don’t have native density, etc. but hoping for the best.
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