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Everything posted by Richie888

  1. Yeah I would have to agree, it seems a tough enough job as it is doing the transplanting so I would imagine having hair still in place would add to the difficulty.
  2. Evening all From what I have seen from various successful HT's, not only does opting for 'no Shave' leave you with a pointless tuft of hair that cannot be styled, it also costs you more for the pleasure of keeping it?! Surely if you are going in for a procedure you want to see what lurks beneath before you jump head first into a transplant. I did consider this option early on but obviously surgeons are not barbers and there never seems to be much left to be styled! Am I missing something? FYI I am going in to get mine done at the end of this month and as much as I won't suit a shaven head it just seems essential to assess it at the point of surgery. Thanks!
  3. You've made perfect sense to me mate. Thanks for the extra details on your scenario and hopefully it all comes together for you. As stated by the other forum members, the key is to start low and slow and monitor what your body is saying. Double doses doesn't necessarily mean double impact. Test your tolerance, take pictures every month or so and keep a timeline on your phone/computer but above all else don't let it take over your younger years, there's more to life! Good luck
  4. I would not take propecia at 19 years of age. Right now your body is a ball of hormones and playing with chemistry just to save hair follicles is too big a gamble in my opinion. It isn't just a magic pill that saves hair, it could possibly affect any other bodily development and more importantly your mental health which is still maturing. Judging by your questions your knowledge of Finasteride seems limited for someone who is starting it so soon. I would take time out to assess what your current condition is and what is your end goal. Once to commit to meds it's a life long journey of commitment and adjustments and everything else. You've got plenty of time, if you can't wait it out to do more planning than due to aggressive loss than whatever condition your current hair is in is probably not DHT related. Obviously you have not explained your current situation but there could be a multitude of lifestyle factors affecting your hairline. Trust me, take time, assess your hair and loss pattern, maybe speak to proper medical professionals and above all else on start meds if advised and if you are adamant. I hope this helps man and it might seem intense but honestly in the world of hair you're just a puppy and there's a lot of factors to consider.
  5. Hairline looks perfect mate we have all got OCD that's what has brought us here in the first place! As already stated it's the small imperfections that will make it appear more natural to the untrained eye. You're looking at it now in its raw form, when it finally grows to length similar to what you normally have it will be spot on. Design looks like it will tie into your existing hair nicely. Congrats and keep the long-term progress posted.
  6. Brilliant mate I hope it flourishes to your expectations. The main thing is to keep this thread updated each month as a lot of people take the info they need and then never do the most important bit which is show people the grafts develop! It's looks like another great result from Dr Arshad anyway which is good news as I'm going in the end of next month. Good luck over the coming months 👍🏼
  7. Great question, with HT being popular for the last 10-15 years, wheres all the results from the early days. Surely the proofs in the pudding...
  8. Don't ever make decisions based on Google reviews, I nearly made that mistake when I first started my HT research. If you look a lot of them will just have '1 review' next to their name which is always a flag to me. Sure people like to comment if they have had good service but if that's their nature it would be something they do regular and they would have left other reviews for services such as restaurant's etc. Find a Dr who you like then Google them and see what links comes up to other sites/forums etc and see what genuine patient results you can find. You will always find a conversation on a HT doctor if they are actively doing surgery. No info or results = no trust from me. There's plenty of reputable clinics in the countries you've selected with genuine feedback so why take the risk.
  9. Yeah that seems to be an amount he specifies and makes more sense than everyday. Well good luck with the growth and keep the group updated 👍🏼
  10. That's the easy bit out the way, now for 12 months of patience! Glad it went well I'm booked in next month so it's good to see what's being created by Dr Arshad. Do you use fin/min or have you previously?
  11. Congrats on the HT it looks very neat, looking forward to seeing it develop. I too am considering this clinic due to it being UK based and creating some good results. How long was the wait between consult and setting surgery date?
  12. Congrats looks good. What are the farjo clinic charging per graft? I currently trying to figure out if the UK is feasable or to just go somewhere reputable abroad
  13. 6 EUR is the old pricing. It is priced at 4 EUR per graft now as far as I know from my recent communications with them
  14. I've only just joined this forum to start my own journey but I had to comment buddy because that is 10/10. The shape of the sides and temples is going to look perfect once it grows out. Well done you've made a good choice. From what I've seen he's in the upper bracket of expense but I can see why you picked him. Good luck
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