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Everything posted by Richie888

  1. Hello my fellow follicle fighters Firstly thanks to all who provide valuable info on a daily basis. When I started out researching about 2 years ago I was in the naïve mindset of basing everything on price. I had no understanding of who performs what, donors being limited and so on. It was only the fact that my passport needing renewing that delayed me from going to Turkey! Fast forward to now and I am exactly 2 days post op. I have chosen Dr Arshad because he is creating a lot of proven and solid results. For me it was just a lot easier to get my transplant done in the UK due to family and work commitments, the fear of surgery abroad - as I've literally never been in hospital - and the fact that he is one of the few UK clinics charging a reasonable price. Anyway my main concern is the temples which we addressed and also some mid scalp. I am aware that the crown appears to be showing loss but at the minute I intend to start at the front and work back. On the day 2267 follicles was extracted with the breakdown being: Singles-440 Doubles-1121 3/4's-706 A 0.8 punch was used. I won't go over a full breakdown on the day as it's been covered before what what I will say it's ran like a well oiled machine and every one of the staff from the minute you walk in the door to when you leave are excellent. It was in no way a walk in the park and in the end I just wanted to get home but the day is over soon enough. I suffered quite bad swelling on the day which cleared up really well on day 2 with the meds. I'm also spraying saline regularly as directed and the grafts and looking clean. Feel free to ask any questions 😃
  2. He has good results but I can't see what would sway you to him rather than BF IMO. Also UK to Porto is not a bad flight. I've just had mine done at the hair Dr clinic and will be doing a review shortly. I know you have exhausted UK clinics which I did too but they are definitely worth a second look. I would try not to overcomplicate it by choosing too many options. Find a clinic that has results similar to your ideal end result Vs current NW and take it from there.
  3. In all honesty if it doesn't come down to money I would say Bisanga hands down. His hairline designs etc are the best in the business. If money is a factor than I would be on a plane to Porto as you will get an excellent result from Ferreira.
  4. Very wise observation. No hair is guaranteed no matter what we think but accelerated hair loss in that time to me would point to underlying issues.
  5. What date have you took the plunge, is there much of a delay with travel etc?
  6. I hope people appreciate the priceless information I see you dish out on this forum, I doubt the clinic he visited could even give him that explanation. Bravo to you doc
  7. It's the smoking side that's the issue not so much the marijuana. If you can get edibles and feel like you really need to get high then I would go down that road.
  8. Very valid point. The problem with Finasteride is there is no money to be made from doing any research on it as it's unpatented.
  9. Off them stats alone, would it not make sense for someone to bring out a 0.2 pill that would put a lot of people at ease and probably sell a shed load? Seems a missed opportunity to me since cutting up already small pills is a tedious task yet popular. Anyone fancy setting up a factory? Plenty of cheap property about 😀
  10. That's good to hear Doron. Obviously you have had a successful HT, do you use any topical solutions or recommend anything else to patients?
  11. First things first take a step back and, as easy as it is for someone else to say, relax. You will be putting yourself under mega pressure to get aroused which is probably the equivalent of trying to get it up in front of a room full of people! Also porn is not a good way physiologically to assess if you can still get aroused, try do it in a natural environment with your wife/hubby/milkman(delete as applicable). As stated above the dose you have taken over 9 weeks is what people take daily for prostate issues. You can tell from your description that you were already anxious before you took it, just relax man there's no way you have done yourself irreversible damage.
  12. Hi The argument for Fin has probably been raised daily since this website was created! You will/would be in a better position having stabilised you hair loss before undergoing any surgery. There is no doubt about Fin being a saviour for many men's barnets and could possibly prevent any surgery. But here's the thing, if you are decided on getting it done without taking meds afterwards then there is no point in people bombarding you with opinion and making you second guess your decision. You sound like you understand the implications of going ahead without meds and seem happy to undergo more HT's if needed so I would say why not?? It is vital that you choose a good doctor which is already clear from your list, as you want to know how good your donor is for them future transplants. Has your donor been assessed? There may be members who will give an honest opinion of where you are heading from a pic. It's also worth remembering there are people who have had transplants with Fin and still suffered loss, it's unique to each person. I am literally going in for my transplant on Wednesday. I won't be using any meds besides the standard vitamin/biotin/topical treatment. I'm about NW3 and receding gradually. If it all goes tits up as I age I will shave it off and SMP any obvious patches. But why not enjoy life when you are young and image conscious, I would rather make the most of now and roll the dice, then chicken out because I may be bald in my 50/60's. Plus with a bit of luck if there's any progress with science who's to say in 10 years you won't be limited by your donor. Hope this helps mate it's quite a mouthful but I was in the same boat as you and it helps to know other people are there too. I'm 32 and if your hair is one of the main things that bothers you day in day out, like me, then it certainly needs addressing.
  13. I'd be wary of making life changing choices based on Google and yelp reviews which can be easily fluffed. Granted travel is not an easy option right now but I would really take the time to look at screened clinics at home and abroad. If there's doctors in the state's doing it for half the price without any patient based results then you would have to ask yourself why.
  14. I would think after 11 months you should have a rough idea by now if the hair was growing back, is if possible it's just not a gap from poorly placed grafts maybe? Where did you get it done and are you happy to post any pics for the more seasoned members to elaborate on?
  15. P.S I'm a fan of BF and in no way bashing him or how he works, it's just frustrating that his work is trickling through. I think in 24-36 months internationally he will be up there to compete with but for me now and the way everything is shaping up with travel etc I am happy to get it done close to home.
  16. My math is correct, because it suits my situation. If I stay abroad it will be in quality accommodation, I won't be treating it like I'm backpacking my way through a hair transplant. There's all other costs that I will have to factor in besides room, flights, and food. As I said there's parking at the airport, fuel in my car amongst other things. My business will be affected if I'm away from home and also if I have to factor in isolating. Basically I know what I will and won't spend. That's beside the point, I haven't chosen where I am going based on price, it's just happens to be well priced for the UK and an hour's drive from my home. Whilst it's not easy to compare any two doctors as they all have different styles and surgery is not black and white, I am impressed by what the Hair Dr has achieved and the results his clinic is creating. I am hearing great things about Dr Ferreira and believe him to be capable, but until he starts creating a portfolio of clientele of what he is producing for all to see, I don't think you can start ranking him above other doctors. I have followed him for a while now, and he literally posts no results. Does that fill me with the confidence to jump on a plane and undergo surgery in a foreign country to save a couple of quid? Not yet. Rolandas had a great result and I'm sure there's more, but terrible clinics have lucky results. He has his own clinic, staff and uses social media, there is no reason for the lack of documented surgeries he is performing.
  17. Costs for the Hair Dr is £3 per graft. Bruno Ferreira charges €2.50 which is roughly £2.25 so for me: 2000 grafts Bruno £4,500 Vs Hair Dr £6000. So for some people £1500 would be a deal breaker but for me by the time I factor in flights, accom, food, airport parking etc etc it would leave £1k. I'm a slight hypochondriac so it's a small premium to pay for the peace of mind that if anything does go wrong I will be on English soil and going home to my own bed plus Dr Arshad has proven results so for me it's not a compromise. Hope this helps
  18. It's hard to tell with such close up shots, can you take pics at a wider angle and maybe blur your face? I have to say the actual end result is not bad by any means but then you didnt look like you needed it in the first place. The problem with afro hair is you need a doctor who understands how to frame your face properly and regularly puts it into practice. Cinik seems to have a one shape fits all approach.
  19. Are you on Finasteride as well? If so I would make sure its not having an emotional effect on you. If you have been on it a while then maybe not but I would rule it out
  20. Ok buddy it's good to hear a renowned doctor creating a plan for future loss without meds. From what I can see your hair is in good shape currently, and with donor available for filling in at a later date you should be set future loss. Good luck and keep the updates coming 👍🏼
  21. Results are looking really good. Do you intend to carry on without using Finasteride? Do you use any other meds like rogaine etc or will you just go down the good diet and regime path? I only ask because without starting a debate on meds I will be similar to you in the sense that as long as my donor area is good I will carry on without meds and maybe have several future HT's as and when needed.
  22. Yea the density looks fine and if the shape was good it would prob be a good result but they have literally ran a straight line across a round head. It just doesn't tie into his features. At the end of the day its how it makes you feel and by the sound of it he's a happy man although rather him than me 🏃🏼😮
  23. This has just popped up on my news feed. Former X Factor contestant Eoghan Quigg has had a lockdown hair transplant at the Cevre Hospital in Istanbul. I'm no HT expert but this looks horrendous in terms of design, it's almost as if they have placed a bowl on his head and drawn round. You would think he would have enough celeb connections to find a decent place. Has anyone heard of it? Apparently he is now an ambassador.
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