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Everything posted by Curious25

  1. Given you researched your surgeon well beforehand, this should relieve any worries you may have.
  2. He’s a young and knowledgeable guy, and has knocked out some impressive FUT results, but unfortunately having had the grumpy dinosaur that is Feller as his mentor, it’s inevitably left him behind in the dark ages when it comes to his mentality and perception with regards to FUE. Konior in the US or Hasson in Canada are the only North American surgeons who I see regularly putting out good FUE results. If you’re open to it, book a flight to Europe . . Spain or Belgium, to be specific.
  3. For four months this is amongst the strongest of early growers that we have seen in years gone by. Looks like pretty much every graft has popped, and it’s just a case of maturation now. By month 6 you will be back combing your hair, without the need to do anything else - I’ve got an eye for these transformations, so I’ll pop back in 2 months and you can tell me I was right 😉 You’re a well read bloke, so if you were to remove your personal vested interest in this case, and look at it objectively, I think you already know the answer as to what I am going to say. The most impressive thing for me is how far 2000 grafts is looking like it’s going to go for you. Pinto must have some top tier survival rate - most other top rated clinics on here would have gone for a restoration between 2500-3000. Enjoy the journey, you have done, and are doing, everything right.
  4. You did. And the majority will agree with this.
  5. I retract my comments on the straightness - I was focusing on the 11 month frontal shot as this is what had been sent to me and what I had used for reference. Looking over the other pics, there seems to be a more normal shaped ‘curve’ given. I maintain comments about yield, however.
  6. You are, as you yourself already understand, unfortunately a very complicated case. Limited and damaged donor from previous surgeries, combined with poor yielding history and scar tissue in the recipient areas, makes for this to be a very ambitious surgery to take on. Your crown seems to be coming on ok, for the amount of grafts that were transplanted there. It’s still too early to judge your hairline or overall results in general, but I suspect to achieve the density of a hairline you would be satisfied with, from how I have perceived your posts, you will need more than 600 grafts to achieve this. I don’t however think only transplanting 600 to this area was an oversight on behalf of the clinic, as there is a higher likelihood you would t grow as well as what a virgin scalped patient would do - so a small and steady approach is both more responsible, and superior. Keep positive and keep up with the updates , there’s still time for improvement, and you will hopefully have reserves left elsewhere from BHT and maybe scalp, for further surgeries, should you wish to pursue them.
  7. How many grafts were transplanted in your hairline ?
  8. Yes, and people do. Finasteride inhibits Type II 5AR , Dutasteride both Type I and II. Because of the large half life of dutasteride, some take finasteride daily, and dut on a less frequent basis, such as once a week.
  9. Fantastic documentation on your behalf, with such a vast array of very honest photos. I will keep it short, and give my honest feedback. You (fortunately) have a great looking donor region. The first surgery of 3600 grafts for your frontal third, appears to have yielded a less than 80% growth rate in my opinion, which by todays standards, and certainly this clinics standards, is absolutely not acceptable - and I would recommend you taking this up with Dr Bruno, and asking for his evaluation. For a rough guide - have a look at other threads with a similar sized area addressed with similar graft counts, with closely matching hair calibre to yourself. The main thing is - you are happy. If you are happy, then I'm glad. But as a constructive critic to your surgery, my comments still stand.
  10. Very valid concern to have when narrowing down clinics. I am not insinuating in any way, that this is the case with Eugenix - however, those of us who have been around the circuit for a few years will be able to recall numerous clinics that were ‘trending’ in the communities, a combination of some great results and a heavy marketing focus, inevitably leads to an in surge of patients, and unless you adopt the Konior pricing structure, or the Couto style mammoth wait time, volume of surgeries increase, and unfortunately there tends to be a subsequent correlation of poor results that follow. Be a good question to ask when consulting.
  11. Fantastic coverage, and donor management impeccable.
  12. 1. The majority of patients tend to shed some or all of their grafts between 2-4 weeks post op. Some don't shed at all, some shed a little, some shed a lot, some shed early, some shed late. 2. Follow your clinics post op instructions. My clinic required me to wash daily with a johnsons baby shampoo from day 9 - day 30, if I remember correctly. 3. Again, follow your surgeons advice. 2 weeks post op is a fairly common recommendation amongst top clinics. 4. Gym, 2 weeks (after FUE), FUT requires a longer downtime. Sex - personally I'd probably wait 4-5 days post op, to ensure the grafts are anchored.
  13. Who have you chosen? And what is your age/medical regime?
  14. I don't actually think bald george clooney has said anything out of line in this thread tbh, and I don't think trying to bring the patient down was an intention in anyway. I have been on this forum for a long time, and it is certainly the first time I have seen it become a rule that constructive criticism is prohibited on patient's individual journeys, as I can recount hundreds of threads over the years from patients that have visited top surgeons and clinics, where there has been critiques provided by experienced forum members, which have ultimately been of huge aid to both the patient in question themselves, and the thousands of others who are following the thread, and building up their knowledge of hair transplants. Every single one of us here, owe the majority of our knowledge that we have today, through the education this forum and platform provides - and constructive criticism is a key element to this. FWIW with regards to this thread, I think the ratio of grafts used:area covered, has been a fantastic outcome, which is in part to do with the patients native hair calibre (coverage value) - but it without a doubt shows that the yield has been high, which is great - and the main preoccupation we all have when going in for surgery . . will my grafts survive? So big tick in the box for that. Design - I've not read the thread properly, but it was mentioned that OP opted for a conservative approach, so hairline design, and temple point construction etc - falls in line with this. I do think, however, the point made with regards to the hairline 'sparsity' is valid - albeit, perhaps a few more months of maturation may make a slight difference, and this is a critique from a high level observer who knows exactly what to look for. I don't think it will necessarily stand out of the ordinary to the general members of the public, however, personally, as a HT nerd, this would scream HT to me. This can be rectified, and isn't particularly hard to do so (given the donor management has been executed well), and perhaps, isn't required, if OP is happy - then that is what counts, and that is great. My point is - over the top positivity and gas lighting helps no one, in equal measure to that of being openly negative to posters who are brave enough to share their results on a thread, helps no one. BUT I do think, supportive constructive critiquing on results, has its place, and is a very important element to this forum. It is the patients prerogative to take this on board or not, and proceed with however they want to. There are more than enough, fair, and experienced posters on here, who wouldn't allow for unfair or unwarranted comments that undermine a patients' result, or a doctors work - so rather than implementing micro managing policies,such as inflicting 'bans' on anything but positive comments on peoples threads - lets just be fair, supportive, and honest? Theres an active thread on here this evening from someone who is 14 days post op, and clearly has misdirected angles - and I don't see any issues with people pointing this out, and confirming that the angles are misplaced. OP has an ok result here, and if he's happy, so should we all be. The only comments I have read on here that haven't been 'knocked off their feet in awe' comments, are ones that are suggesting what COULD be done, if desired, to take this to the next level.
  15. Reminds me of @Adam87's result from De Freitas, very similar design. You look like you have good hair OP, so be smart with your surgeon choice, and a result not too dissimilar from this photo shop should be achievable.
  16. Any hair follicle that is sensitive to DHT will eventually succumb to its effects. A transplanted hair, is a hair transplanted hair - nothing special or unique about it, the only difference is that it has been extracted from one part of the scalp and redistributed to another area. If that particular hair was due to be affected by DHT at some point, whether in its original or new location, it will miniaturise. So basically - its a guessing game, well, probably better put, its an accurately informed predicting game, as to which hair follicles on your scalp will be the most durable over the course of time. These are the follicles that a surgeon *should* extract. Hope that adds some clarity
  17. Well if that's the case, that's the case. I still find it strange he didn't or hasn't should I say, come back for any further updates past 6 months, given his enthusiasm and activeness for so many years. I understand your point regarding people being happy and then naturally moving on, but I really didn't think that would apply to Paddy, after the interactions we had. All the best to him anyway with his new restaurant.
  18. I disagree - anyone who followed the way he posted and the amount of investment he placed into this forum, knows hands down that he would have stuck around and continued posting and supporting the community, regardless of him getting a stellar result and having the ability to move on and ‘live life normally’. Plus - his first surgery wasn’t designed to be a one job and done surgery, he would have almost certainly required a second or third pass.
  19. Would love to get to the bottom of this one - One of the most active posters online for years, and after tons of input and research, finally has his procedure - starts off a great thread, and never returns? I hope all is well, health wise.
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